1、焦作大学太极拳招生简章太极拳是中国的国粹,它是综各家拳法之长,结合导引吐纳,融阴阳经络学说,内外双修,身心并 练的内功拳法。适合任何年龄、性别、体型的人练习。经常练习太极拳, 能强身健体,预防疾病,增强免疫力和抗衰老等功效。陈式太极拳以其博大精深的拳术理论、独特的拳术风格、高超的技击效果、 显著的健身功能而在中华武林独树一帜,并越来越多地受到全世界人民欢迎。Tai Chi is the quintessence of Chinese culture. It is a kind of martial art that combines a variety of strong points of
2、other forms of Kong Fu. It puts together all Chinese traditional theories such as expiration and inspiration, Yin and Yang, cultivate internally and externally. Tai Chi is suitable for all ages and all gender. By practicing Tai Chi regularly, one can build up his or her body, prevent illnesses, enha
3、nce immunity and postpone aging. Among all genres of Tai Chi, Chen Tai Chi is welcomed by more and more people in the world for its profound theory system, unique style, excellent combat effect and significant effect for body-building.焦作大学太极武术学院著名拳师任天麟是陈家沟陈式太极拳第十二代传人。是著名陈氏太极拳大师王西安嫡传弟子,武术七段,首批焦作市太极拳物
4、质文化遗产传承人,全国武术太极拳锦标赛男子陈氏太极拳第一名,2013 年全国首届武术国考国标奖第二名,著有太极拳四个系列推广套路等著作。Master Ren Tianlin is the heir of the 12th generation. Now he teaches at School of Tai Chi in Jiaozuo University. He is the direct disciple of the world-renown Tai Chi master Wang Xian. Master Ren is one of the first inheritors of m
5、aterial and cultural heritage. He was the champion of National Chen Tai Chi Campaign, the second place of National Standard Competition and has written plenty of books about the practice of Tai Chi as well as its theory.适合外国朋友短期学习且英语授课的项目:1、 短期班:三个月陈氏太极拳 26 式、陈氏太极剑 29 式、汉语学习、文化餐饮课程。2、半年班:六个月陈氏太极拳 46
6、 式国标竞赛推广套路。汉语学习、文化餐饮课程。以上两个项目每月一次外出旅游观光,如少林寺、云台山等。English speaking short term programs:1. Short term course: 3 months.Chen Tai Chi 26 style, Chen Tai Chi sword 29 style, Chinese language and culture.2. Half-a-year course: 6 monthsNational standard Chen Tai Chi 46 style, Chinese language and culture.
7、A monthly trip to tourists attractions like Yuntai Mountain, Shaolin Temple is included in the tuition.报名条件及手续: 1、报名条件年龄满 18 岁以上,身体健康,无犯罪记录,尊重中国法律和学校规章制度的境外公民,均可申请报名。2、报名手续凡有意来我校学拳者,必须认真填写焦作大学学生入学申请书,寄(传)我校留学生工作办公室。申 请 获 准 后 ,我 校 将 寄 发 入 学 通 知 书 和 留 学 生 来 华 签 证 申 请 表 (jw202 表 )。申请者须持上述两种文件,到就近的领事馆办理
8、有关手续(X 签证)。Requirements and procedures1. Requirement: Older than 18. Physically fit. No records of crime Willing to obey Chinese law and regulations of the school.2. Procedures:To sign up for the program you have to fill up the application form of Jiaozuo University and mail or fax it to the interna
9、tional office. Once your application is proved, we will send you offer and visa applications form (Form 202). With them, you could apply for visa to China (X visa).学费:12000 元 RMB/六个月 8000 元 RMB/三个月住宿费:每天每间 100 元 RMB(建议两人住一间降低费用)住宿、旅游、体检、签证 手续需自付。自理费用:签证居留许可 (1 年) 450 元 RMB体 检 500 元 RMB 意外保险 200 元 RM
10、B 书 费 400 元 RMB 学校地址:河南省焦作市工业路东段 458 号咨询电话:0391 2985900 0391-2985966网 站:http:/ 12,000 RMB for 6 months8,000 RMB for 3 months.Accommodation: 100 RMB/day (You are advised to share the rent with another room mate.)Fees for hotel, travel, physical check-up, visa are not included in the tuition.Other fees that are not included in the tuition (in RMB): Visa residence permit: 450 Physical check-up: 500 Insurance: 200 Books:400Address: #458, Gongye Road, Jiaozuo, Henan, China.Tel:03912985900 0391-2985966Web:http:/