精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1. 强调结构的陈述式强调结构的陈述式为“It is (was) + 被强调部分 + that (who)”。该结构可用于强调主语、宾语、状语等,但不能强调谓语动词。该句式中用that或who的区别是:当被强调的指人时,用that或who均可;当被强调的不是指人时,则只能用that(注意不用which)。如:It was in the office that he was killed. 他是办公室被杀害的。(强调in the office)It is the children who broke the window. 是孩子们打破窗户的。(强调the children)It was to you and not anyone else that I lent the money. 我只借钱给你,不借给其他人。(强调to you and not anyone)It is only when you have your own children that you realize the troubles of pa