Unit 1 careers and skills课时作业(通用):3.doc

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1、优质文档优质文档课时作业(三) Task & Project.单词拼写1The company is advertising for _(打字员 ) in the newspapers.2Some _(有进取心的) teachers have started their own recycling programmes.3Please answer the phone.Im in the _(洗澡)!4After the doctor treated the wound,it was carefully _ (包扎)5This job is useful and _(有创造性的) 6Alice

2、 is a serious girl,_(自信的) and thoughtful.7The city is rich in other _(艺术的) and cultural activities.8The _( 裁缝) have cut my coat very well.9He has a good business as a _(果蔬商)10He is one of the youngest and most famous _(钢琴家) of our time.单项填空1The present situation is very complex,so I think it will ta

3、ke me some time to _its reality.Amake up Bfigure outClook through Dput off2(2013扬州高三调研 )They are of_ height,but I think Mary _the job.Aequally;is equal Bequal ;is equal toCequal ;equals Dequally;is3We are trying to raise awareness about the environment _ and air pollution in particular.Ain return Bi

4、n generalCin common Din contrast4Im afraid you cannot expect them to finish the work in an hour;you must _their lack of experience.Aallow to Ballow of优质文档优质文档Callow in Dallow for5We have learnt to _properly all kinds of complicated situations.Athink BdoCdeal Dapproach6The small town is _a small town

5、.Its a place where many people like to stay.Ano more than Bmore thanCnot more Dno less than7(2013凤阳高三检测 )Its been a wonderful evening.Thank you very much._.AMy pleasure BIm glad to hear thatCNo,thanks DIts OK8To my dismay,my choice didnt_my daughters.Ainterfere with Bcope withCcontinue with Dcorresp

6、ond with9Dont let yourself be _ into buying things you dont want.Aexpressed BorganizedCpersuaded Dpreferred10A fund will be_for the dead workers families.Aset out Bset asideCset up Dset down11The traditional approach _ with complex problems in our studies is to break them down into smaller,more easi

7、ly managed problems.Ato deal Bhaving dealtCto dealing Dbeing dealt12I felt very disappointed when my repeated request that I join the club was _.Areplaced BresistedCrejected Dremoved13Did you scold him for his mistake? 优质文档优质文档Yes, but _ it.AId rather not doBId better not do CId rather not have done

8、DId better have not done14The newlyfounded chess club formally_us to attend the opening ceremony.Arequested BrequiredCdemanded Dcommanded15Youd better not call the manager between 7:00 and 8:00 this evening,for he _ an important meeting then.Awill have Bwould haveCwill be having Dwill have had.阅读理解T

9、he term “underemployment” has three related meanings.In one sense,it refers to a situation in which someone with excellent job qualifications(资格) is working in a position that requires less qualifications,as for instance in the case of a lawyer driving a school bus.In the second sense,it means worki

10、ng parttime when one would prefer to be working fulltime.In the third sense,it is a form of overstaffing(人浮于事) in which employees are not being fully made use of.All forms of underemployment have effect on the economy and the health of the business community.Longterm underemployment can also cover u

11、p the truth behind the employment situations.When nations collect employment statistics,they usually come up with a base number of “unemployed” individuals,using that number to judge the health of the job market.This number does not include parttime workers 优质文档优质文档looking for fulltime jobs,as they

12、are considered employed,and it also doesnt reflect workers who are underpaid,considering their qualifications.In the first sense,underemployment is a common problem in many of the developed world.Many people with college degrees are working in lowlevel or service industry jobs because the job market

13、 is full.The issue of parttime employment is also very serious.Some people are forced into parttime jobs,while others find themselves taking a parttime job because nothing else is available,even though they really need to work fulltime.This problem is especially common in areas with seasonal employm

14、ent,where employers find it cheaper to maintain and lay off parttime staffs,rather than keeping a full staff at all times.In the sense of shortage of workers,underemployment appears in a variety of situations.Some companies maintain a full staff to be prepared for seasonal work,or to keep welltraine

15、d,qualified workers so that they will be available when needed.Labor laws and union pressures may also prevent a company from cutting down on staff or working hours,leading to a situation in which people report to work, but have nothing to do.1The purpose of the passage is_.Ato show underemployment

16、is becoming more serious todayBto imply women are laid off more than menCto explain the meaning of “underemployment”Dto tell the present economic situations2According to the text,underemployment means_.Athe same meaning as the wordunemployedBemployees are not fully taken charge ofCqualified workers

17、get a low salaryDpeople who do manual work for wages3When it comes to unemployment statistics,_.Athe underpaid workers are includedBit implies the people who are jobless优质文档优质文档Cthe parttime employees are includedDit shows the employment situation of a country4Which of the following is NOT TRUE to t

18、he 4th and 5th paragraph?AUnderemployment only occurs in advanced countries.BPeople with college degrees sometimes take a parttime job.CParttime staffs seems benefit from firms less.DCompanies need fulltime staffs indeed.5Some companies maintain a full staff_.Ato compete with others in the futureBto

19、 make preparations for seasonal workCto get the skilled workers paidDto obey labor laws and union pressures.任务型阅读Quiet Virtue:The ConscientiousThe everyday signs of conscientiousness (认真尽责)being punctual,careful in doing work,selfdisciplined ,and scrupulous(一丝不苟的) in attending to responsibilitiesare

20、 typical characteristics of the model organizational citizen,the people who keep things running as they should.They follow the rules,help out,and are concerned about the people they work with.Its the conscientious worker who helps newcomers or updates people who return after an absence,who gets to w

21、ork on time and never abuses sick leaves,who always gets things done on deadline.Conscientiousness is a key to success in any field.In studies of job performance,outstanding effectiveness for almost all jobs,from semiskilled labor to sales and management,depends on conscientiousness.It is particular

22、ly important for outstanding performance in jobs at the lower levels of an organization:the secretary whose message taking is perfect,the delivery truck driver who is always on time.Among sales representatives for a large American car manufacturer,those who were most conscientious had the largest vo

23、lume of sales.Conscientiousness also offers a buffer (缓冲 ) against the threat of job loss in todays constantly changing 优质文档优质文档market,because employees with this quality are among the most valued.For the sales representatives,their level of conscientiousness mattered almost as much as their sales i

24、n determining who stayed on.There is an air around highly conscientious people that makes them seem even better than they actually are.Their reputation for dependability influences managers evaluations of their work,giving them higher evaluations than objective measures of their performance would pr

25、edict.But conscientiousness in the absence of social skills can lead to problems.Since conscientious people demand so much of themselves,they can hold other people to their own standards,and so be overly judgmental when others dont show the same high levels of model behavior.Factory workers in Great

26、 Britain and the United States who were extremely conscientious,for example,tended to criticize coworkers even about failures that seemed unimportant to those they criticized,which damaged their relationships.When conscientiousness takes the form of living up to expectations,it can discourage creati

27、vity.In creative professions like art or advertising,openness to wild ideas and spontaneity(自发性 )are scarce and in demand.Success in such occupations calls for a balance,however;without enough conscientiousness to follow through,people become mere dreamers,with nothing to show for their imaginativen

28、ess.优质文档优质文档课时作业( 三).1.typists 2.enterprising 3.bath 4.bandaged 5.creative6selfconfident 7.artistic 8.tailors 9.greengrocer 10.pianists.1.B 句意:现在的情况非常复杂,因此我想 过一段 时间我才能够弄清楚实际情况。 make up 编造;figure out 弄清楚;look through 浏览:put off 推迟。由句意可知选 B 项 。2B 句意:她们一样高,但我 觉得玛丽能胜任这项 工作。第一空修饰名词height,所以用形容词 equal,表示“

29、身高相等” ;第二空和 the job 连用,所以用 be equal to,表示“胜任这项工作” 。3B in general(一般说来,通常,总体上)和后面的 in particular(特别,尤其)相对。根据句意“我们正在努力从总体上增强环境意识,特别是提高对空气污染的意识。 ”可知选 B。in return 作为回报;in common 共同;in contrast 相比之下,都不合题意。4D 句意:恐怕你不能指望他们在 1 小时内完成 这项工作,你得考 虑到他们缺少经验这方面。allow for 考虑,考 虑到。A、C 两项不是固定词组,B 项 allow of 的意思是 “容许,容

30、 许有的可能” 。优质文档优质文档5D 考查动词辨析。句意:我 们已学会正确处理各种复杂情况。approach意为“处理,对付” ,其他选项不符合句意。6B 句意:这座小镇不只是一个小镇,它 还是许多人愿意停留的地方。 no more than 表示“仅仅” ;more than 表示“超过,多于,不仅是” ;no less than 表示“不亚于,不少于” 。7A 根据语境,前一个 说话人表示感谢,所以 对方应回答“不客气,不用谢” ,所以 选 A。8D interfere with 妨碍,干扰;cope with 处理, 应对;continue with 继续进行;correspond w

31、ith 与 相对应,与相符。句意:让我不安的是,我的选择与我女儿的并不一致。故选 D。9C 考查动词词义辨析。 persuade sb.into doing sth.persuade sb.to do sth.意为“说服某人做某事” 。此 处为其被动语态形式。express 表达;organize 组织;成立;prefer 更喜欢,选择某事物(而不选择其他事物 ),均不符合句意。10C set out 出发,动身,着手做;set aside 存储,拔出;set up 建立, 创办,创设;set down 放下,记下。主语是 A fund,fund 意为“基金会” ,谓语动词应用set up。句

32、意:抚恤死难工人家属的基金会即将建立起来。11C 名词 approach 后的 to 是介词,因而 to 后面的动词应当用动名词,故选择 C 项。12C 句意:当我反复提出的加入俱乐部的要求被拒绝时,我感到非常失望。reject 表“拒绝” ,符合 题意。13C would rather 接完成式表示对已发生的事情感到自责,具有虚拟的语气,其否定式在 rather 后加 not。14A 表示正式委婉的请求用 request。15C 根据时间状语 then 可知 C 项为最佳答案。句意:今晚 7 点到 8 点之间你最好不要打电话给经理,因为那个时候他正在参加一个重要的会议。.【语篇解读】 本文是

33、一篇说明文。低度就业或不充分就业不是指没有工作,常常指有着某种专业资 格的人从事着非专业的工作,也指本应该从事全职工作,而实际在做临时工作,或者人浮于事的状态。本文给我们讲述的就是低度就业的三个层面及其形成原因。优质文档优质文档1C 主旨大意题。全文在解 释 underemployment 的含义,故选 C。2B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段 对 underemployment 的解释:In the third sense,it is a form of overstaffing in which employees are not being fully made use of.可知 B 正确

34、。3B 推理判断题。第二段的第三句提及国家的就业统计,包含临时工作的人和现在付给工资的人,由此推断失业统计则包含没有工作的人,故选 B。4A 细节理解题。虽然第三段提到了在 发达国家低就业很常见,但是并没有说低就业仅发生在发达国家,由此可知 A 不符合文章的意义。误解分析:根据第三段第二句可知 B 正确;第四段的 it cheaper to maintain and lay off parttime staffs 说明 C 正确;根据第四段的 even though they really need to work fulltime 可知 D 正确。5B 细节理解题。文章最后一段提到有些公司没有解雇员工是为季节性的工作做准备,由此可知 B 正确。.1.strict 2.helpful/good 3.Functions/ Roles/Importance/Significance 4.running/working/going/operating/functioning 5.performance(s) 6.fired/dismissed/jobless 7.problems/troubles 8.higher/subjective/unfair/unjust/prejudiced9tense/damaged/poor/bad 10.discourage/affect/damage


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