1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion. 描述一个例子, 证明你给自己确立了一个很高的目标, 然后完成了这个目标。问题分析: 考查意图: 制订高目标的勇气 + 完成高目标的执行力。关键词: demanding goal + saw it through. 所以, 在描述的时候要着重描述这个任务为什么这么demanding, 有些什么具体的困难, 你是怎么样一步一步去克服的。回答示范:(1) (What)Designed a show to celebrate the Anniversary of Tianjin University, and won 3rd Prize out of 18 teams.讲出自己这件事的成绩提高含金量 (2) (Situation & Key Word: demanding) On the anniversary night, there was a huge celebra