注:这是2015年文都何凯文老师给我们的考研作文绝杀模板,我是2015年考生,考前几天就在狂背这些模板,英语61分,大小作文估计有21分 !所以我觉得何老师堪称考研辅导界实用派,感觉其他辅导机构就是在吹牛逼!希望对2016考研学子有用! 一、个人成功品质类话题第一段: As is vividly depicted above , 完全倒装,非谓语动词,定语从句,独立主格. The topic reflected in the picture has gone a trending topic on some social media, with many users sharing and commenting recently. This picture conceals a deeper and far-reaching meaning than it appears to be.第二段: Nothing can be compared with creation or innovation for the personal growth , espe