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1、高考真题中出现的熟词生义李华军 彭可勇普通高等学校招生全国统一考试说明中的词汇表是命题人的主要依据,而这个词汇表只提供了英语单词或短语的拼写形式,未有词性和词义。这就给命题人提供了广阔的活动空间,给他们减少了很多限制,但却给考生增加了几倍的难度。因为英语中的熟悉生义现象是普遍存在的,近三年全国卷出现过的熟词生义词汇,你都理解对了吗?1. pick up【真题原文】Dont forget to stop by Pacific Science Centers Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or so

2、uvenir to remember your visit. (2017 全国 I 卷阅读 A 篇)【词义解释】pick up 常用词义为“ 捡起,(用车)接人” 。本句中的 pick up 后接两个并列的宾语“a wonderful science activity”和“souvenir”。“pick up”与“a wonderful science activity”搭配时可理解为“to join in, to participate(参加)” ;与“a wonderful souvenir”搭配时则意为 “to buy sth. (挑选/ 购买)” 。【参考译文】不要忘记到太平洋科学中心

3、商场停留一下,在这里你可以参加一个精彩的科学活动和选购一件精美的纪念品,以纪念你的到访。【小试牛刀】你可以花 200 美元就可以淘到一台二手笔记本电脑。You can _ a second-hand laptop for about $200. 2. feed【真题原文】 Our exhibits will feed your mind, but what about your body? (2017 全国 I 卷阅读 A 篇)【词义解释】feed 常见词义为 “喂养,饲养”,本句中的 feed 则理解为“to satisfy a need, desire, ect. and keep it

4、strong(满足)”。 【参考翻译】我们的展品可以使你的心灵充实,但你的身体呢?【小试牛刀】广泛地阅读是充实心灵的好途径。Extensive reading is a good way to_ . 3. special【真题原文】Our caf offers a complete menu of lunch and snack options, in addition to seasonal specials. (2017 全国 I 卷阅读 A 篇)【词义解释】special 常用作形容词,意为 “特别的”。在本句中,special 用作名词,意为“a dish that is not no

5、rmally available or is made for a particular purpose(特色菜) ”。【参考译文】除了季节性的特色菜,我们的咖啡馆还供应菜式齐全的午餐和零食,任君选择。【小试牛刀】今天的特色菜写在布告板上。Todays _ are written on the board. 4. work【真题原文】Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking; survival is never certain. However, when it works, it is s

6、imply beautiful. (2017 全国I 卷阅读 B 篇 )【词义解释】work 常用意思为“工作” ,此句中的 work 理解为“to be effective or successful(有效;成功)”。【参考译文】试图去帮助受伤的、流离失所的或者病弱的动物可能是令人心碎的;(能否)活下来是不确定的。但是,当成功活下来时,活着就是很美好的。【小试牛刀】她关于部门重组的构想实际上永远都不会实现。Her idea for reorganizing the department will _ in practice. 5. carrier【真题原文】When I arrived, I

7、 saw a 2-to 3-week-old owl. It had already been placed in a carrier for safety. (2017 全国 I 卷阅读 B 篇)【词义解释】carrier 常见意为“运输工具,运送者”,此句中的 carrier 理解为“a temporary shelter or a rough nest(临时庇护处或简易的窝) ”。【参考译文】当我到达时,我看到一只两三周大的猫头鹰。为安全起见,它已经被安置到一个临时庇护处了。【小试牛刀】有些鸟自己不筑巢,甚至连个简易窝都不建。相反,他们喜欢在其他鸟的巢里下蛋。Some birds don

8、t build their own nests, even a rough _. Instead, they lay eggs in the nests of other birds.6. anchor【真题原文】My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree. (2017 全国 I 卷阅读 B 篇)【词义解释】anchor 常见词义为 “n. 锚;v. 抛锚”。本句的 anchor 意为“to make something or someone stay in one position by fastening him

9、, her, or it firmly(把固定)” 。【参考译文】我的下一步工作就是建一个鸟巢,并把它安放在一棵树上。【小试牛刀】我们用绳子把自己固定在岩石上。We _ ourselves to the rocks with a rope. 7. rest【真题原文】Then lay the tube in place so that one end rests all the way in the cup and the rest of the line runs up and out the side of the hole. (2017 全国 I 卷阅读 D 篇)【词义解释】rest 常

10、用含义为 “v. to creates the opportunity for sth. to happen(使能够,促使)”。【参考译文】它(地铁)在地下延伸七公里,并使得人们在上下班时可以避开地面公路的严重的拥堵。【小试牛刀】这些密集的树木,使得没空间扩种更多的树木了。These crowed trees _no room for more trees.20. delicious【真题原文】This delicious tour goes through the city on its way to Treasure Island where we will stop at the fam

11、ous Winery SF. (2017 全国 III 卷阅读 A 篇)【词义解释】delicious 常用词义为“ 美味的”,此句中意为“pleasant or interesting(怡人的,有趣的,好玩的) ”。【参考译文】这条好玩的旅游线路穿越这座城市到达金银岛,在那里我们将在著名的 SF 酒厂停留。【小试牛刀】我有一些有趣的小道消息和你分享。I have some _ gossip to tell you.参考答案:11. deal12. put down13. sat14. complexes15. double duty16. are designed17. average18.

12、 updates19. allow20. delicious21. monitor / pack【真题原文】The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service carefully monitors and manages the wolf packs in Yellowstone. (2017 全国 III 卷阅读 C 篇)【词义解释】monitor 常见的词义为“ n. 班长”,此句中意为“to watch and check a situation carefully for a period of time in order to discover something

13、about it(v. 监控,监视)” 。pack 常用词义为“n. 包,包装,v. 打包装” ,此句中意为 “a group of animals that live and/or hunt together(n. 一群动物)” 。【参考译文】美国鱼类和野生动物服务处认真监控和管理黄石公园的狼群。【小试牛刀】中央情报局正在对他的电话进行监听。The CIA _ his phone calls. 一群野狗正在扑向一只兔子。A _ of wild dogs were rushing at a rabbit.22. about【真题原文】For many older people, particu

14、larly those living alone or in the country, driving is important for preserving their independence, giving them the freedom to get out and about without having to rely on others. (2017 全国 III 卷阅读 D 篇)【词义解释】about 常用词义为“ 大约,关于”,此句中意为“in many different directions(四处,到处)” 。【参考译文】对于许多老年人来说,特别是那些独居或住在乡间的老

15、年人,驾车(外出)对于他们保持独立生活是非常重要的,这也给了他们出行而不用依赖他人的自由。【小试牛刀】我跑了一上午到处找你。Ive been running _ all morning trying to find you.23. address【真题原文】The DriveLAB is helping us to understand what the key points and difficulties are for older drivers and how we might use technology to address these problems. (2017 全国 III

16、 卷阅读 A 篇)【词义解释】address 常用词义为“ 地址”,此句中意为“to deal with a matter or problem(处理) ”。【参考译文】DriveLAB 正在帮助我们搞明白老年驾驶员的关键点和困难所在,以及我们如何使用科技去解决这些问题。【小试牛刀】这个男孩的学费问题尚未得到解决。The boys problem of school fee hasnt _.24. constant / fine【真题原文】For example, most of us would expect older drivers always go slower than every

17、one else but surprisingly, we found that in 30mph zones they struggled to keep at a constant speed and so were more likely to break the speed limit and be at risk of getting fined. (2017 全国 III 卷阅读 D 篇)【词义解释】 constant,熟悉的词义为“经常的;连续不断的”,本句的constant 意为 “staying the same, or not getting less or more(恒久

18、不变的;稳定的)”。 fine 熟悉的词义为 “adj. 好的,健康的,晴朗的 ”,此句中意为“to charge someone an amount of money as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law(v. 罚款)”。【参考译文】例如,我们大多数人都会希望老年人总是比其他每一个人都开得慢一点,但是我们惊讶地发现,在限速 30 公里时速路段,他们吃力地保持平稳的速度,同时他们更可能会超过限制速度而有被罚款的风险。【小试牛刀】冰箱在恒温下保存食物。The fridge keeps food _.他因为有威胁恐吓行为而被罚 100 英镑。H

19、e _ 100 for using threatening behaviour.25. life【真题原文】She looks like any other schoolgirl, fresh-faced and full of life. (2017全国 III 卷语法填空 )【词义解释】life 常用词义为 “生命,生活”,此句中意为“energy or enthusiasm(活力,热情)”。【参考译文】她看起来和其他女生没有两样,又年轻又充满活力。【小试牛刀】这个城市本身充满活力,个性十足。The town itself was _ and character.26. offer【真题原文】My dad thinks I should take the offer now (2017 全国 III 卷语法填空)【词义解释】offer 常用词义为“提供,提出”,此句中意为“invitation(邀请)” 。【参考译文】我父亲认为现在我应该接受这个邀请。【小试牛刀】莎拉,打算专心学习,拒绝了出演节目的邀请。Sarah, who wants to concentrate on her studies, refused the _ to star at shows.27. kick off


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