Module4 Unit2We have played football for a year now..doc

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1、优质文档优质文档山 东 省 2012 级初二英语课时学案编制人课 题Module 4 Seeing the doctorUnit 2 We have played football for a year now. 审核人目标及要求 识记 理解 应用1. 熟练掌握本单元单词、短语和重点句型,正确率达 96%。 预习 阅读2.能够读懂有关踢足球等运动话题的文章;能写一篇健康生活的文章。 阅读学习目标与评价设计3. 养成健康生活的好习惯,协调好运动与学习的辩证关系。 阅读重点难点 训练细节理解的阅读技能。预 习 学 案学生笔记(教师点拨) 学 案 内 容优质文档优质文档班级 小组 姓名_ 使用时间

2、2014 年 月 日 编号 007 审批: 第 1 页课 堂 学 案 学生笔记(教师点拨)【预习时间】 10 min。【我的纠错】请同学们将写错的单词多巩固几遍。【技巧指导】先读懂句意,弄清所需单词;然后,再注意运用单词的正确形式。I.读准单词,记住拼写及词意,然后默写在学案上,最后用红笔自批,注意二次巩固。心脏_ 积极的,活跃的_宠物_ 成员,队员_条件,身体状况_ 困倦的,欲睡的_日常的_ 虚弱的_生病_ 糟糕的,不舒服的_也许_II. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. I am one of the m_ of our school basketball team.2. He is in

3、 excellent c_ too.3. I went to bed late last night. Now I feel very s_.4. He didnt go to school yesterday because of i_.优质文档优质文档【Reading】Read the passage one paragraph by one, and complete the chart.Anna1. She was not feeling_.2. She needed _.3. She got _ from her parents and she takes him _ every d

4、ay.Wang Wei4. She was the _ of the football team.5. She has played the football for _ and all the members feel _Tomas6. He went to work by _ for several years.7. He bought _ in January.8. He arrives at work with _ on his face.Richard9. He started running _10. He doesnt _ running11. He thinks he is p

5、erhaps too _ to go for a run. Read again, answer the questions.1. What does Annas doctor say when she doesnt feel well? _ 2. How does Anna get exercise? _ 3. How long has Wang Wei played football? _ 【技巧指导】阅读课文前要先阅读题目,根据题目所需信息,跳读文段,抓住有效信息,提高针对性和做题效率。【技巧指导】1、先阅读题目信息,带着问题去阅读全文,图稿针对性;2、阅读全文的过程中,注意圈点勾画重点

6、词汇和重要句型以及看不懂的句子。优质文档优质文档第 2 页 学生笔记 学 案 内 容4. How does Thomas go to work now? _5. Does Richard enjoy running? _【Exercise】 Find the important expressions from the passage.1. 健康生活 _ 2. 给某人某物_3. 通过做某事_ 4. 决定做_5. 参加 _ 6. 在过去的几年里_7. 为什么不?_ 8. 去跑步_9. 喜欢跑步_ 10. 全身_11. 太而不能_ Translate the sentences.1 现在每天通过带它去散步我得到了锻炼。_2 她也和我们参加同样的训练。_3 开始工作时,我总感觉很困倦而且不高兴。_4 我们为何不在上学前跑步呢?_5 或许我太柔弱而不能做任何锻炼。_自 我 反 思优质文档优质文档第 3 页


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