新人教版必修五 Unit 4 making the news单元巩固提升测试.doc

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1、优质文档优质文档必修 5 Unit 4 Making the news基础操练.单词拼写1. A p is a type of job that required advanced education or training, usually in connection with t heir work.2. If you have an a with someone, you usually have arranged to see them at a particular time.3. An i that you have is an idea or plan of what you a

2、re going to do.4. Your o is your job.5. Industrial development is being (集中) in the west of China.6. He had to rewrite his essay, because his teacher said it needed some (润饰) in language.7. The little boy cried (故意地) to draw his mothers attention.8. An (精确的) instrument is able to give you informatio

3、n that is correct to a detailed level.9. Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an (获得的) taste and are not bornwith.10. The busy mother feels really (内疚的) at forgetting her daughter s birthday again.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空defend against/protect against/concentrate on/devote oneself to/get all the facts strai

4、ght1. Were well prepared to any surprise attack. 2. the polluted air, the old lady always wear a mask over her face. 3. your study if you want to catch up with the class. 4. He studying the animals. 5. He did plenty of investigation so as to . .完成句子1. 消费者利益保护委员会的创立旨在保护顾客的权益,使其免受奸商的欺诈。The Consumer Co

5、uncil exists to the customers right and interestsunscrupulous traders.2. 那个著名的教授被指控偷取学生的理念并将它们发表。The famous professor has been stealing his student s ideas and publishing them.3. 政府今年所做的事情对所有的广州市民都很有利。What the government has done this year will be of all the citizens living in Guangzhou.4. 经理决定今年冬天公

6、司的全体员工去安徽黄山游玩。The manager has decided all the of the company will go on a to the Yellow Mountain in Anhui province this winter.优质文档优质文档5. 那个女记者冒着生命危险为凤凰卫视报道了伊拉克的情况。The woman reporter to cover the situation in Iraq for Phoenix TV.提升练习.单项填空从 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Next door to ours , who ha

7、s just returned from abroad.A. where lives an old manB. where does an old man liveC. lives an old manD. does an old man live2. Sometimes we are busy and sometimes we are not. , you see.A. Last of all B. That all dependsC. To tell the truth D. It all depends on3. Not only interested in football but b

8、eginning to show an interest in it.A. the teacher himself is; all his students areB. the teacher himself is; are all his studentsC. is the teacher himself; are all his studentsD. is the teacher himself; all his students are4. It is said that they were from the factories.A. accused of taking moneyB.

9、charged of taking moneyC. charged by taking moneyD. accused by taking money5. As you know, it is my duty to my younger sisters from being hurt when they are in danger.A. prevent B. save C. stop D. protect 6. This book is said to be a special one which many events could not be found in other history

10、books.A. writes B. covers C. prints D. reads 7. Children need many things. , they need love.A. After all B. First of allC. Last of all D. At last 8. I have searched for the book but couldnt find it.A. thoroughly B. deeply来源:学,科,网 Z,X,X,KC. at ease D. comfortably9. Last week, only two people came to

11、look at the house, wanted to buy it. A. none of them B. both of themC. none of whom D. neither of whom10. Tom kept quiet about the accident lose his job.A. so not as to B. so as not toC. so as to not D. not so as to. 完形填空优质文档优质文档阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B 、C 和 D)中 ,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Years ago,if a teenag

12、er had some problems in his life,he might go home and write in his diary;now, a teenager with 1 problems might go onto the Internet and write about them in a blog(博客) . In many ways, a diary and a blog are very 2 . But what makes blogging different from writing in a(n) 3 diary? The biggest differenc

13、e is that a blog is much more 4 than a diary. Usually,a teenager treats his diary like a book full of 5 that he does not want to 6 with others. Its interesting that someone who writes in a blog 7 a diary will probably write nearly the same information. I have a little sister, and sometimes I go onli

14、ne to read her 8 . She writes about things like waking up early for swimming practice and not studying enough for her chemistry test. 9 I was her age, I wrote about the same thing, but 10 in my dairy. Then, after I had finished writing, I would hide my diary in a secret place because I was 11 that m

15、y sister might read it. The biggest 12 with blogging is that anyone can read what you write. If I was angry with a friend during high school and wrote something 13 about him in my diary, he would never know. 14 , if my sister ever wrote something bad about a friend, that friend might 15 her blog and

16、 get angry. There are also 16 to blogging, of course. If I was feeling sad one day and wrote in my diary, “Nobody cares about me .” Because no one would 17 about it. However, if my sister wrote the same sentence in her blog, her best friend would quickly 18 and tell her how much they 19 her. Blog he

17、lp people 20 in contact with their friend and know what the people around them are doing. 1. A. the same B. interesting C. difficult D. daily2. A. simple B. special C. similar D. different 3. A. personal B. ordinary C. meaningful D. traditional4. A. attractive B. public C. exciting D. quick 5. A. th

18、oughts B. puzzles C. ideas D. secrets 6. A. tell B. shareC. publish D. solve 7. A. instead of B. as well asC. except for D. besides 8. A. blog B. diary C. report D. web 9. A. Although B. SinceC. When D. Because 10. A. only B. alreadyC. still D. never 优质文档优质文档11. A. angry B. sadC. glad D. worried 12.

19、 A. problem B. doubt C. question D. mistake13. A. boring B. wrong C. bad D. funny 14. A. So B. HoweverC. Therefore D. Then 15. A. steal B. breakC. write D. read 16. A. reasons B. wishesC. shortcomings D. advantages 17. A. care B. know C. think D. ask 18. A. prepare B. begin C. respond D. feel 19. A.

20、 like B. miss C. need D. stand 20. A. lose B. stay C. leave D. find .阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。College graduation brings both the satisfaction of academic achievement and the expectation of a well-paid job. But for 6,000 graduates at San Jose State this year, theres uncertainty as the

21、y enter one of the worst job markets in decades. Ryan Stewart has a freshly minted(新兴的 ) degree in religious studies, but no job prospects. “You look at everybodys parents and neighbours, and theyre getting laid off and dont have jobs,” said Stewart. “Then you look at the young people just coming in

22、to the workforce. its just scary.” When the class of 2003 entered college, the future never looked brighter. But in the four years theyve been here, the world outside has changed dramatically. “Those were the exciting times, lots of dot-com opportunities, exploding offers, students getting top dolla

23、r with lots of benefits,” said Cheryl Allmen-Vinnidge of the San Jose State Career Center. “Times have changed. Its a new market.” Cheryl Allmen-Vinnidge ought to know. She runs the San Jose State Career Center, sort of a crossroads between college and the real world. Allmen-innidge says students wh

24、o do find jobs after college have done their homework. “The typical graduate who does have a job offer started working on it two years ago. Theyve postured(定位) themselves well during the sum mer. Theyve had several internships(实习 ),” she said. And theyve majored in one of the few fields that are sti

25、ll hot, like chemical engineering, accounting, or nursing, where average starting salaries have actually increased over last year. Other popular fields (like information systems management, computer science, and political science) have seen big declines in starting salaries. Ryan Stewart (he had hop

26、ed to become a teacher) may just end up going back to school. “Id like to teach college some day and that requires more schooling, which would be great in a bad economy,” he said. 优质文档优质文档To some students, a degree may not be a ticket to instant wealth. For now, they can only hope its value will inc

27、rease over time.1. The expression “dot-com” in the fourth paragraph probably means “ ”.来源:Z 。xx。k.ComA. a well-known websiteB. jobs related to high-technology C. a company making dotsD. teaching on the Internet2. What does Cheryl Allmen-Vinnidge mean when she says students have “done their homework”

28、?A. They have spent time preparing themselves to find a job. B. They have gone to summer school for further studies. C. They are good students who have finished their homework on time.D. They have found full-time jobs as their future career before graduation. 3. The purpose of a college career cente

29、r is probably to .A. help students do their homework B. find jobs for students while they are in schoolC. prepare students to find jobs after they graduate D. help high school students get accepted to college 4. Ryan Stewart is probably going to .A. change his majorB. become a religious leaderC. get

30、 a job teachingD. go back to school 来源:Zxxk.Com5. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?A. Having a college degree does not provide travel discounts. B. A college degree doesnt promise a person a high-paid job. C. Most students with degrees will be able to find jobs. D. The be

31、st way to get rich is to get a college degree. 答案基础操练.单词拼写1. profession 2. appointment3. intention 4. occupation5. concentrated 6. polishing7. deliberately 8. accurate9. acquired 10. guilty.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空1. defend against2. To protect herself against3. Concentrate on4. devoted himself to5. get all

32、the facts straight优质文档优质文档.完成句子1. defend; against2. accused of3. benefit to4. employees; visit5. risked her life提升练习.单项填空1. 解析:选 C。 next door to ours 是地点状语,放在句首用倒装句型,而且谓语动词完全倒装,因此选 C。2. 解析:选 B。 句意为:我们有时忙有时不忙,你知道,全要视情况而定。ThatIt all depends 完全视情况而定,这时 depend 后面不能跟 on; last of all 表示“最后”; to tell the t

33、ruth 表示“说实话” ,都不符合句意。3. 解析:选 D。 not only.but also.连接两个句子 且位于句首时,not only 所在的句子用倒装,but also 所在的句子不用倒装,因此选 D。 来源:Z.xx.k.Com4. 解析:选 A。 be accused of taking money 表示 “被控收受贿赂” ,也可以用 be charged with taking money。5. 解析:选 D。 句意为:你知道我的责任是保护小妹在危险中不受伤害。不能理解成“阻止小妹在危险中不受伤害” ,因此不能使用 prevent 和 stop。6. 解析:选 B。 句意为:

34、这本书比较特殊,上面写了很多其他历史书上找不到的事情。这里的“写”不能用 write,因为主语是 book,使用 cover 表示“涵盖,覆盖,涉及” 。7. 解析:选 B。 根据句意, “需要爱”是“需要的很多东西中”最重要的,因此使用 first of all。其他选项均与句意不符。8. 解析:选 A。 thoroughly 是形容词 thorough 的副词形式,表示“全面地、彻底地” ,在这里和 search 搭配,其他选项意义上搭配错误。9. 解析:选 D。 考查非限制性定语从句。表示两者都不时用 “neither of them”,放在定语从句中作引导词时则变成 neither o

35、f whom。10. 解析:选 B。 so as to 的否定形式为 so as not to。. 完形填空1. 解析:选 A。表示现在的青少年面临同样的问题时,会上网写博客。2. 解析:选 C。日记和博客非常相似。3. 解析:选 D。是什么让博客和传统的日记不同呢?traditional 传统的;personal 个人的;ordinary 普通的;meaningful 有意义的。来源:学科网4. 解析:选 B。博客比日记公开。5. 解析:选 D。日记是记录个人秘密的。6. 解析:选 B。不愿和他人“共享” 。7. 解析:选 A。根据下文,有些人写博客而不是写日记,内容仍是个人秘密。 inst

36、ead of 而不是,代替;as well as 和;except for 除之外(忽略细节) ;besides 除之外(包含) 。8. 解析:选 A。作者上网去读妹妹的博客。9. 解析:选 C。用 when 表示当我在她那个年龄时。10. 解析:选 A。却“只能”写在我的日记里。11. 解析:选 D。藏起来,担心妹妹会看见。worried 担心的。优质文档优质文档12. 解析:选 A。根据下文,博客最大的问题就是公开性,任何人都可以看。13. 解析:选 C。bad 不好的,符合语境,下文也提到了。boring 无聊的;wrong 错误的;funny 可笑的;均不符合文意。14. 解析:选 B

37、。表示意义上的转 折,故选 however。15. 解析:选 D。朋友就可能在网上“读”到日记的内容。16. 解析:选 D。根据下文可知,博客也有优点。17. 解析:选 B。表示没有人“了解”用 know。18. 解析:选 C。朋友看到博客,就会“回复”她。19. 解析:选 A。朋友会说有多么“喜欢”她。20. 解析:选 B。stay in touch with sb.与某人保持联系,符合语境。.阅读理解1. 解析:选 B。词义猜测题。由文章第四段可以得到答案。2. 解析:选 A。推理判断题。根据倒数第三段可知,学生们在找到工作之前在 career center 里受到过培训,有一定的经验。3. 解析:选 C。推理判断题。由文中第五段“.sort of a crossroads between college and the real world”可知。4. 解析:选 D。细节理解题。由文章倒数第二段的“Ryan Stewart may just end up going back to school”可知。5. 解析:选 B。细节理解题。最后一段中“For now, they can only hope its value will increase over time”说明,仅有大学文凭是远远不够的。


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