敬启者:你方9月10日帽子报盘及样品已收到,谢谢. 虽然我们很欣赏你方产品的良好质量,但我们不得不指出, 你方所报的价格与市场很不相符.来自欧洲厂家质量很好的衬衫正以比你们的价格低5%-9%的价格在此地出售.在此情况下,我们要求你方把价格降低到每打5美元.我们的订单是个大订单,价值达6万美元左右.请考虑并给我们一个早日答复.Translation version on counter offer exerciseDear Sirs,We acknowledge the (are in) receipt of your offer of September 10th for caps and the samples. We appreciate the good quality of your goods but we unfortunately inform you that your quoted prices are not in accordance with (in line with) the mar