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1、秘密启用前【考试时间:4 月 13 日:00 一 16:402 017 年云南省第二次高中毕业生复习统一检测英 语注意事项:1本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)和第 H 卷(非选择题)两部分。答卷前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上,并认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名、考场号、座位号及科目,在规定的位置贴好条形码。2回答第 I 卷时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。写在本试卷上无效。3回答第 n 卷时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。4考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第 I 卷

2、第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AOfficials in northern Japan are trying to reach out to foreign visitors by using comical(滑稽的)signs to inform them about local customs and foodIts hoped that the signs will make life easier for visitor

3、sThe signs are in use in the city of Morioka,where officials hope they will make visitors who dont speak Japanese feel more welcome,The Japan Times reportsTwenty 一 six signs are available for businesses to download online:one shows a cheerful little pig inside a bowl to inform diners that the dish c

4、ontains porkAnother tells people to dry off before entering the changing room at hot springs,and shows a dripping-wet man in a puddle(水坑)so large that a rubber duck has appeared in itShort English phrases beneath each sign explain the meaning.Takefumi Shimomukai,who heads the Morioka Regional Develo

5、pment Bureau,says they want to do something simple but fun to attract peoples interestThe area is less of a draw for foreigners than cities like Tokyo and Kyoto,and communication troubles have made some locals reluctant(不情愿的)to reach out to visitors “Until recently some owners believed their profits

6、 from serving only locals were enough,and due to the language barrier,they may have left foreign visitors with a feeling that they were not welcome, ”he saysMore hi 一 tech approaches to dealing with communication problems have been rolled out elsewhere in Japan, as the number of foreign visitors gro

7、wsLast year,a new app was trialed that translates rail announcements into a visitors own language,and some regions offer 24-hour multilingual(多语言的)hotlines for advice on everything from finding a doctor to sending luggage home1. What has been done in Japan to help foreign visitors?A. Comical signs h

8、ave been Put up everywhereB. Multilingual hotlines have been set up to give adviceC. Hi 一 tech approaches have been adopted to tell the wayD. A new app has been developed to announce timetables2. The comical sign with a dripping 一 wet manA. leads People to a male changing roomB. informs people about

9、 local customs and foodC. warns people of the slippery floors at hot springsD. tells people to dry off before using the changing room3. Some local owners in Morioka used toA. be willing to serve both locals and visitorsB. find it hard to Prepare food of foreign flavorsC. complain about the decreasin

10、g number of visitorsD. feel satisfied with earnings from serving locals onlyBHalf of Primary schools will adopt the traditional Chinese method of maths teaching in Government drive to stop British youngsters from falling behind their Asian counterpartsYoungsters in the UK are way behind those in Chi

11、na,Singapore and Japan in numeracy(计算能力) In the latest PISA(Programme for International Student Assessment)tests 15-year-olds,Shanghai came top in maths while the UK came 26thThe school will give Up“child-centred”styles and instead return to repetition,drills and“chalk and talk, whole-class learning

12、Primary school children will be taught“Shanghai maths” as British schools copy Chinese teaching methods to improve standards. So far 140 teachers have been trained in the approachCurrently,classes are often divided into groups based on abilityCritics blame the British teaching styles that focused on

13、 applying maths to real-life situations in an effort to make the subject more interestingThey say this has led to confusion and stopped children learning the basicsUnder the Govemments new plans,children as young as five will have drills to practise sums and exercises,and must master each concept be

14、fore moving to the nextNick Gibb,the schools minister,said that training will be provided for 8,000 primary schools 一 half the countrys total 一 to switch to the Shanghai“mastery” approach“We are seeing a renaissance(复兴)in maths teaching in this country,with good ideas from around the world helping t

15、o cheer up our classrooms, ”he said4. The underlined words“their Asian counterparts”in Paragraph 1 refer toA. the weak pupils in Asia Bthe young students in AsiaC. the Primary schools in Asia Dthe maths teachers in Asia5. Which of the following is an approach of “Shanghai maths” ?A. Children can cho

16、ose to learn what interests themB. Children are given different work based on their abilityC. Children are taught in group rather than as an entire classD. Children are required to master a concept before they progress6. Recently, some British maths teachers have been trained toA. increase the diffi

17、culty levelB. conduct “child-centred” classesC. guide students to repeat and drillD. meet the needs of smart students7. What is Rick Gibbs attitude toward the new teaching style?A. SupportiveB. DoubtfulC. CautiousD. NegativeCFind your camera and take a picture for our weekly challengeEach week we Pu

18、blish a gallery of pictures on a set themeWe ask you to send in your pictures and a selection of these are then published each Thursday on our “In Pictures” page and social mediaIf youd like to take part,take a picture to match one of the themes belowCurrent themes for the next few weeks with their

19、deadlines:India:1 AprilHobbies:14 AprilMy garden:2 1 AprilFragile:28 AprilCrops:4 MayInterpret these themes in any way you see fit and send your pictures to us at or upload them directly from your computer using the link providedYou can enter up to three pictures per themePlease include the title o

20、f theme in your message and remember to add your name and a caption(说明):who ,what,where and when should be enough,though the more details you give,the better your chance of being selectedPictures should be senti as Jpeg filesThey shouldnt be larger than 5Mb and ideally much smaller:around 1 Mb is fi

21、ne,or you can resize your pictures to 1,000 pixels(像素)across and then save as a JpegPlease see our terms and conditions,but remember that the copyright remains with youThe pictures will only be used for the purposes of this projectFinally,when taking photos,Please do not endanger yourself or others,

22、take unnecessary risks or violate any laws8. Readers are asked toA. download the best picturesB. take pictures on the set themesC. send at least three pictures Per themeD. include when,where ,who ,what and why9. To take Part in the activity,readers shouldA. upload their pictures in MayB. Provide Per

23、sonal informationC. send the pictures as Jpeg filesD. resize their pictures to around 5Mb10. The selected pictures will be usedA. at an art exhibitionB. on an education websiteC. for some related projectsD. on the “In pictures”page11. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Share your pictures

24、and videosB. Themes for the pictures wantedC. We set the theme;you take the picturesD. Practice photography with professionalsDSeveral companies in Europe,the US and Asia have decided to change one f the processes of making chocolate and no longer roast the cacao beansThey insist that growers in Afr

25、ica and South America leave them outdoors to dry naturally insteadThe resulting product is called“raw” chocolateProducers claim that avoiding exposure to oven temperature allows the preservation of nutrients such as iron,zine,copper and vitamin C Its also claimed that uncooked cacao contains higher

26、levels of antioxidants(抗氧化物) than roasted cacao used in most chocolate“Over the last 10 years,consumers have become more involved in their food an drink, ”says Kris MeGowan,who runs the Raw Chocolate Company “They care a lot more about its healthy qualities and chocolate is no exception ”But Martin

27、Sehweizer,professor of biochemistry at Heriot-Watt University,urges caution on describing raw chocolate as a super food until more research is carried out “We have to look at this in more depthThe research is at a fairly early stage ”There are concerns that not heating them to about 150 could mean a

28、n increase in bacteriaHowever,producers insist that,as no animal products are involved,there is no greater risk than when dealing with vegetables such as carrots or lettucesJennifer Earle,a writer on chocolate,is unconvinced by it on taste grounds “Its the quality of the cacao that makes a differenc

29、e,not whether the chocolate is “raw or not, ”she says “And if youre talking about health,Id rather eat some top-quality ordinary chocolate and have a plate of vegetables afterwards ”12. Chocolate bean growers in AfricaA. dry the beans outdoors naturallyB. roast the beans at a low temperatureC. cook

30、the beans in pots instead of in ovensD. store the beans with uncooked vegetables13. Producers of raw chocolate claim thatA. it can fight bacteria B. it is very eco-friendlyC. it preserves more nutrients D. it contains less antioxidants14. Jennifer Earle,the writer on chocolate,thinks thatA. roasted

31、cacao is cleanerB. raw chocolate is healthierC. raw chocolate tastes betterD. cacao quality matters more15. We can infer from the text thatA. not much research has been done one raw chocolateB. raw chocolate has become the most popular varietyC. children face the risks from bacteria when eating raw

32、chocolateD. all consumers have turned to raw chocolate for health concerns第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。In the hallways between classes,on the playground,on the school bus,bullying (欺凌)can happen anywhere 16 If you are being bullied,here are some tips to help yo

33、u defend yourselfMake a parent aware of the situationYour parents can often speak out on your behalf to the teachers and school administrators,and they may be able to have a talk with the parents of the aggressor 17 Many kids,especially those who are not very popular,may have a few teachers they rea

34、lly like If you have someone like this at the school,talk to this person about the bullying incidentsStop being a victimYou dont have to act like a victim just because you have been the victim of bullyingThis gives the aggressor more power over you and the situationWalk with your head held high,your

35、 chin up and your back straight18 ;this makes it harder for someone to think of you as weak19 Be aware of your surroundings and the people around youStay away from students who seem to be trouble 一 makersWhen a bully approaches you,it5 a good idea to stand near a teacher or any adult to prevent them

36、 from teasing and taunting(嘲讽) Learn self-defence20 These types of skill 一 based training courses not only he1p you defend yourself physically against aggressors, but they also teach you to avoid harmful environments,how to read unsafe people and how to prevent a fight before it startsA Avoid the bu

37、lly whenever possibleB Or reach out to a teacher that you trustC Take a general self-defence class or martial artsD Consider that some bullies are also bully 一 victimsE Get with a friend who can serve as a source of strengthF Present self-confidence rather than a lack of confidenceG. Bullying can be

38、 a terrible,life-changing experience for children第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 15 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A 、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I used to believe courtesy(礼仪)was a thing of the pastVery seldom have I come across_21_human beings in this modem era of the so-called

39、 Generation X.Recently, I had to change my thinking,When I came_22_With just such a human beingI had gone to a fashionable_23_place,with my two_24_The place was crowded with the usual _25_crowd and we had to climb a steep flight of stairs in order to find a(n)_26_一 tableAfter enjoying coffee and sna

40、cks,we were at the steep descent(下来)down the stairs,where the_27_space made climbing down very difficult, with hardly any space for another person to climb up or come down_28_I was in the middle of my descent,a man_29_the main entrance of the restaurant which was right in front of the_30_I was sure

41、I would be_31_roughly by this man who wanted to 90 up in a hurry_32_coming down as fast as I could,holding on to the banister(栏杆) My daughters were already down,_33_me worriedly, hoping I would reach them soonNearly reaching them, I noticed the man_34_standing near the door. I reached my daughters a

42、nd_35_the stranger at the entrance door which he kept holding openI looked back thinking he was still_36_the door, deciding Whether to go in or find another less crowded placeI_37_him going up the stairs,two at a timeI told my daughters about it and all three of us felt_that we did not even thank th

43、e gentleman who was _39_. holding the door open for us ladies to pass through before going upWe applauded his good manners for_, waiting for us to come down before going up himself and also holding the main entrance door open for us to 90 out. Till date,I remember this gentleman21Apolite Beducated C

44、stubborn Dhonest22Aneck to neck Bhand in hand Cface to face Dstep by step23Afish Bfruit Ccoffee Dflower24Acolleagues Bdaughters Cfriends Dstudents25Aangry Bworried Cnervous Dloud26Aempty Bwooden Cclean Dwindow27Aopen Bvast Cprivate Dnarrow28AUnless BWhenever CAs DSince29Aleft Bentered Cnoticed Digno

45、red30Atable Bcrowd Crestaurant Dstairs31Apushed Blifted Cpressed Dplaced32Astopped Bkept Cavoided Dsuggested33Alooking after Blooking around Clooking down on D looking up at34Aoften Bseldom Cstill Deven35Apassed Bstruck Che1ped Dscolded36Aon Bat Cin Dbeyond37Aheard Bprevented Csaw Dcaught38Abad Bhap

46、py Crelieved Dsurprised39Agradually Bactually Cfinally Dimmediately40Aall Beither Cnone Dboth第 II 卷注意:将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 15 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Bob Dylan is an American songwriter, singer, artist and writerHe has been influential in p

47、opular music and culture for more than five decadesMuch of 41_most celebrated work dates from the 1 9605,when his songs 42_(record )social unrestHis early songs like “Blowing in the Wind”became anthems(圣歌)for the American civil rights and anti-war movementsDylan has toured steadily 43_the late 19805 on what has been described as “the Never Ending Tour”


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