滥竽充数 人物:齐宣王齐缗(min)王、南郭先生、大臣二人、乐队若干人。第一场 大殿上(旁白:Long long ago, there was a king named Qi Xuan Wang. He liked listening to Yu very much. 从前,齐国有个大王叫齐宣王,他特别喜欢听吹竽。)大臣甲:Majesty, our country is so strong. We should have a top-ranking team to play Yu. 大王,我们齐国乃是当今第一强国,我们的竽队应该是天下第一!大臣乙:Good idea. I think we can form a team of a hundred people to play for you.对。我建议组建一支百人大乐队,以显我大国之风采。大臣甲:No.T wo hundred at least. 不,一百人太少了,最少也得二百人!齐宣王:Three hundred! To show how powerful my country i