【教学探究识源】2014年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?(第1课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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【教学探究识源】2014年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?(第1课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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【教学探究识源】2014年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?(第1课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?一、教材分析本单元围绕着 Where is my schoolbag?的话题,共设计了三个部分的内容。通过教授本单元,使学生学会谈论房间里物品的位置,能读懂有关物品位置的便条,并学会写 便条让朋友帮自己从房间里取东西。Section A 让学生通过活动,学习如何表达物品的位置,并能就物品位置进行提问。1a, 1b, 1c 学习表示物品的名词,并能物品的位置进行问答。重点运用 where 特殊 问句进行谈论。二、三维目标1. Language goals:Key vocabulary: table, bed, bookcase

2、, sofa, chair, where, on, under.Target language: Wheres my schoolbag? Its under the tab le.Where are my books? Theyre on the sofa2. Ability goalsTalk about where things are, Learn the using of pre position “ on, in, under” Train the students communicative competence.3. Moral goals Keep your room and

3、 tidy.三、教学重点1、熟练运用 Where 问句和一般疑问句及其回答。2掌握名词单复数及人称代词 they 的用法。四、教学难点一般疑问句 Is it? Are they?的回答。来源:Z.xx.k.Com五、教学策略注重因材施教,对基础不同的学生,在开始阶段应有不同层次的要求,多鼓励, 少批评,甚至不批评,以充分调动每个学生学习英语的积极性四、教学准备ppt ,多媒 体课件等教学资料。五、教学环节1、课堂导入students play a chant This is a pen. These are pens. That is a book Those are books 来源:学|

4、科|网Its a key Theyre keys 2、课堂讲授Learn the new wordsShow the pictures of the things on the screen. Teach the new words: chair, table, bed ,bookcase, sofa.(First, read the pronunciations , then read the words. Each word has the singular form and plural form.)Read the words over and over again until the

5、 students c an name each item fluently.3、课堂练习来源:学&科&网优质文档优质文档exercise(用 is/are 填空 ) 来源:Z.xx.k.Com(1)Where _ my schoolbag? (2) Where _ my books? (3)Lilys schoolbag _ under the desk. (4) Toms books _ on the sofa.(5)They _ under the table. (6)It _ a key 来源:学,科,网 Z,X,X,K4、课堂活动Work on 1aT: Turn to page 1

6、9, look at 1a. First read the words. Then look at the pictu re and look at the letters. Rea d the instruction. Students do 1a on their own.Check the answers.Read the words again.5、课堂小结采用“任务型”教学方法,遵循“任务”的递进原则,从单词到句型再到语法,逐步在设计教学活动,活动都有明确的目的和可操作性。6、作业布置八、板书设计 Unit 4 wheres my schoolba g?in 在.里面 wheres my schoolbag? wheres +单数on 在.上面 Its in/on/under.under 在 .下面 Where are my books ?where are +复数Theyre in/on/under.六、教学反思通过本节课的学习我最大的收获知识技能目标完成较好,能基本掌握单词与句型,运用所学知识来完成训练,感到自己有待加强的是部分内容掌握不到位,需要多学多练。


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