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1、Nanjing Agricultural UniversityNo.1 Weigang Road, Nanjing, 210095,Jiangsu Province , P. R. Chinahttp:/Tel: 0086-25-84399117 Fax: 0086-25-4396196E-mail: http:/ 南 京 农 业 大 学 外 国 留 学 生 入 学 申 请 表Nanjing Agricultural UniversityApplication Form for Foreign StudentsA. 个人信息 Personal Information姓 Given Name

2、姓 Surname国籍 Nationality 性别 Sex宗教 Religion 出生日期 Birthdate联系电话 Contact No. 电子邮箱 E-mailB. 教育经历(从高中开始)Education Record (From Secondary School)院校名称Institution学习时间( 自.至.xx 年 xx 月)Years Attended (from to)获得学位Diploma Received专业名Fields of StudyC. 语言水平 Language Proficiency汉语学习经历Experiences of learning Chinese

3、如有,请写明时间和学习内容 (Time, Occasion)OECD 国家学习经历Experiences of studying in OECD countries如有,请写明时间和学习内容 (Time, Occasion)英语 English (IELTS/TOFEL) 汉语 Chinese(HSK) 其他语种 Other Language证书类 型 Certificate成绩 Levels Attained获得时间 Attained TimeD. 工作/项目经历 i Career/Project RecordInstitution/Project 任职时间Period (from to)

4、职务Job Title 工作内容Job DescriptionE. 获奖经历 Awards Received奖项名称Award Title颁奖单位From (Institution Name)获奖时间Award Time主要贡献Contribution DescriptionF. 申请人现况 Current Status在校情况 ii Students Status工资 水平 iii (以年薪计算)Wage Level (Per Year)经济来源 Financial ResourcesivG. 申请信息 Application Information拟学习专业 Proposed field

5、of studyNanjing Agricultural UniversityNo.1 Weigang Road, Nanjing, 210095,Jiangsu Province , P. R. Chinahttp:/Tel: 0086-25-84399117 Fax: 0086-25-4396196E-mail: http:/ 拟学习时间 Proposed Study Periodv 来华留学推荐单位 vi Organization recommending you to P. R. China是 否 申 请 过 /曾 经 在 南 京 农 业 大 学 学 习 ? (如 有 ,请 写 明

6、申 请 /学 习 时间 ) Have ever send/studied in NJAU Application before? (If so, clarify time)H. 申请人承诺 Declaration本人在此承诺,以上申请信息均已附支撑材料。如有作假,所附材料均可在法庭上作为证据。I hereby declare that the above information is true with solid documents as proof, and that I understand it is made for use as evidence in court and is s

7、ubject to penalty for perjury.申请时间 Date of application:本人签名 Signature:I. 申请材料 Documents:本 申 请 须 附 以 下 支 撑 材 料 ,否 则 不 予 考 虑 。This application cannot be considered without the necessary documents. 南京农业大学外国留学生签证申请表 NJAU Visa Application Form 最高学历学位证书 Notarized Academic Degree Certificate and Diploma of

8、 Highest Education Achieved 学习/研究计划 Constructive Study/ Research Plan 两封教授/副教授推荐信(申请 研究生项目)Two Recommendation Letters from Professors (For Graduate Study) 导师接收函(申请研究生项目)Acceptance Letter from A NJAU Supervisor (For Graduate Study) 外国人来华体检表 Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form 发表的期刊专著 Pub

9、lished Papers 英语/汉语/其他语种语言成绩证书(雅思、托福、HSK 等) English/Chinese/Other Language Proficiency Certificate (IELTS/TOFEL /HSK Etc.) 有效护照复印件 Photocopy of Valid Passport Information Page 其他文件 Other Documents:_填表说明 NOTICE:i 本栏可提供工作、项目及研究经历。 Refer to any major job/project/research experiences.ii 申请人是否为在校生,如是,请说明

10、学习专业名称。Whether you are a current student or not, if yes, clarify the program you are currently enrolled in.iii 本栏只适用于非在校生。Only applicable to non-current students.iv 请说明是否为自费 /父母出资/ 本国校级奖学金/或其他资金来源。如申请中国政府奖学金或其他中方提供的奖学金,请勿填写此栏。Clarify whether you are self-support/parents-support/ university scholarsh

11、ip support/or supported by any other funding sources. CSC or any Chinese scholarship is not included.v 研究生学习时间:博士生 4 年,硕士生 3 年;本科生学习时间:4-5 年(5 年为动物医学专业) ;入学时间: 1.春季学期从 2 月开始; 2.秋季学期从 9 月开始。Term of study for Graduate programs: PhD students require 4 years; Master students require 3 years; Undergraduate Programs: 4/5 years. (Five years is for veterinary major.); Enrollment Time:1. Spring Sem. Starts from Feb. ; 2. Autumn Sem. starts from Sep. vi 是否有任何海外机构/机构推荐来华,如无则无需填写。If theres any oversea institute/agency that recommends you to study in NJAU, if theres none then skip this column.


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