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1、山东商业职业技术学院教师授课教案授课教师姓名: 姜燕晓 教案编制时间:2018.02.10 课程 大学英语二 周次 1-3 授课日期授课课题 Unit 6 Advertising 授课班级 商务英语 1702、1703教学目的By the end of this unit, students will Gain a basic knowledge of advertising 对广告有基本的了解 Be able to write a short description of a product 能写简短的商品介绍 Use Comparatives and Superlatives 会正确使用比

2、较级和最高级 Be able to talk about advertisements 能谈论广告话题重点 Understanding of the passage 对文章的理解难点 Complex sentences 复杂句授课方法 讲授法+小组学习 教具教学主要内容Section I lead-in; section II Reading: Advertising ; Section III Language focus;Section IV Business writing: A short product DescriptionSection V Speaking : presenti

3、ng a product教学资源教学课件, 网络资源,拓展课程知识能力素质培养培养学习者在商务场景中使用英语语言知识和商务知识的技能,使学习者能够完成具体商务任务,成为适应社会需要的应用型涉外商务工作者。课堂提问Whats the role of advertising in business? 作业1. 课后练习题 2. 云班课中的文章阅读 本节教学体会I教 案 纸教学内容及过程:Teaching Procedures:1st-2nd period Section 1 Lead-i nstudents to work in pairs and guess what the correspon

4、ding products are shown in the ads below.Suggested answers:a. Maxwell House Coffee; b. Canon Printer;c Pepsi-Cola; d. Lexus Car; e. Philips Computer2 .Ask students to write five sentences according to the information given.Suggested answers:1.A new Chinese-English Dictionary is published.2.It will b

5、e on sale in October.3.You can buy it in all Xinhua Bookstores in Harbin.4.It took over twenty experts several years to finish this dictionary.5. It contains 600,000 words.Section II Reading Give students 10 minutes to go through the whole text and ask them to finish the comprehension task. The teac

6、her circulates and makes sure the students do not turn to any dictionaries during their reading.Suggested answers:Note : 1.Philips is one of the largest electronics companies in the world. In 2007, its sales were 26.79 billion. The company employs 123,800 people in more than 60 countries. The compan

7、y was founded in 1891 by Gerard Philips, a maternal cousin of Karl Marx, in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Its first products were light bulbs and other electro technical equipment. Its first factory remains as a museum devoted to light sculpture.2. Maxwell House is a brand of coffee manufactured by a

8、like-named division of KraftExercise 21.Advertising communicates a message including the name of the product or service and how that product or service could potentially benefit the consumer.2.To the CEO* of a multinational corporation, advertising is an essential marketing tool that helps create br

9、and awareness and loyalty and stimulates* consumption.3. Advertising exists for different purposes:4. Advertising is an important part of the brand-building process for a company. And the role of advertising in communicating brand values is not reserved for big national or multinational companies4.

10、Advertising, in many senses, is an investment: in the power and effect of media space and media communication.Exercise 3 1. F 2. T3. F4. F5. T作业布置:.1. preview and read aloud the passage.2. prepare for class presentation 3rd-4th period Part one :Pre-class presentationAsk a student to make a short pro

11、duct description. Part Two detail reading Pr1-5Step 1: Ask students to read each paragraph, and find out the main idea of each paragraph.Step 2: group study Ask a group to explain the meaning of the paragraph.Then the teacher provide help if necessary and make a summary.Step 3: important or difficul

12、t sentences study. 1. Typically, it communicates a message including the name of the product or service and how that product or service could potentially benefit the consumer.Paraphrase: Usually, advertising conveys product-related information, including the name of the product or service and the ad

13、vantages of that product or service for the consumer. 通常,广告传递 着与产品相关的信息,包括产品或服务的名称以及该产品或服务会给消费者带来的好处。Typically: generally representative of something; usually more typically; most typically; less typically; least typicallye.g.: Doctors are typically hard-working people.2. It is not just a force for

14、commercial organizations and large-scale industry, it is also a tool of theirs and ours.Paraphrase: It is not only a force for commercial organizations and large industry, it is also a tool of theirs, and a tool of everyone of us. 它并不仅仅是商业机构和大型产业的动力引擎,同时也是他们和我们每一个人的工具。It is not just it is also is si

15、milar to it is not only but also. Just here is used simply to emphasize.e.g.: It is not just farmers who are complaining. It is not just that farmers are complaining.3. And the role of advertising in communicating brand values is not reserved for big national or multinational companies like Pepsi an

16、d Coca Cola. 在塑造品牌价值方面,广告并不只是专为像百事可乐和可口可乐这样的大公司或跨国公司保留的。Be reserved for: put aside or keep something for a later occasion or special use.e.g.: Beijing adopted a low price policy to the ticket sales for the 2008 Olympic Games and 14% of the cheapest tickets had been reserved for the countrys youth.4.

17、 Marketers in companies and industries of all sizes recognize the need for advertising and are keen on investing in advertising and promotion as powerful competitive tools.各种规模的公司和产业的市场部门都认识到广告的必要,并且他们都热衷于投资广告促销,以此作为强有力的市场竞争手段。be keen on: be fond of; devoted to.e.g.: She is keen on sailing, very ent

18、husiastically.作业布置:.1. Review the expressions about advertising and read aloud the passage.2. prepare for class presentation 5tg-6th period Part one :Pre-class presentationAsk a student to make a short product description. Part Two detail reading Pr6-10Step 1: Ask students to read each paragraph, an

19、d find out the main idea of each paragraph.Step 2: group study Ask a group to explain the meaning of the paragraph.Then the teacher provide help if necessary and make a summary.Step 3: important or difficult sentences study. 5. Secondly, advertising provides the stimulus to viewers for them to engag

20、e in action. 第二,广告可以刺激观众,激励他们积极采取行 动。stimulus:thing that produces a reaction in living things; thing that encourages or excites somebody/something to activity, greater effort, etc.e.g.: Her words of praise were a stimulus for us to work harder.6. This deals with the emotional dimension of the target

21、 audience, which concentrates on contacting and persuading the consumers rather than informing them.这 就 涉 及 到把握目标受众的情感尺度,重点集中在与消费者取得联系并加以劝诱,而不只是简单的告知信息。 concentrate on: focus (ones attention, effort, etc) exclusively and intensely onsomething, not thinking about other less important things e.g.: I c

22、ant concentrate on my report with all that noise going on.rather than: in preference to; in stead ofe.g.: Now photography is re.g.arded more as art rather than a simple hobby.7. The third function of advertising is to provide constant reminders and reinforcements to produce the viewers desire.Paraph

23、rase: The third function of advertising is to remind and stimulate the customers constantly, and it induces in them the desire to purchase this product. 广 告 的 第 三 个 功能就是不断提醒消费者,强化他们的消费欲望。reinforcements:an act performed to strengthen approved behavior8. Advertising is sometimes called a partnership,

24、and some partners are more equal than others. 广告有时也叫合作经营,而且有些合作搭档更加平等。equal: with no difference in status or rank e.g.: All men are equal in the sight of God.9. It is crucial to take advantage of the vast range of media power that can assist the advertisers, such as: . 充分利用媒体的力量广泛度来促进广告效应,这是至关重要的,比如

25、:crucial: extremely significant or importante.g.: The next step is crucial, if we loose it we loose everything.107take advantage of: to put to good usee.g.: He took full advantage of all his business opportunities.10. There are many smaller media beyond these. 除此之外还有很多其他小型媒体。beyond: not within the r

26、ange of somethinge.g.: Your question is beyond the extent of my knowledge.11. It is important for business advertising to be involved the media, to the largest possible extent.商业广告应该最大限度争取媒体的介入,这是非常重要的。to (some, what, such an, a certain) extent: to the de.g.ree specifiede.g.:The economic policy of a

27、 country influences not only its domestic economy but also the international economy to some extent.I agree with you to a certain extent.10. Such involvement can not only help extend the social impact of products on the public, but can also help establish good relationships between products and medi

28、a. 这 种 介 入 不 但 有 助 于 扩 大 产 品 本 身 对 公 众 的 社 会 影 响 , 也 有 助 于 在 产 品 和媒 体 之 间 建 立 起 良 好 的 关系。impact (on): strong impression or effect on somebody/something e.g.: The comments of the media made a great impact on the judgment of the case.Step 4: Ask students to summarize the text.作业布置:.1. Review the expre

29、ssions about advertising and read aloud the passages they had learned.2. preview the next half of the passage.7th-8th period Part one :Pre-class presentationAsk a student to make a short product description. Part two : review of the passage Step 1: Ask students to read aloud certain paragraphs.Step

30、2: sentence translationPart three: Section III language focus Exercise I Ask students to finish Exercise 1. Suggested answers:1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. C2. 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. CExsercise II Get students to work in pairs and finish Exercise 2.Exsercise III Tell students to finish Exercise 3 and ask

31、eight students to tell the class their answers, one student for one blank.Grammar1. We use the comparative and superlative form to compare and contrast different objects in English. Use the comparative form to show the difference between two objects.e.g.: New York is more exciting than Seattle.We us

32、e the superlative form when speaking about three or more objects to show which object is “the most” of something.e.g.: New York is the most exciting city in the USA.2. form refer to PPt.Ask students to finish Exercise 4Suggested answers:1,This one is too large. Can you show me a smaller one?2. The A

33、mazon is the second longest river in the world.3. It is one of the most interesting books in the bookshop.4. He is the taller of the two boys.5. She is a little thinner than she looks.Ask students to finish Exercise 5.Suggested answers:the latest; the most impressive; smaller; more spacious; the mos

34、t comfortable; the fastest; the most economical; more; better; more efficient; easier; the safest; the most reliable; the bestTranslation :Tell students to work on the translation exercise.Go through the exercise with the whole class, explaining any difficulties1. .China will be the largest telephon

35、e market in the world in the 21century.2. If you had worked out the itinerary in advance, the groups journey would be smoother.3. Electronic business has become more and more difficult since the competition grew.4. We have adopted much more flexible methods in our dealings.5. They are still lower th

36、an the quotations you can get elsewhere.6.作业布置:.1. Review the expressions about advertising and read aloud the passage.2. prepare for class presentation 9th-10th period Part one :Pre-class presentationAsk a student to make a short product description.Part two Section IV business writing Practice 1Wo

37、rk in pairs. Read the following advertisements, and try to point out the specific features of advertising language.Language Points for a Successful Advertisement1)Using Positive tone to show grace and confidence2)The advertisement literary style should be succinct3)Advertising words should be easy t

38、o understand, terse and forceful.4)The advertisement has persuasive power.Practice 2Supposing you were a salesman of a camera company. Try to introduce your products to customers.Great thanks for your attention! Our new style camera ranks first among similar products, with superior quality and an at

39、tractive design. The new Y style will be the most sensible choice. Complete in specification and durable in use, it is undoubtedly the king of quality. If you have any questions about our products, we will serve you with the greatest sincerity. Of course, we have various styles available for every h

40、onored customer.Study the tips for writing a Product Description Product Description Writing When products are sold over the Internet, it is the website itself that has to play the role of a salesman. This makes the role of copy very significant. Writing an effective product description is a highly

41、essential step towards being able to sell the product. No matter how appealing the image and the features, the content has to be able to “talk” to the visitor and to transform the visitor into a customer. In order to make a product descriptions appealing and convincing, we follow certain essential p

42、ractices:Section V Speaking Step 1; Ask students to do the role-play of the sample dialogue.Step 2 Ask students to study the sample dialogue and to do the oral composition work about the following topics.e.g.: For example, Advertisements appear everywhere in modern society. When you walk along the s

43、treets, you can see large advertisement boards with pretty girls smiling at you. In newspapers, for another example, you often see half of the pages covered 117with advertisements. As still another example, you turn on the TV set and you see advertisements again. Whether you like it or not, they are

44、 pouring into your life.作业布置:.1. Review the expressions about advertising.2. Prepare for the pre-class presentation.11st-12nd period 拓展教程练习 Exercise I: (10ms)Step 1: Ask students to group study and finish exercise I.Step 2: Check the answers and make explanations when necessary.Exercise II: vocabula

45、ry (25ms)Step 1: Ask students to look up in the dictionary and finish exercise II.Step 2: Check the answers and make explanations when necessary.Exercise III grammar (10ms)Step 1: Ask students to group study and finish exercise I.Step 2: Check the answers and make explanations when necessary.Exercis

46、e IV Reading comprehension (45ms)sStep 1: Ask students to finish reading 1 and check the answers.(15ms)Step 2: Ask students to finish reading 2 and check the answers.(15ms)Step 3: Ask students to finish reading 3 and check the answers.(15ms)作业布置:.1. Review the expressions about advertising.2. Preview next unit.


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