配套中学教材全解工具版—Unit 2 Poems 话题功能集锦(人教版选修6).doc

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配套中学教材全解工具版—Unit 2 Poems 话题功能集锦(人教版选修6).doc_第1页
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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 2 PoemsIntention and plans 意愿和计划【日常用语】来源: 学科网“意愿”是人们对未来的美好事物的憧憬和期待, “计划”是对将来事情的展望与规划,在英语中 “意愿”和“计划”的表达形式多种多样,常见的句型主要有以下几种。1 feel like dong sth. “想/喜 欢做 ”来源:Zxxk.ComI feel like going to a museum.我想去博物馆。I feel like going away for a while.我想离开一段时间。2 Would like to do sth. “愿意做”Which museum

2、would you like to visit?Id like to go out for a walk? 我想出去散步。He wou ld like to go with us.他愿意跟 我们去。3 intend/plan/me an to do sth. “打算/计划做”I mean to leave at six in the morning.我打算六点出发。来源:Zxxk.Com 来源: 学_科_网Im planning to do a special study of satellites next term.下学期我计划打算特别研究一下卫星。4 (dont) want/hope t

3、o do sth. “不想/希望”I dont want to go with you.我不愿意和你在一起。I hope to see him again before he leaves.来源: 学科网我希望在他离开之前再见他一次。5 would rather do sth. “宁愿做”I would rather go to the Science Mus eum.我愿 意去科学博物馆。I wou ld rather not tell you.我真不愿告诉你。6 be ready to do sth. “乐于 /想做”I am ready to help him.我想帮助他。 来源:学+科

4、+网He is not ready to go with me.他不愿和我一起。7 be willing to do sth.“乐意做”We are willing to h elp you . 我们很乐意帮助你。8 be going to do sth. “打算做”Im going to start next week.我们打算下周出发。We are going to call our child Mingming.我们打算给孩子起名叫明明。9 hope + (that)-clause “希望做”I hope he wi ll come today.我希望他今天能来。I hope you w

5、ill give us some advise.我希望你能给我们提些建议。10 wish + (that)-clause 从句谓语常用过去时态。“希望做”I wish it would stop raining.我真希望雨能停下来。来源:Z*xx*k.ComI wish I could see the manager himself.来源:学科网 ZXXK我希望见到经理本人。【典例剖析】(1 ) Will you be able to finish your report today?_ _.A. I like it B. I hope so C. Ill do so D. Id love i

6、 t剖析:表达希望和愿望。本题问句意为:今 天你能完成报告吗?答句意为:我希望是这样。A、C、D 项答非所问。来源: 学#科#网 Z#X#X#K答案:B(2 ) Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?来源: 学科网Yes. Im going to visit some homes for the old in the city.A. If ever B. If busyC. If anything D. If possible剖析:句意:“对于即将到来的假期你有什么特别打算吗?” “是的,若可能的话,我将去城里的几家敬老院看看。 ”A 项意为“如果曾经有的话” ;B 项句意不通;C 项意为“如果有的话 ”;D 项意为“如果可能的话” 。由句意可以看出 D 项符合题意。答案:D


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