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1、7.3 一般现在时态并非表示现在一般现在时态通常被描述为有两种基本用法:表示客观真理,以及表示习惯活动。具体来说,我们可用一般现在时来表示:1不受时间限制的科学事实、客观真理、谚语格言,以及用于概括、结论、观点等;2表示人们日常生活习惯及重复活动。7.3.1 用法一:表示普遍的事实或真理(expressing a general truth)1.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳东升西落。2.The world is round. 世界是圆的。3.The earth moves around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。4

2、.Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。5.Opportunities always favor the prepared minds. 机会总是青睐有准备的人。6.Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。7.3.2 用法二:表示重复活动(expressing a regularly occurring event)表示经常发生的、习惯性的动作(action)或者是存在的状态(state) 。如下图所示:图解一、表示习惯的动作1He often goes to the gym. 他经常去健身房。2I go to the gym twice a week.

3、 我每周去两次健身房。3He walks to school every day. 他每天步行去上学。二、表示习惯的状态I like rice for dinner.我晚餐喜欢吃米饭。补充:这一用法常和一些表示动作频率的时间副词连用。1表示肯定的频度副词有:always,frequently,usually,sometimes,generally,occasionally 和 often 等等。2表示否定的频度副词有:never,seldom 和 rarely。3表示频度的副词短语有:once a week,twice a year 和 on alternate days 等等。不过,在应用上

4、述这些副词时,要注意以下几点:1它在句子中的位置通常是:在 be 动词后、实义动词前。He is always late. 他总是迟到。He always goes to school by bike. 他总是骑自行车上学。2上述否定副词不能再与否定助动词(如 dont 等)连用。1) He doesnt seldom come late.*(一般不这么说)2) He seldom comes late.他几乎从不迟到。3这些副词一般放在否定助动词前,always 除外。The history lectures sometimes arent interesting. 关于历史的讲座有时很没意

5、思。His wife complains that he sometimes doesnt listen to her. 他的妻子抱怨,说他有时候不注意听她说话。7.3.4 用法三:一般现在时表示正在发生的动作在某些特定的场合,我们可以用一般现在时表示正在发生的动作。具体阐述如下:一、一般现在时态用在以 there 或 here 开头的句子中,表示目前的短暂动作请看例句:1Here comes your wife.妙语点睛这里显然是说话人看到 your wife 正在走过来,然后说的这句话,即表示正在发生的动作。在这个结构中不能用现在进行时态,不能说:Here is coming your w

6、ife.*可以说:Your wife is coming.但是,此时的进行时是表示将来动作,所以这句话的意思是:你妻子很快就要过来了。这句话是说话人看着自己要搭乘的车正在开走时说的。同样,在这个结构中不能用现在进行时态,说成:There is going our bus.*我们的车开走了,我们只好等下一辆了。二、表示现在瞬间的动作(instant actions)这个瞬间动作是说话人在说话的同时即刻发生的。这只适用于表达动作的动词,表示对一些动作的解说,比如:球赛解说、剧情介绍、解释自己正在做的事情、给别人一边说一边做的示范动作等等。请看例句:3Michael passes to Clint.

7、 Clint to Jack, Jack back to Clintand Clint shootsand its a goal!妙语点睛这是球赛的解说,表示在说话时刻正在发生的动作。迈克尔传给克林特,克林特传给杰克,杰克又回传给克林特克林特射门球进了!The woman is a spy, now she enters the room, opens the drawer, takes out a pistol and slips it into her pocket.妙语点睛这是剧情说明。这个女人是个间谍。现在她走进房间,打开抽屉,拿出手枪塞进衣袋里。5I select an album,

8、 remove the record from its cover and put it on the turn table.妙语点睛这是解释自己正在做的动作。这里是表明“我”想听音乐(I choose music to listen to.) 。精品译文我选了一张唱片,去掉封套,然后放在唱盘上。7.3.5 用法四:一般现在时表示将来发生的动作在某些特定的场合,一般现在时态有时可表示将来发生的动作。具体阐述如下:一、用在条件状语从句和时间状语从句中主要用在条件状语从句(if 和 unless)和时间状语从句(when,as soon as,before 和 after等)中,表示将来的动作。请

9、看例句:1 Please let me know when he comes back. 他回来时请告诉我。2 What are you going to do when you leave school? 你毕业以后想要干些什么?3 Ill be glad if she comes over to visit me. 如果她来看我,我会很高兴。4 Ill give the book to him as soon as I see him. 我一见到他就会把书给他。5 I will get everything ready before you come back. 你回来之前我会把所有的东西

10、都准备好。上述从句中的动作 come 和 see 均是将在未来发生的,但要用一般现在时表示将来。不过若从句的动作含有“意愿”的意思,则从句中可用 will。请看例句:If you will give me a hand with these books, Ill appreciate it. 如果你愿意帮我拿这些书,我将非常感激。If you will continue to fight, the victory will certainly be yours.要是你们愿意继续斗争下去,就一定会取得胜利。二、在谈到未来的计划和时间安排表的时候,表示将来的动作此时句中的动词往往是表示短暂性动作的

11、动词,如 go,come,leave,start 和 move 等等。请看例句:The train starts at 2 oclock. 火车两点钟开。We move next week. 我们下周搬家。They leave for Shanghai by train tomorrow evening. 他们明晚出发去上海。三、在从句中表示将来的动作,此时主句往往用了一个将来时I will reward the person who finds my lost kitten. 我将酬谢找到我的猫的人。I will give the booklet to whoever asks for it

12、. 谁来索取这个小册子,我就把它给谁。7.3.6 用法五:一般现在时表示过去发生的动作在某些特定的场合,一般现在时还可表示过去发生的动作。具体阐述如下:一、表示死者的理论、著作等因为这些理论、著作到现在仍有效;或表示一些名人名言。请看例句:1In The Sociology of Science, now considered a classic, Robert Merton discusses cultural, economic, and socialforces that contributed to the development of modern science.在社会科学这部经典

13、著作里,罗伯特默顿从文化、经济及社会等方面阐明了推动现代科学发展的力量。2R. Descartes says that the reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries.笛卡尔说过,阅读好书就好比是同过去几个世纪中最杰出的人物交谈。3Francis Bacon says, “Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.“弗朗西斯培根说:“读书使人充实,讨论使人

14、机智,写作使人准确。二、引用书刊、报纸、通知或新近收到的信件的内容时4The newspaper reads, “The criminal who killed eight women has been executed.“这里的 reads 其实是表示过去的,因为显然是说话人看过 the newspaper 之后才说了这句话。报纸上说:“杀害八名妇女的那个罪犯已经被处决了” 。5The sign on the washing machine says, “Out of Order.“这里的 says 其实是表示过去的,因为显然是说话人看过 the sign 之后才说了这句话。洗衣机上有一个告

15、示说:“洗衣机坏了。 ”7.3.7 用法六:一般现在时代指现在完成时在口语中,可以用一般现在时代指现在完成时。能这样使用的动词不多,通常有:hear,find,see ,learn,tell 和 read 等等。请看例句:I am (have been) informed that you have been there. 有人告诉我,你到过那里。I hear (have heard) that he has left Beijing. 我听说他已经离开北京了。I hear (have heard) youve been busy lately. 我听说你最近很忙。I see/find (ha

16、ve seen/found) that you have you hair cut. You look terrific! 我发现你理发了。你看上去棒极了!I read (have read) in the newspaper that the criminal who killed eight women has been executed.我在报纸上看到,杀害八名妇女的那个罪犯已经被处决了。1 Vegetarians_(not, eat) meat.2 An atheist_(not, believe) in God.3 Constant dripping_(wear) away a st

17、one.4 I_(go) to the gym every five days.5 I_(go) to the gym every five days, but I think Ill make it every other day later.6 A: I_(run) a mile every afternoon for the past month, but I still havent been able to lose more than a pound or two. I wonder if its worth it.B: Oh, dont give up now. It alway

18、s_(seem) hard when you are just starting out.7 Okay, so you_(stick) to your New Years resolution and_(go) to the gym on a regular basis. But wait; are you eating and drinking the right things at the right time in order to maximize your efforts?8 The stock market_(rise) and_(fall) as its internal fea

19、ture.9 John_(always, not, go) to school late. That is to say, he_(sometimes, attend) school late. He (be, generally) a good student. He_(be, always) ready to help others.10 I_(get) up at seven oclock every morning.11 I_(get) up at seven oclock every morning, but I think Ill get up earlier from now o

20、n.12 He_(often, go) to movies with Nancy on weekends.13 You_(go) with Nancy for over three years now. Why dont you pop her the question?14 If it_(rain) tomorrow, well have to put off our sports meet.15 The front page of a newspaper_(contain) the most important news of the day.16 The mother_(often, t

21、ake) her son to school before she_(go) to work.17 Watch carefully. First I_(pick) up the receiver, _(dial) the number I_(want), then_(drop) the coin into the slot as required.18 Darwin_(originate) the theory of evolution and_(differ) from the Bible on the creation of the world.19 Look! Here_(come) y

22、our boyfriend!20 A: Look! It_(snow).B: Its wonderful! It_(snow, not) in my hometown.21 A: When _ you _ (often, get) up in the morning?B: I_(usually, wake) up at 6:30 and then_(stay) in bed until 7:00 oclock.A: Then what?B: Then I_(put) on my clothes. I_(eat) breakfast.A:_you_(always, eat) breakfast?B: Yes,_. I think thats good for your health.A: What_you_(often, have) for breakfast?B: Bread and some milk.


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