配套中学教材全解工具版—Unit 8 Adventure背景知识拓展(北师大版必修3).doc

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配套中学教材全解工具版—Unit 8 Adventure背景知识拓展(北师大版必修3).doc_第1页
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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 8 AdventureMarco Polos Travels in ChinaThe Yuan Dynasty had worldwide contacts. Among the many foreigners who came to China at that time, Marco Poloan Italian from Venicewas t he most famous. In the summer of 1271, Marco Polo arrived i n Chin a with his father and uncle after a journey

2、which had taken four years. He became a favorite o f Kublai Khan, who often sent him on inspection tours. He also traveled to Southeast Asia during that time. It is said that he served as the magistrate of Yangzhou for three years.The three Europeans returned to their homeland in 1295. Mar co Polo w

3、rote his account of his journey to China in his The Travels of Marco Polo while in jail, having been captured by enemy forces during a war between Venice and Genoa. Marco Polos description of the fabulous wealth of China under the Yuan Dynasty, and the prosperous cities of Dadu, Suzhou, Yangzhou and

4、 Hangzhou, roused the interest of European merchants and explorers. The result was expanded contacts and trade between China and Europe.来源:学科网来源:Z*xx*k.Com来源:学#科#网 Z#X#X#K来源:学科网马可波罗来华元朝同亚、非、欧各国的交往很多,当时来中国的外国人之中,最著名的是意大利威尼斯人马可波罗。来源:Zxxk.Com公元 1271 年夏天,马可波罗的父亲和叔父带着他经过 4 年的艰辛旅程,来到了中国。忽必烈很喜欢他, 经常派他出去视察。除此之外,在那期间他还游历了南洋很多国家。据说,他在扬州当过 3 年总管。这三个欧洲人在 1295 年回到了他们的故乡。后来马可波罗在威尼斯与热那亚的战争中被敌军俘虏,在监狱里,马可波罗记述了他在中国的旅程,写了马可波罗游记一书。 在这本游记里,马可波罗描绘了元朝时期中国的巨额财富,还介绍了几个发达的城市,如大都、苏州、扬州、杭州等。这激起了欧洲商人和探险家的兴趣,结果扩大了中国和欧洲的联系与贸易。


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