1、1汉译英实训教程教师参考书第一章 翻译概论课时安排建议用一个课时精炼地讲述第一章两节的内容;用一个课时组织课堂讨论。讨论前,可先用抽查的方式提问下列问题:1. 翻译的定义是什么?2. 汉译英八字标准是什么?3. 初学翻译的人应该达到什么样的基本要求?4. 本书为什么倡导精读英语经典短文百篇、英语时文百篇、英语小说 10 部、汉语经典古文观止 、唐诗宋词、中国四大名著以及尽量多做英汉互译的实际操练?课堂讨论参考答案一、按照本书给出的定义,翻译包含信息沟通和文化交流,试判断下列句子的译文包含几个层次?1信息沟通 2信息沟通+文化交流 3. 信息沟通 4. 信息沟通+文化交流 二、请以汉译英的八字标
2、准评论下列译文:1汉语的“有名地 ”正面意义与英语的 “famously”对应;而其负面意义则与“notoriously”(臭名昭著地)相对应。译文没有体现出其中的细微差别。 2译文只译出词语的表层含义,以至于 native speakers of English 可能会一头雾水。改译:There is lack of food and clothing security in this remote area so far./Absence of food and clothing security is still felt in this remote area./This remote
3、 area is still shy of food and clothing security./People in this remote area still cannot have access to sufficient supplies of food and clothing.23译文句式松散,信息的主、次层次不分明,没有体现出英语的句法美。试改译:He sat quietly smoking in the dark corner by the wall, his head bent and his face expressionless.4分析同 3,可改译为:She can
4、serve as our tourist guide because she knows her way around as a native of Beijing for many years.5没有正确理解原文,被“坐 11 路” 这个假朋友欺骗了。而译成: “乘 11 路公共汽车”,从而更加误导了译入语读者。其实后面的“ 走着去”就表明了“坐 11路”是步行的意思。 “坐 11 路”是北方的一个方言,意思为“步行” (两条腿的“11”的象形) 。改译为:He had to go to school on foot (or: on horse of ten toes) because hi
5、s bicycle was on the blink. Time allowed him to arrive before class began.课堂教学备用句子1. 往事不堪回首。他们见面时空气凝重,大家心照不宣。It was unbearable to recall the past events. When they met, the air was heavy with unspoken knowledge.2. 尽管许许多多“有头脑、有修养的人”对这位大名鼎鼎的经济学家的观点深信不疑,但也有不少人持反对意见。年轻的宋先生就是其中之一,也许是初生牛犊不怕虎吧。While a grea
6、t many “intelligent and cultivated persons“ undoubtedly agree with this celebrated economist, many others do not. Mr. Song, a young man, is a case in point probably as the saying goes, “a newborn calf makes little of tigers.” 3. 这个乞丐正躺在湖边的树荫下睡觉。他当下一点儿也不饿,还要再过几个小时才会感到饿,到时候垃圾箱里自会有人家扔掉的东西。The beggar is
7、 sleeping under the shadow of a tree near the lake bank. He is not hungry at the moment. It will be a few hours before he begins to feel hungry and then there will be the throwaway stuff in the bins.4. 事情更加有趣的是,这两个人也是情敌。The situation has an added piquancy since the two men are also rivals in love.3课
8、外作业参考译文请把下列句子译成汉语:1. 我提着手提箱,跑不动了。I was too encumbered by suitcases to run.2. 当下有许多名人喜欢为公司的新产品作广告。Nowadays there are many celebrities who tend to endorse the new products of companies.3. 2009 年,她在世界运动会上赢得三枚金牌,并作为优秀学员从一所名校毕业。In 2009, she won three gold medals at the World Games, and she graduated from
9、 a prestigious university as a deans list scholar.4天空乌云翻滚,远处开始响起隆隆的雷声。突然,第一道闪电刺向大地,这是老天画的惊叹号:暴风雨来了!The sky is really clouding over, and thunder begins to grumble in the distance. All of a sudden, the first bolt of lightning stabs the earth. It is heavens exclamation point. The storm is here!5. 我沿着海滩
10、漫步,海浪轻轻抚揉着我的双脚,此时此刻我蓦然觉得自己与整个宇宙融为了一体,尽管我微不足道,就像海滩上的一粒沙子。As I walked along the beach feeling the gentle waves wash over my feet, I felt part of the universe, even if only a minuscule one, like a grain of sand on the beach.第二章 汉译英方法系统论4课时安排建议用三个课时完成第二章的教学:第一个课时讲解;第二个课时组织课堂讨论;第三个课时小测试(25 分钟做题、20 分钟讲评、然
11、后给出参考译文)在展开课堂讨论之前,请抽查提问:什么是“直译” 、 “意译” 、 “异化” “归化”?为什么翻译方法论应是一个开放的、兼容的系统?课堂讨论参考答案 一、请判断下面的译文使用的是什么方法 1直译 2. 意译 3. 意译 4. 异化 5. 异化 6. 句法归化二、 请判断下列两种译文的优劣1. B 优 A 劣,A 译句法松散,且有中式英语,如“why did I enter into Autumn?”2. A 优 B 劣,B 译把 “不到黄河心不死”作异化处理,但没有作任何注解。中国读者有也可能会问:“ 不到黄河心不死 ”是否是用典?涉及到何人?何事?外国读者对这样的异化译法更摸不
12、到头脑。3. A 优 B 劣,B 译沿原文外壳亦步亦趋,句法散,表达不到位。而且有中式英语,如:“slow down the city peoples steps.”4. A 劣 B 优,A 译未能把原文的主要信息凸显出来。5. A 劣 B 优,A 译句法太松散,破坏了英语的句法美。6. A 优,B 译得太松散课堂教学备用短文五年前,我买了一双金色高筒球鞋(high-top sneaker) ,当年最顶级款式之一,打折后(after discount)是 4,000 港元(约合人民币 3,278) ,店员刷卡(to proceedswipe a credit card)时“咔嚓”一声,犹如一刀
13、直插心脏,那种淌血之5痛,至今仍隐隐在心。而五年后的今天,我又看上了一双同一品牌的蓝色丝绒球鞋,定价 8,800 港元(约合人民币 7,212 元) 。才五年时间啊,工资没有涨一倍,但球鞋价格却翻番暴涨,这是为什么呀?究竟是男装疯了,还是世界疯了?提示:1. 当年最顶级款式之一,打折后(after discount)是 4,000 港元(约合人民币3,278) ,店员刷卡(to proceedswipe a credit card)时“咔嚓”一声,犹如一刀直插心脏,那种淌血之痛,至今仍隐隐在心。 (译“店员”时,要把其中的转折语气译出来。 “至今仍隐隐在心”不宜译其表层意义,那样在用词上可能会
14、与前面的“淌血之痛”重复。 )2. 究竟是男装疯了,还是世界疯了?(这里的“男装”应译得抽象一些,如可以译为“mens fashion”。 )参考译文:I bought a pair of high-top sneakers five years ago. At the time, they were among the top designs of the year. They were priced at around HK$4,000 after discount (approximately RMB 3,278 yuan), but when the shop assistant pr
15、ocessed my credit card, the “cha-chik” sound was like a stab in the heart and a permanent reminder to this day. Five years later today, I saw a pair of blue silk sneakers of the same brand priced at HK$8,800(RMB 7,212). Just within five years, the price of sneakers has doubled but our salaries have
16、not. Has mens fashion gone mad or is the world insane?课外作业参考译文把下列短文译成英语:1.北京宣言自通过以来其重要性持久不衰。千年发展目标的第三个目标实现男女平等并赋予妇女权能对其他几个目标都极为重要。如果妇女被剥夺完善自我、完善社会的机会,则人人皆输。值此国际妇女节之际,让我们认真反思过去 15 年所取得的成就,发现成绩,改正不足。让我们重新下定决心,努力建设一个人人权利平等、机会均等、共享进步的美好未来!The Beijing Declaration remains as relevant today as when it was
17、adopted. The 6Third Millennium Development Goal to achieve gender equality and womens empowerment is central to all the rest. When women are denied the opportunity to better themselves and their societies, are all lose. On this International Womens Day, let us look critically at the achievements of
18、the past 15 years so we can build on what has worked and correct what has not. Let us work with renewed determination for a future if equal rights, equal opportunities and progress for all. 2. 读书钻研学问,当然得下苦功夫。为应考试,为写论文,为求学位,大概都得苦读。陶渊明好读书,如果他生于当今之世,要去考大学,或考研究院,或者什么“托福儿” ,难免会有些困难吧。Reading and studying
19、regularly calls for a painstaking effort, whether it is meant for passing an exam, writing a thesis or pursuing an academic degree. Tao Yuanming, a famous scholar in the Jin Dynasty, who doted on reading, might probably feel baffled if he were living today and had to take exams for getting into univ
20、ersities or graduate programs or to score well in such tests as the TOEFL. (史志康执笔)第三章 汉译英理念的五大路标7课时安排建议用三个课时完成第二章的教学:第一个课时讲解;第二个课时组织课堂讨论;第三个课时小测试(25 分钟做题、20 分钟讲评、然后给出参考译文)在展开课堂讨论之前,请抽查提问:汉译英理念的五大路标是什么? 课堂讨论参考答案一、 请讨论下列译文的理念路标:1. 从汉语粗放的句法转向英语严密的句法2. 从汉语的动态语势转向英语的静态语势3从汉语内敛的表达转向英语彰显逻辑关系4从汉语的主动语势转向英语的被
21、动语势5从汉语的信息平推转向英语的主、次分明二、 请判断下面两种译文的优劣1A 优 B 劣,A 译得太松散。2B 优 A 劣,A 没有凸显英语的逻辑关系。3B 优 A 劣, A 没有体现出英语的静态。4A 优 B 劣,B 没有凸显英语的逻辑关系。5B 优 A 劣, A 没有体现出英语善用被动的习惯。6B 优 A 劣,A 没有凸显英语信息主、次分明。课堂教学备用短文继 2012 年 4 月在上海车展全球首发式后,雪佛兰推出的全新款式“迈瑞宝”轿车将在全球六大洲约 100 个国家和地区上市销售。此全新车款,外观造型的设计灵感源于雪佛兰经典跑车,体现了一种奇妙的力感和潇洒的运动风采。此外,它操作简便
22、、环保节能,内有经典飞梁式双座舱设计,驾驶起来舒适惬意,是中档轿车的新生代。提示:1. 此全新车款,外观造型的设计灵感源于雪佛兰经典跑车,体现了一种奇妙的力感和潇洒的运动风采。8(译这一句时最好把“外观造型的设计灵感源于雪佛兰经典跑车, ”译成独立主格作主句的状语,而把“体现了一种奇妙的力感和潇洒的运动风采。 ”译为主句。这样的整合体现了英语句法的严谨。译“奇妙的”和“潇洒的”这两个形容词时,考虑到它们在这一语境里的意思很接近,用一个宽泛一点儿的形容词就可表达,例如“wonderful” 。此处的“风采”应译得具象一些,如“dynamics/ vigor”。 )2. 此外,它操作简便、环保节能
23、,内有经典飞梁式双座舱设计,驾驶起来舒适惬意,是中档轿车的新生代。(这是几个散句,译成英语应适当整合,不能译得太松散。 )参考译文:Continuing from the Shanghai Automobile Exhibition in April, 2012, the all new Chevrolet Malibu will be sold in around 100 countries and regions across the worlds six continents. With looks inspired by the classic Chevrolet racing car
24、s, the Malibu showcases a wonderful sense of power and sporty dynamics. It is also equipped with practicality, eco friendliness and has a classic wing style design that provides the best possible driving experience, making it a new force to be reckoned with in the world of mid-range luxury cars.课外作业
25、参考译文把下列短文译成英语: 1. 外研社翻译研究文库系列现有书目 22 种,由国内知名的译界专家推荐,选目精当,覆盖面广,涵盖翻译史、翻译理论,与文学及语言学交叉的翻译研究方法和翻译批评方法,译者翻译工具书等。所选书目既有翻译研究大家的经典著作,亦有译学前沿理论;既有全景式的理论梳理,又有针对某一特定时期理论的深入研究。文库服务于教学、科研第一线。读者对象是从事翻译教学与研究的大学教师、翻译工作者、翻译专业硕士和博士研究生以及有志于翻译研究的广大大学英语专业师生。Recommended by renowned pundits in translation studies in China,
26、the 22 select 9titles in the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Translation Studies Library range from translation history, translation theory, research methods related to literature and linguistics, translation criticism to translators reference books.The titles include translation classi
27、cs as well as advanced translation theories, some of which are about panoramic introductions to theories, some in-depth studies to theory in a particular time.The library provides help for teaching and research, which reaches teachers, students majoring in translation studies, translators and lovers
28、 of translation.2. 新加坡文华东方酒店备有贵宾水疗房间。内设鸳鸯养生池和用竹纹大理石铺成的双浴蒸汽淋浴。水疗中心提供一系列舒缓身心和追求疗效的疗程,让客人彻底放松,尽释都市生活的喧嚣和压力。The VIP Treatment Suite at Mandarin Oriental, Singapore, features a couples vitality pool and a luxurious couples steam shower in bamboo inspired marble. A range of relaxing and results driven tre
29、atment make The Spa the perfect urban escape.3. 乔而从事文字每题数十载。刚出道时担当东方情结的新潮编辑,以撰写流行文化的文章为己任。其后加盟香港第一家旅游周刊周末周刊 ,当上旅行记者。再往后在壹周刊出任广告部责任编辑,拓宽了他的视野。2002 年,入职月刊 JET,期间实地采访了世界各地著名时装品牌的技师和设计师,为刊物确立了流行文化与旅游融为一体的全新理念。2007 年后转职自由撰稿人,文章散见于香港的 JET、POP,广州的优悦以及 CNNgo 网站等。Joel has worked in print media for decades. H
30、e started out as a trend reporter for East Touch, writing trend articles before joining Hong Kongs first travel weekly, Weekend Weekly, as a reporter. Later, he broadened his horizon as an Advertising-Managing Editor for Next Magazine. In 2002, he joined the monthly JET magazine where he combined tr
31、endy culture and travel, jetting around the world in search of famous fashionable brands of technicians and designers. In 2007, he became a freelancer, and has since contributed articles to JET, POP, Guangzhous H Life, and the websites such as CNN go.第四章 文体篇章训练第一节 论说文10一、课件1. 让学生预习第一部分, 扫除原文里的生词并理解原
32、文。2. 教师利用 15 分钟的时间带领学生对照原文串译文,用 30 分钟的时间讲解“译例鉴赏” ,共一个课时。3. 用 25 分钟的时间组织学生以对子或小组的形式讨论“要点温故”中的 10 个句子的翻译;用 20 分钟的时间带领学生讨论下列语言要点的翻译(共一节课):不要抛弃学问胡适诸位毕业同学: 你们现在要离开母校了,我没有什么礼物送给你们,只好送你们一句话罢(1) 。这一句话是:“不要抛弃学问。 ”以前的功课也许有一大部分是为了这张毕业文凭不得已而做的。从今以后,你们可以依自己的心愿(2)去自由研究了。趁现在年富力强的时候(3) ,努力做一种专门学问。少年是一去不复返的,等到精力衰时,要
33、做学问也来不及了。即为吃饭计,学问绝不会辜负人的(4) 。吃饭而不求学问,三年五年之后,你们都要被后进少年淘汰掉的。到那时再想做点学问来补救,恐怕已太晚了。有人说:“出去做事之后,生活问题亟须解决,哪有工夫去读书?即使要做学问,既没有图书馆,又没有实验室,哪能做学问?”我要对你们说:凡是要等到有了图书馆方才读书的,有了图书馆也不肯读书。凡是要等到有了实验室方才做研究的,有了实验室也不肯做研究。你有了决心要研究一个问题,自然会撙衣节食去买书,自然会想出法子来设置仪器。至于时间,更不成问题(5) 。达尔文一生多病,不能多做工,每天只能做一点钟的工作。你们看他的成绩!每天花一点钟看十页有用的书,每年
34、可看三千六百多页书,三十年读约十一万页书。诸位,十万页书可以使你成一个学者了。可是,每天看三种小报也得费你一点钟的工夫;四圈麻将也得费你一点半钟的光阴。看小报呢,还是打麻将呢,还是努力做一个学者呢?全靠你们自己的选择! 易卜生说:“你的最大责任是把你这块材料铸造成器。 ” 学问便是铸器的工具。抛弃了学问便是毁了你自己。再会了!你们的母校眼睁睁地要看你们十年之后成什么器。译文: Never Give up the Pursuit of Learningby Hu ShihDear students of the Graduating Class, As you are leaving your alma mater, I have nothing to offer you as a gift except a word (1).My advice is, “Never give up the pursuit of learning”. You have perhaps finished your