TED英语演讲:压榨学生的大学贷款 曾几何时在美国上大学不需要背负债务,而现如今高等教育已然成为了消费品,价格高昂,让人无力承担。但与此同时学校和发放贷款的银行却因为学生的贷款而获得巨大的利润。演讲者Samuel提出了一个针对如此现象的解决方案,下面是我为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:压榨学生的大学贷款,欢迎借鉴参考。 演说题目:How college loans exploit students for profit 演说者:Samuel Today 40 million Americans are indebted fortheir passage to the new economy. Too poor to pay their way through college,they now owe lenders more than one trillion US dollars. They do find what jobsthey can get to pay off a debt that is secured on their pe