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1、一般现在时习题及解析 横山二中 赵子萍 一般现在时它表示1)经常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态。e.g. I go to school on foot. He is very busy now. 2)表示主语的特征、性格、能力、爱好等。e.g. He can swim. I work hard. I like watching TV. 3)表示客观真理 e.g. There are seven days in a week. The moon moves round the earth. 其结构按正常语序,即“主语+谓语+ 其它” ,有时为了起强调作用,时间状语也可提前. 其句式变化可分为两种情

2、况 1)表示动作, 一般人称作主语的,变否定句须在动词前加助动词dont;变一般疑问句须在句首加助动词 do。 E.g. They have lunch at 12:00. They dont have lunch at 12:00. Do they have lunch at 12:00? 2) 单三人称做主语的,变否定句须在动词前加助动词 doesnt;变一般疑问句须在句首加助动词 does。 E.g. Jenny speaks English very well. Jenny doesnt speak English very well. Does Jenny speak English

3、 very well? 含有 be 动词的要在 be 上做变化. E.g. Danny is a good student. Danny isnt a good student. Is Danny a good student? 其时间状语为 often、 usually、 always、 sometimes 等频率副词,on Saturdays、 in the morning(afternoon evening) 、every day 等。 做题时常见错误如下: 一、be 动词与行为动词同时出现在句子中 例:We are plant (plant) the trees in spring.

4、答案:plant 解析:学生往往会用汉语的思维方式去翻译,就成了“我们是在春天植树” 。这是学习英语最忌讳的,要看语法是不是正确,在英语中,be 是表状态,do 是表动作,两种动词不能同时出现在句子中,可记住如下口诀:“英汉语言有差异,be 、do 不能放一起,仔细琢磨细分析,语法千万要牢记。 ” 专项练习: 一、 单选 1 Jenny _ in an office. Her parents _in a hospital. A work works B works work C work are working D is working work 2 One of the boys_ a bl

5、ack hat. A have B there is C there are D has 3 We will go shopping if it_ tomorrow. A dont rain B didnt rain C doesnt rain D isnt rain 4 He said the sun _in the east and _in the west.A rose; set B rises; sets C rises, set D rise; sets 5 Wang Mei _ music and often _ to music. A like; listen B likes;

6、listens C like; are listening D liking listen 6 Jenny_ English every evening. A has study B studies C study D studied 答案:1 B 2D 3C 4B 5B 6B 二、填空 1 I can take Li Ming there when he _ ( come) to visit. 2 _your sister_(know)English? 3Her home_ _ _(远离 )her school. 4The pot_(not look) like yours very muc

7、h. 5 Where _you_(have)lunch every day? 6 Who_(想要 )to go swimming? 7 _she_(do) the housework every day? 8 Jenny and Danny usually_(play) games in the afternoon . 答案:1 comes 2 Does know 3 is away from 4 doesnt look 5 do have 6 wants 7 does do 8 play 二、单三人称形式易出错 例:1 He plaies (play) football very well.

8、 2 Danny gos (go) to school at 7:10. 答案:1 plays 2 goes 解析:1 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词变单三人称形式才能把 y 换成 i 再加 es;2 与名词变复数不同,变单三人称形式以 o 结尾的词要加 es. 三、在句式变换时易出错 例:1 Does Jenny has (has) a good friend? 2 Brian doesnt lives (not live) in China. 答案:1 Does have 2 doesnt live 解析:单三人称做主语的一般现在时做句式变化时,可记住如下口诀:“见助动,用原形” 。此口诀也

9、可推广用于一般过去时态中。e.g. He didnt go home yesterday. 四、对 do 的理解易出错 例:We dont (not do) our homework in the afternoon. 答案:dont do 解析:do 是一个比较难理解的词,它有三个含义: a)是所有行为动词的总称;b)是助动词,无实义;c)是一个具体的行为动词“做,干” 。此句中给出的 do 指“做,干” ,not 指把此句变为否定句,故须在 do 前加助动词 dont。 五、对主语的数判断有误 例: Li Ming with me are (be) in Beijing. 答案: is 解析:表面一看是 “我和李明两个人在北京 ”,但 with在此做伴随状语,不能做主语,故用 is. 另外,宾语从句中,从句部分若是表示客观真理,不管主句是何时态,从句都要用一般现在时;在时间和条件状语从句中,主句表将来,从句要用一般现在时。 1. plays 2. gets 3. do brush 4. does do 5. studies 6. goes 7. watches 8. does read 9. does have 10. does do 11. do have


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