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1、材料科学与工程学科博士研究生培养方案(学科代码:0805,授工学博士学位)(本方案适用于硕士起点攻读博士学位研究生)Doctor Program in Materials Science and EngineeringSpecialty Code: 0805(The program is suitable for graduate students to pursue doctoral degree.)一、培养目标.Objective本专业培养目标为能从事材料科学与工程科学研究、教学或工程技术与工程管理工作,并具有创新精神的高级专门人才,具体要求为:The major is to train

2、senior specialized talent skilled in a variety of research, teaching and engineering technology and management engineering in material science and engineering, and be innovative in all those fields. The program would require the postgraduate students to be able to: 1.努力学习和掌握马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义

3、理论,坚持党的基本路线,热爱祖国、遵纪守法,具有良好的职业道德、团结合作精神和坚持真理的科学品质,积极为社会主义现代化建设服务。To study hard and master Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought and Deng Xiaopings theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Adhere to the basic line of the party, Love the motherland, observe law and discipline, have goo

4、d occupation morals. The spirit of unity and cooperation, and the scientific quality of truth, to actively serve the socialist modernization construction2. 在本学科领域掌握坚实宽广的基础理论和系统深入的专门知识,熟悉本专业的学科前沿动态,掌握两门外语,能熟练阅读本专业外文资料,能熟练使用一种外语撰写学位论文,并具有良好的外语听说能力以及进行国际学术交流的能力。具有独立从事科学研究工作的能力,在科学或专门技术上取得创造性成果。Be skill

5、ed in the basic theory、 basic experiment skill and systematic professional knowledge of ones own field, know the dynamics of cutting-edge professional disciplines. Master two foreign languages, can skillfully read professional foreign language materials, use a foreign language to write papers and ha

6、ve good English listening and speaking ability and international academic exchange ability. Have the ability to undertake independent scientific research, can make innovative achievements in the discipline or specific technology.3. 积极参加体育锻炼和社会活动,具有良好的心理素质和健康的体魄。Actively participate in physical exerc

7、ise and social activities, with good quality and the mental health.二、研究方向.Research Orientation1. 生态建筑材料 4. 新型功能材料与器件2. 先进复合材料 5. 环境材料3. 新能源材料与器件 6. 生物医学材料Ecological building materials Novel functional materials and devices Advanced composite materials Environmental materialsNew energy materials and

8、devices Biomedical materials三、 学制、学习年限及学分要求.Length of Schooling and Credits硕士起点的全日制博士研究生学制为 3 年,学习年限一般为 34 年,最长不超过 6 年。实行学分制,总学分16 学分,其中课程学分12 学分(公共学位课程学分6 学分,专业学位课程4学分,选修课程2 学分) ,必修环节 4 学分。The educational systme for a Ph.D. candidate with a masters degree is three years and the study period lasts g

9、enerally three to four years, no more than six years. Credit system is implemented. Credits for Ph.D. candidate should be more than or equal to 16 credits,among which at least 12 credits are from courses. Public degree courses credits should be greater than or equal to6 credits; Professional Degree

10、Course credits should be greater than or equal to 4 credits, Elective credits should be greater than or equal to 2 credits; Compulsory courses credits are 4.四、 课程设置.Course Description课程类别Type课程编号Course No.课程名称Name学时Hours学分Credits开课学期Term开课单位Offered By备注Notes01811033-037第一外国语(英、日、法、德、俄语)First Foreign

11、 Language72 4 1 外国语学院公共学位课Public Course 02111008中国马克思主义与当代Chinese Marxism and the Contemporary Era36 2 1 马克思主义学院必选00111001材料科学前沿Frontiers in Materials Science and Technology36 2 1 材料学院 必选00111002生态建筑材料Eco-System Building Materials36 2 200111003高分子材料物理与化学Polymer Materials Physics and Chemistry36 2 20

12、0111004高等复合材料学Advanced Composite Materials36 2 200111005 生物医学材料学Biomaterials 36 2 200111006材料加工新技术Advanced Processing Technology of Materials36 2 200111007 材料设计原理Principles of Material Design 36 2 200111008 功能材料学Functional Materials 36 2 200111009新能源材料进展Progress of New Energy Materials36 2 200111010

13、材料加工过程模拟的数学物理方法The Mathematical and Physical Method for Materials Processing Simulation36 2 2专业学位课Specialized Course00111011智能材料与结构Intelligent Materials and Structure36 2 2材料学院及相关单位任选选修课01813001-004第二外国语(法、日、德、俄语) 72 4外国语学院 任选课程类别Type课程编号Course No.课程名称Name学时Hours学分Credits开课学期Term开课单位Offered By备注Note

14、sSecond Foreign Language02112101马克思主义经典著作选读Readings of Classical Marxist Manuscript18 1 马克思主义学院00112001高等胶凝材料学Advanced Cementitious Materials Science36 2 200112002高等陶瓷材料学Introduction to Advanced Ceramics36 2 200112003玻璃非晶态科学进展Progress in Glass and Non-crystalline Materials36 2 200112004高分子材料合成与制备Syn

15、thesis and Preparation of Polymer Materials36 2 200112005聚合物结构与性能设计Design of Polymer Structure and Property36 2 200112006高分子材料表征Analysis of Polymeric Materials36 2 200112007高等复合材料力学Advanced Composite Mechanics36 2 200112008复合材料界面Interface and Design of Composites36 2 200112009 功能复合材料Functional Compo

16、sites 36 2 200112010生物医学工程学Biomedical Engineering Science36 2 200112012高等生物无机化学Advanced Bioinorganic Chemistry36 2 200112013模具新材料及先进制备技术New Material in Molding Tool and Advanced Technique of Molding Tool Making36 2 200112014材料加工过程的智能化技术Intelligent Technology for Materials Processing36 2 200112015材料加

17、工 CAE/CAD/CAMMaterial Processing CAE/CAD/CAM36 2 200112016材料结构与性能Structures and Properties of Materials36 2 2Optional Course00112017 微电子学 36 2 2材料学院及相关单位课程类别Type课程编号Course No.课程名称Name学时Hours学分Credits开课学期Term开课单位Offered By备注NotesMicroelectronics00112018半导体器件技术Semiconductor Device Technology36 2 20011

18、2019 高等电化学Advanced Electrochemistry 36 2 200112020薄膜材料与技术Thin Film Material and its Preparation Technology36 2 200112021纳米材料科学与技术Nanostructured Materials Science and Technology36 2 200112022 高等固体物理学Solid State Physics 36 2 200112023先进水泥基复合材料Advanced Cement-Based Materials36 2 200112024 科技论文写作Writing

19、 of Research Paper 18 1 200114001 材料学院博士研究生实践环节 200114002 材料学院博士研究生选题报告及中期考核 1必修环节Compul-sory Activi-ties00114003 材料学院博士研究生学术活动 1材料学院说明:1. 专业选修课可在全校范围内任选 12 学分;2. 若在硕士研究生阶段没有修过第二外国语,则在博士阶段必须选修第二外国语。Notes:1. Optionally 1-2 elective course credits within the university.2. If the candidate did not atte

20、nd any second foreign language class during graduate study, he must elect a second foreign language at the doctoral phase.五、必修环节. Compulsory Activities 1.实践环节 2 学分。要求博士研究生模拟完成一篇省(市)级及以上自然科学基金等纵向项目的申请书及 30 分钟汇报 PPT,经指导教师检查、评阅后,合格者记 2 学分。Two credits for internship or practice. Candidates are required

21、to stimulate a provincial (city) level and a natural (social) science fund project application and 30 minutes presentation. After inspected and reviewed by the supervisor (Group), those who passed will get two credits.2.学术活动 1 学分。要求每个博士研究生应公开做学术报告至少 5 次,参加学术报告至少 10次,且每次参加学术活动必须写出 500 字以上的心得。经指导教师检查、

22、审核,完成者记必修环节1 学分。One credit for academic activities. In order to encourage candidates to take concern and understand the state of art at home and abroad, broaden their horizons and inspire their creativity, each candidate should make public academic report at least five times, attend academic reports

23、 at least 10 times, and write 500 words or more each time after participating in academic activities. After examination by the supervisor (Group), those who complete it will get 1 credit of compulsory courses.3.选题报告及中期考核 1 学分。博士研究生入学后,应在导师指导下明确科学研究方向,查阅国内外相关文献,进行广泛的调查研究,提出学位论文选题报告申请,公开选题报告答辩时间、地点及答辩

24、委员,进行选题报告答辩,经审核后确定研究课题。选题报告通过后,记 1 个必修环节学分。学院每年受理二次博士研究生学位论文选题申请(3 月下旬、10 月下旬) 。选题申请未通过者,不能开题,并且必须进行第二次选题答辩。博士研究生必须参加学校组织的中期考核。选题报告和中期考核的具体要求,按照研究生手册“研究生中期考核与选题管理办法”执行。One credit for thesis proposal and interim assessment. Under the guidance of supervisors, candidates should pinpoint their research

25、areas, look up relevant literature at home and abroad, conduct extensive investigations and make report on the selection of dissertation. Open dissertation defense time, place and committee members, conduct topic report defense. After examination, the research topic will be definite. After passing t

26、hesis proposal defense, the candidate will get one credit. The college accept two times of doctoral thesis topic application every year (late March and late October). If the proposal is not approved, thesis work is not qualified. And the second thesis topic defense must be conducted. Ph.D candidates

27、 must participate in the medium-term assessment. Specific requirements for the report on topics selection of the dissertation and interim assessment shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions in graduate students manual.六、科研与论文.Research and Papers1. 博士研究生学位论文选题后,应分阶段进行论文工作总结,撰写阶

28、段性工作报告。After the thesis topic selection,Ph.D. candidates should periodical summaries and stage work reports shall be written.2. 博士学位论文选题报告自学院备案之日起至少 12 个月后方可申请学位论文答辩。Ph.D. candidate must submit the thesis proposal at least 12 mouths before the thesis defense。3博士研究生申请学位必须达到研究生手册“武汉理工大学研究生申请学位发表学术论文的规

29、定”的第四章第十二条的要求。Ph.D candidates apply for degree must achieve the requirements of the chapter IV, article 12 from the publication in the graduates manual “Graduate students publish academic papers in order to apply for degree in WHUT”.4、博士学位论文必须通过“学位论文学术不端行为检测系统(TMLC2) ”检测,达到校学位评定委员会对学位论文的要求方可答辩。Candi

30、dates applying for the degree must meet the relevant requirements of publication in the graduates manual. Dissertation must pass the test by TMLC2 and reach the requirements of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee for dissertation before the defense.七、培养方式与方法 .Educational Measures1. 博士生的培养采取导师负责

31、制或以导师为主的指导小组指导方法。Tutor or tutor-based instruction group is the mode of cultivation.2. 导师应根据培养方案的要求和因材施教的原则,从研究生具体情况出发制订研究生培养计划,加强研究生的科研能力、自学能力、动手能力、表达能力和写作能力的训练和培养。Supervisor should according to the requirements of the training program and the principle of individualized to work out the students tra

32、ining plan, meanwhile they should consider every graduate students specific situation. Strengthen graduate student scientific research ability, self-learning ability, practice ability, expression ability and the writing ability training and cultivation.八、其他.Others1. 提前攻读博士学位的博士研究生在修完本专业硕士研究生培养方案规定的课

33、程后按照硕士起点的博士研究生培养方案培养。Ph.D. candidates who were enrolled ahead of schedule shall be trained as students starting from graduates under the program.2. 博士研究生开题前须修满学位课程的学分,允许研究生开题后根据论文研究需要选修部分其他课程,申请答辩前修完全部课程即可。Before thesis proposal, Ph.D. candidates are required to pass all the degree courses and get t

34、he credits before thesis proposal. Students are allowed to take some of the other elective courses according to the dissertation after thesis proposal. All the courses shall be completed before the application of dissertation defense.3. 博士研究生应查阅本学科国内外文献 80 篇以上,其中外文文献不少于三分之一。Each discipline shall mak

35、e specific regulations and requirements in the amount of literature to be read for the students during the study period. Science and Engineering candidates should review more than 80 pieces of literature at home and abroad (100 for candidates of other disciplines), in which foreign literature shall

36、be no less than one third.4. 博士研究生在课程学习阶段至少每月 1 次、论文工作阶段至少每月 2 次向指导教师汇报自己的学习和研究工作情况,并形成制度。Ph.D. candidates shall report their own learning and research work to the supervisor at least once a month at the course learning stage, and at least twice a month during the paper sessions, which shall be inst

37、itutionalized and clearly clarified in the programs.5. 本培养方案从 2016 级博士研究生开始执行。This program will be employed from 2016.材料科学与工程学科博士研究生培养方案(学科代码:0805,授工学博士学位)(本方案适用于本科起点攻读博士学位研究生)Doctor Program in Materials Science and EngineeringSpecialty Code:0805(The program is suitable for undergraduate students to

38、 pursue doctoral degree.)一、 培养目标.Objective本专业培养目标为能从事材料科学与工程科学研究、教学或工程技术与工程管理工作,并具有创新精神的高级专门人才,具体要求为:The major is to cultivate the senior specialized talent skilled in a variety of research、teaching and engineering technology and management engineering in material science and engineering ,and be inn

39、ovative in all those fields. As proposed, this program would require the postgraduate students to be able to: 1.努力学习和掌握马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论,坚持党的基本路线,热爱祖国、遵纪守法,具有良好的职业道德、团结合作精神和坚持真理的科学品质,积极为社会主义现代化建设服务。To study hard and master Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought and Deng Xiaopings theory of b

40、uilding socialism with Chinese characteristics. Adhere to the basic line of the party, Love the motherland, observe law and discipline, have good occupation morals. The spirit of unity and cooperation, and the scientific quality of truth, to actively serve the socialist modernization construction.2.

41、 在本学科领域掌握坚实宽广的基础理论和系统深入的专门知识,熟悉本专业的学科前沿动态,掌握两门外语,能熟练阅读本专业外文资料,能熟练使用一种外语撰写学位论文,并具有良好的外语听说能力以及进行国际学术交流的能力。具有独立从事科学研究工作的能力,在科学或专门技术上取得创造性成果。Be skilled in the basic theory、 basic experiment skill and systematic professional knowledge of ones own field, know the dynamics of cutting-edge professional disc

42、iplines. Master two foreign languages, can skillfully read professional foreign language materials, use a foreign language to write papers and have good English listening and speaking ability and international academic exchange ability. Have the ability to undertake independent scientific research ,

43、can make innovative achievements in the discipline or specific technology.3. 积极参加体育锻炼和社会活动,具有良好的心理素质和健康的体魄。Actively participate in physical exercise and social activities, with good quality and the mental health.二、研究方向.Research Orientation1. 生态建筑材料 4. 新型功能材料与器件2. 先进复合材料 5. 环境材料3. 新能源材料与器件 6. 生物医学材料E

44、cological building materials Novel functional materials and devices Advanced composite materials Environmental materialsNew energy materials and devices Biomedical materials三 、学制、学习年限与学分要求.Length of Schooling and Credits本科起点攻读博士学位研究生学制为 5 年,学习年限一般为 56 年,最长不超过 7 年。实行学分制,总学分38 学分,其中课程学分34 学分(公共学位课程总学分

45、12 学分,专业学位课程总学分14 学分,选修课程总学分8 学分) ,必修环节 4 学分。The educational system for who starts directly from undergraduate is five years and the study period is generally five to six years, a maximum of seven years.we implement credit system,Credits for Ph.D. candidate should be greater than or equal to 38 cred

46、its,among which at least 34 credits are from courses.(Public degree courses credits should be greater than or equal to 12 credits, Professional Degree Course credits should be greater than or equal to 14 credits, Elective credits should be greater than or equal to 8 credits), Compulsory courses cred

47、its are 4.四、 课程设置.Course Description课程类别Type课程编号Course No.课程名称Name学时Hours学分Credits开课学期Term开课单位Offered By备注Notes01811033-037第一外国语(英、日、法、德、俄语)First Foreign Language108 6 1、2 外国语学 院02111008中国马克思主义与当代Chinese Marxism and the Contemporary Era36 2 1 马克思主 义学院必选01421061 数学物理方程Methods of Mathematical Physics

48、36 2 1 理学院01421062 矩阵论 Matrix Theory 36 2 1 理学院01421063 应用数理统计Applied Mathematical Statistics 36 2 1 理学院01421064 随机过程 Stochastic Processes 36 2 2 理学院01421065 数值计算Numerical Computation 36 2 2 理学院公共学位课Public Course01421066 数学模型 Mathematic Model 36 2 2 理学院任选2 门专业学 00111001材料科学前沿Frontiers in Materials S

49、cience and 36 2 1 材料学院 必选课程类别Type课程编号Course No.课程名称Name学时Hours学分Credits开课学期Term开课单位Offered By备注NotesTechnology00111002 生态建筑材料Eco-System Building Materials 36 2 200111003高分子材料物理与化学Polymer Materials Physics and Chemistry36 2 200111004 高等复合材料学Advanced Composite Materials 36 2 200111005 生物医学材料学Biomaterials 36 2 200111006材料加工新技术Advanced Processing Technology of Materials36 2 200111007 材料设计原理Principles of Material Design 36 2 200111008 功能材料学Functional Materials 36 2 200111009 新能源材料进展Progress of New Energy Materials 36 2 200111010材料加工过程模拟的数学物理方法


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