.丰田汽车公司的SWOT分析 The Toyota Motor Corporation was incorporated in 1937 and has many strengths being one of the industry leaders in the automotive industry.丰田汽车公司成立于1937年,并已被在汽车行业的许多优势行业领导者之一。 Toyota has three major brands underneath the company umbrella; Toyota, Lexus, and Scion.丰田公司下面有三个伞;主要品牌丰田,雷克萨斯和接穗。 By having these three distinct brands, it lets the company reach many sectors of the globe in a choice of vehicle for customers.通过让这三个不同的品牌,它让该公司达到了车辆的选择,让顾客在全球许多行业。 They produce their vehi