Unit6 Good manners 课时达标检测(必修1,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc

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Unit6 Good manners 课时达标检测(必修1,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc_第1页
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Unit6 Good manners 课时达标检测(必修1,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc_第2页
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Unit6 Good manners 课时达标检测(必修1,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc_第3页
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Unit6 Good manners 课时达标检测(必修1,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc_第4页
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Unit6 Good manners 课时达标检测(必修1,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc_第5页
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1、.单项填空1(2013江苏苏、锡、常、镇四市调研)_ ,I can see that those terrible events shaped me into the person I am today.AHaving looked backBLooking backCBeing looking backDTo be looking back解析: 选 B。句意:回顾过去,我能看出是那些恐怖的事件造就了现在的我。本题考查非谓语动词作状语。主语 I 与 look back 为逻辑上的主动关系,而且 look back 与 see 是同时发生的,故答案为 B 项。2The little child

2、 was curious about drawing.He_the young man and his hands.Aglared at Bstared atCtook away Dlaughed at解析: 选 B。glare at 意为“ 瞪着” ;stare at 意为“盯着” 。题意为“这小孩对画画很好奇,他盯着这个年轻人和他的手看。 ”3(2013湖北钟祥六中月考) Are you going to have a holiday this year?Id love to.I cant wait to leave this place_.Aoff Bout Cbehind Dover解

3、析:选 C。leave.off 意为 “不包括” ;leave.out 意为“忽略,遗漏” ;leave.behind 意为“留下,忘记带” ;leave.over 意为“延后” 。根据题意可知,答案为 C 项。4She is a person who is never_about what shes got. Awilling BhappyCsatisfying Dcontented解析:选 B。be happy about 对满足,为固定搭配。5When considering how to settle the problem,the most important factorweath

4、er ,he had_.Aleft out Bleft behindCleft off Dleft over解析:选 A。leave out 遗漏; leave behind 留下,忘带;leave off 停止,中断;leave over 留下,剩下,由句意知应选 A 项。6Now lets hold up our glasses and drink _the happiness of the new couple.Cheers!Afor BonCwith Dto 解析:选 D。此题考查短语 drink to,意为“为干杯” 。 7Before Tom left home ,his moth

5、er kept telling him to_his manners at the party.Awatch BcareCobserve Dnotice解析:选 B。care 注意,留心;watch 注视;observe 观察;notice 注意到。 8When you are abroad,remember to adapt to other countrys_.Acustoms BhabitsCpractice Dinstructions解析:选 A。根 据句意,此处意为其他国家的“风俗习惯” ,故用 customs。9(2012高考大 纲全国卷)The Harry Potter book

6、s are quite popular; they are in great _ in this city.Aquantity Bprogress来源:学&科& 网Cproduction Ddemand解析:选 D。考查介词 in 构成短语的语意辨析。句意:小说哈利波特非常流行,在这个城市需求量很大。in great quantity 意为“大量地,大批量” ;in great progress 和 in great production 无此搭配;in great demand 意为“需求量很大” 。关键信息词为“popular”,受欢迎才导致“需求量很大” ,而不是该书的生产量大,故用 i

7、n great demand,而不用 in great quantity。10Victor apologized for_to inform me of the change in the plan.Ahis being not able Bhim not to be ableChis not being able Dhim to be not able答案:C11(2013甘肃天水一中阶段测试) I had meant_you to the host at the party,but I forgot.Thats all right.Some other time,maybe.Ato int

8、roducing Bto introduceCintroducing Dhaving introduced解析: 选 B。had meant to do 与 meant to have done 同义,表示“过去本来打算做某事(而实际上没做成)” 。12House prices keep on_despite the fact that interest rates have been_.Arising;raising Braising;risen 来源:Z+xx+k.ComCraising;raised Drising;raised答案:D13(2013甘肃天水一中阶段测试)Is it po

9、lite for children to_adults when they are talking?Aapologize BinterruptCintroduce Dimpress解析:选 B。四个选项的意思分别为 “道歉” “打断” “介绍”和“留下印象” 。根据题意可知,答案为 B 项。14(2013浙江嘉兴高三质量测试) Shall we go out to eat?Oh,_.Athats right Bmy pleasureCthats fine Dyoure welcome解析:选 C。考查情景对话。句意: 我们去外面吃饭吗?恩,好的。根据题意,情态动词 shall 表示询问对方的意

10、愿,故选 C.thats fine。15Please_meI didnt mean to be rude.Just forget it! It is not a big deal,after all.Ahelp BrememberCinterrupt Dforgive解析:选 D。根据 I didnt mean to be rude(我不是有意无礼的)可知,在此应用 forgive 表示请“原谅” 。.阅读理解A(2012高考天津卷)Barditch High School decided to have an AllSchool Reunion. Over 450 people came t

11、o the event. There were tours of the old school building and a picnic at Confederate Park. Several former teachers were on hand to tell stories about the old days. Ms. Mabel Yates, the English teacher for over fifty years, was wheeled to the Park.Some eyes rolled and there were a few low groans (嘟囔声

12、) when Ms.Yates was about to speak. Many started looking at their watches and coming up with excuses to be anywhere instead of preparing to listen to a lecture from an old woman who had few kind words for her students and made them work harder than all the other teachers combined.Then Ms.Yates start

13、ed to speak:“I cant tell you how pleased I am to be here. I havent seen many of you since your graduation, but I have followed your careers and enjoyed your victories as well as crying for your tragedies. I have a large collection of newspaper photographs of my students. Although I havent appeared i

14、n person, I have attended your college graduations, weddings and even the births of your children, in my imagination.”Ms.Yates paused and started crying a bit. Then she continued:“It was my belief that if I pushed you as hard as I could, some of you would succeed to please me and others would succee

15、d to annoy me. Regardless of our motives. I can see that you have all been successful in your chosen path.”“There is no greater comfort for an educator than to see the end result of his or her years of work. You have all been a great source of pleasure and pride for me and I want you to know I love

16、you all from the bottom of my heart.”There was a silence over the crowd for a few seconds and then someone started clapping. The clapping turned into cheering, then into a deafening roar (呼喊). Lawyers, truck drivers, bankers and models were rubbing their eyes or crying openly with no shame all becau

17、se of the words from a long forgotten English teacher from their hometown.【语篇解读】 本文为一篇记叙文,描述了在 Barditch 高中全校聚会时,一名教龄 50 多年的英语老师 Ms.Mabel Yates 通过自己的发言表达了自己对学生的爱,多年来她一直默默关注学生们的事业和生活,赢得了那些曾经不理解她的教学方式的学生的掌声。1What activity was organized for the school reunion?ASightseeing in the park.BA picnic on the sc

18、hool playground.CTelling stories about past events.DGraduates reports in the old building.解析:选 C。细节理解题。根据第一段可知, “校友会”活动包括对老校建筑的游览、在“Confederate Park”的野餐以及几名前任教师讲述过去的故事。所以 A 项错在“in the park”;B 项错在“on the school playground”。D 项原文中没有涉及。C 项和原文表述一致。2What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?ASome graduates w

19、ere too busy to listen to Ms. Yates speech.BMany graduates disliked Ms.Yates ways of teaching.CSome people got tired from the reunion activities.DMost people had little interest in the reunion.解析:选 B。推断暗示题。第二段主要描述了在 Ms.Yates 发言前很多人的表现翻着眼睛、嘟囔、看手表、找借口走开,所以 A 项所述“一些毕业生太忙而不能听 Ms.Yates 的发言” ;C 项所述“有的人因为聚

20、会活动而劳累 ”;D 项所述“大部分人对聚会不太感兴趣”都与原文描述不一致。他们的种种表现体现了他们都不想听 Ms.Yates 的发言。原文用 who引导的定语从句表明 Ms.Yates 对她的学生极少有友善的言辞,并比其他所有的老师更注重让同学们努力学习,所以通过第二段所述可知,很多毕业生并不喜欢 Ms.Yates 的教学方式。3We can learn from Ms. Yates speech that she _.Akept track of her students progressBgave her students advice on their careers来源:学#科#网C

21、attended her students college graduationsD went to her students wedding ceremonies解析:选 A。推理判断题。从 Ms.Yates 的发言可知,自从学生毕业以后很多人她都没见过,但她一直关注着学生们的事业,为他们的成功而高兴,也为他们的悲剧事件而哭泣,所以A 项“留心她学生的进步”是正确的。根据 “I havent appeared in person”可知她并没有亲身去参加学生的毕业典礼、婚礼等,因此可排除 C、D 两项。B 项错在“给她学生事业方面的建议” ,原文中“followed your careers”

22、 是指“关注、密切注意你们的事业” 。4What was Ms. Yates belief in teaching teenagers?来源:学科网 ZXXKATeachers knowledge is the key to students achievements.BPressure on students from teachers should be reduced.CHardpushed students are more likely to succeed.DStudents respect is the best reward for teachers.解析:选 C。细节理解题。

23、根据第六段可知 Ms.Yates 所坚守的信念尽可能去督促学生(学习),有的人会为了取悦于她而成功,有的人会为了惹恼她而成功。而不管动机是什么,他们总是很成功。所以 C 项“ 被尽力督促的学生更有可能成功”是符合 Ms.Yates 的想法的。A 项“老师的知识是学生成就的关键 ”;B 项“老师给学生的压力应减少”和 D 项“学生的尊敬是对老师最好的回报”都不是原文所提及的。5Which of the following can best describe Ms.Yates?AReliable and devoted.BTough and generous.CProud but patient.

24、DStrict but caring.解析:选 D。总结推断题。通过第二段中 “Ms.Yates 对她的学生极少有友善的言辞,比其他老师更注重让学生更为努力地学习”以及第六段中她所陈述的自己的观点“尽可能地督促学生(努力学习)”可知 Ms.Yates 是个很严格甚至严厉的老师,所以 strict 符合文意。根据第四段可知 Ms.Yates 也一直关注学生的事业、生活,与他们同喜、同悲,所以能看出她又是一个很有爱心的人,因此可用 caring 来形容 Ms.Yates。A 项“可靠并专一的” 、B 项“固执并慷慨的” 、C 项“骄傲但耐心的 ”都不能从本文所述中读出。B(2013广西高考名校联考

25、信息优化卷七)The Worlds No.1 Tech CampsDo something big!Join one of these fun summer camps.iD Tech Camps offer courses at locations throughout the US.Some courses offer additional time for offcomputer activities,ensuring a wellbalanced day.Learn from adultonly instructors who are experts in technology.The

26、re is a maximum of just 8 students per instructor.Our teaching is based on personalization(个性化)your path,at your pace.Adultonly instructors guide students through the courses with 1on1 teaching.Courses & ProgramsADVENTURES IN GAME DESIGNAge:58Date:July 1 July 7Cost:$20Dont just play games! Make them

27、! Create your own video game in this fun,exciting video game camp.Design your own Arcade or Platform game using Clickteam Multimedia Fusion 2 Developer and Adobe Photoshop.Take breaks with supervised outside play,sports and activities.ADVENTURES IN PROGRAMMINGAge:711Date:July 2 July 11Cost:$750Let y

28、our imagination run wild in this multimedia adventure.Create your own interactive stories,animated adventures and creative comics.Learn drag and drop programming basics with Scratch (a project of the MIT Media Lab)Computer characters are at your command!Take breaks with supervised outside play,sport

29、s and activities.ADVENTURES IN ROBOTICSAge:812Date:July 5 July 18Cost:$ 1,200Imagine it,build it and watch it go!Powered by the LEGO MINDSTORMS Education NXT Base Set and Software,our adventure in Robotics course explores the exciting world of robots! This adventure will have you creat cool robots o

30、n your first day.INTRODUCTION TO WEB DESIGN & PHOTOGRAPHYAge:912Date:July 14 July 20Cost:$700Use a highend DSLR camera and learn the building blocks of Web design with Adobe Dreamweaver.Import your photos into your basic website,and then share your creation with your friends and family.Adobe Flash c

31、oncepts may be introduced based on a students progress throughout the week.NEW! MOVIE MAKING CAMPAge:912Date:July 14 August 1Cost:$ 1,800Ready to learn the basics of filming and editing?Shoot with simple cameras and see how much fun creative editing can be with the Apple drag and drop video editor,i

32、Movie.Take home a DVD of your final project to show your family.Note:Filmmakers take years to polish up their craft.Please have realistic project expectations.【语篇解读】 本文为应用文,是一则儿童科技夏令营的广告。6iD Tech Camps are meant for_.Akids BscientistsCteachers Dparents解析:选 A。细节理解题。根据课程中的年龄要求可以看出,iD Tech Camps 的目标人群是

33、儿童。7What do you learn about the instructors of the camps?来源:Z 。xx。k.ComAInstructors are young students from universities.BIn instructor teaches at least 8 students.CAn instructor teaches the students at the same speed.DAn instructor teaches different students at different speeds.解析:选 D。细节理解题。根据 “Our

34、 teaching is based on personalization (个性化) your path,at your pace.Adultonly instructors guide students through the courses with 1on1 teaching.”可知,夏令营中的导师采取个性化“一对一”的教学方式,针对不同的学生采用不同的教学速度。8Jack is six years old,which course can he take?AADVENTURES IN GAME DESIGNBADVENTURES IN PROGRAMMINGCADVENTURES I

35、N ROBOTICSDINTRODUCTION TO WEB DESIGN & PHOTOGRAPHY解析:选 A。细节理解题。根据 ADVENTURES IN GAME DESIGN 中的“Age :58”可知,6 岁的 Jack 可以选择该课程。9We know from the advertisement that_.Abecoming a qualified filmmaker is no easy jobByou can make a qualified filmmaker within two weeksCAdobe Flash concepts are easy to learnDyou can have sports and activities if you take the adventure in Robotics解析:选 A。推理判断题。根据最后一个课程信息中的 “Filmmakers take years to polish up their craft.Please have realistic project expectations.”可知,成为一个合格的电影制作人不是件容易的事,故 A 项正确。


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