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1、1比较级、最高级专项训练一、 写出下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形式。late early strongthin far manylittle well badlydifficult slow slowlyquick happy carefully二、 根据句意用适当的词填空。1. You are taller than me. He is_ than you . Hes the _ of all .2. Mum is very busy on Sunday. She is the _ in my family .3. Chinese TV are expensive. Japanese T

2、V are much _ _.4. The Huai River is long. The Yellow River is_ than the Huai River. The Chang jiang River is_ _in China .5. There are_ people in China than in Canada .6. A: Look! What beautiful pictures!B: Yes. Which picture is _ beautiful, this one or that one ?A: The one on the left is _ beautiful

3、 , I think .B: Oh, look at the picture over there . It is the _ beautiful picture here , I think .7. A: Im sorry , I broke(摔坏) a cup this morning .B: Oh, dear , you must be _ careful next time . Kate is _ careful than you . KATE: Yes. My teacher says Im the _ careful girl in our class .8. This is a

4、_ street . That street is _ . Zhong Shan Road is the _ of the three . ( busy )9.Chips are very _ . Fried chicken is _ . ( delicious )10. Dicks kite is _ . Kates kite is _ than Dicks . Lily is _ of all . ( beautiful )11. Wuhan is a _ city . Beijing is _ than Wuhan . Shanghai is _ city in China .( big

5、 )12. In the morning, I get up _ . My father gets up _ than me . My mother gets up _ in my family . (early)三 翻译和句型转换1. 这个箱子比那个箱子小得多。The box is _ _ than that one .2. 我比我妹妹瘦。I am _ _ my sister. 3. 我的书包比你的便宜.My backpack is _ _ _.4. 王老师比陆老师更严肃。Mr.Wang _ _ _than Mr. Lu. 5. 这个箱子和那个箱子一样大。This box is _ _ _t

6、hat one . 6. 我没有他高。I am _ _ _ as _.7. 今天和昨天一样冷。Today is _ _ _ it _yesterday. 8. 这个故事不如那个有趣。This story is _ _ _ _ _ as that one. 29. 你游泳没有你弟弟好。You cant swim _ _ _ your brother. 10. 我的钢笔比他的便宜.My pen is _ _ _.11. 我爸爸喜欢讲笑话。My father enjoys _ _.12. 在某些方面琳达和她姑姑看上去一样。Linda and her aunt look the same _ _ .1

7、3.Pedro is thinner than Sam.(同义句转换) Sam is _ _ Pedro.14. I study science very well.(同义句转换)I am very _ _ science.15. Miss Li is popular in our class. Mr. Wang is more popular.(同义句转换)Mr. Wang is _ _ _ Miss Li.16. They both like eating dumplings. (改为同义句)_ _ them like eating dumplings. 17. Tom looks lik

8、e his brother Jim .(同义句)Tom and Jim _ _ _.18. Holly isnt as tall as Tara . (同义句)Holly is_ than Tara .19. The weather in China is not the same as that in Australia. (同义句)The weather in China is _ _ that in Australia. 20 Li Lei is ten years old. Lin Feng is twelve years old .(合并为一句)Li Lei is _ years _

9、 _ Lin Feng. 21. Ted has 6 balls . Jenny has 8 balls . (合并为一句)Jenny has _ balls _ Ted. 同义句转换。22.Mary is 14. Tom is 16. Mary is _ _ _than Tom. 23. He is the tallest student in his class. He is _than _ _students in his class. He is _than _ _student in his class. 24. Math isnt so popular as Art. Math i

10、s _ _ than Art. / Art is _ _ than math25 This movie is more funny than the other two .This movie is _ _ of the three .26 She studies the most carefully in her class . She studies _ _ than _ _ student in her class .27. Tony does well in soccer. Tony _ _ _ playing soccer. 28 .Lily is 1.6 meters. Lucy

11、is 1.65 meters. Lily is _ _ _ _ Lucy .四 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Of all the subjects I like English _. (well)2. Which sport do you like _, the long jump or the high jump? (well)3. The Changjiang River is a very _ river. Its _ river in our country. (long)4. Mary does her homework as _ as Lily. (care) .5. She d

12、idnt jump so _ as her. (high)6. Lucy did _ than Lily. (bad) 37. This is the _ way to the hospital near here. (near)8. Who is _ (friendly), Tom, Kate or Jack? 9. Of the 3 boys, he is _ (strong). 10. _(hard) he studies, _(happy) he will be. 11. She becomes _and _ _(outgoing) 12. Lucy is _(nice) one of

13、 the twins.13.The flowers in our garden are _ than those in their garden . (many)14. Canada is the second _ country in the world . (big) 15. Huai River is one of the _ rivers in China . (long)16. He isnt as _ at sports as his brother . (good) 17. Bob is _ ( young ) than Fred but _ (tall) than Fred.

14、18. Yingtian is not as _ (tall) as Yongxian. 19. Now his life is becoming _ and _ _. (difficult) 20. A dictionary is even (expensive) than a story-book.21. An orange ia a little _ (big) than an apple, but much _ (small) than a watermelon.22.-How difficult is physics? -I m not sure.- Is it _ (difficu

15、lt) than maths? - I don t think so.23.- Annie plays the piano very _ (well).- Sue plays it _ (well) than Annie. 24. Her mother is getting _(fat) and _ (fat).25. I think it s too expensive. I d like a _ (cheap) one.26. He comes to school much _ (early) than she (do). 27. Your classroom is _(wide) and

16、 _(bright) than ours. 28. Practice as _ (much) as you can. 29. The _ (hard) you study, the _ (good) you will be. 30. Nowadays(现在) English is _ ( important ) than any other subject. 31. Most of the students think a lion is quite _ _(dangerous).32. She is a little _ _ than her classmates. (careful)33.

17、 _ people came to the meeting than last time. (many)34. Hainan is _ from Beijing than Hunan. (far)35. Things are getting _ and _. (bad)36. The higher you climb, the _ it will be. (cold)五、单项选择1.Jim gets up _ in his family . A. quick B. quickly C. most quickly D. quickest 2. London is _ in the world .

18、A. the beautiful city B. the most beautiful cities C. most beautiful cities D. one of the most beautiful cities 3.That is the _ mountain in China . A. high B. higher C. highest D. tall 4.Mr. Smith thought the Century Park was the second _ in Shanghai .A. larger B. large C. largest D. very large 5.I

19、like summer . Its the _ of all the seasons . A. good B. well C. better D. best 6.Who do you think is the _ popular actor in China ? A. best B. more C. most D. much 7.Xian is one of _ capital _ in China .A. the older, city B. older, city C. oldest, cities D. the oldest, cities 8.It takes more time to

20、 go there by ship than by bus. Its _ by train of the three .A. the fastest B. much fast C. fast D. faster 49.Which is the _ way to Tianjing , by plane, bus or train ?A. well B. better C. best D. good 10. Of all the students, Li Ming is _ to Mr. Wang .A. closer B. close C. the closest D. the most clo

21、sest11.I had a _ headache yesterday . Im feeling even _ today .A. bad, badly B. badly, worst C. bad, worse D. badly, worse 12.Xiao Wang ran as _ as others in the relay race .A. quickly B. quicklier C. more quickly D. much quick 13. I think this book is _ interesting than that one .A. very B. much C.

22、 much more D. even 14. Shanghai is larger than _ in He Bei .A. any other city B. any city C. other cities D. all city15. Our city is getting _ .A. beautiful and beautiful B. beautifuler and beautifuler C. more and more beautiful D. beautifuler16. John Smith is _ of the two young men .A. strong B. st

23、ronger C. the stronger D. the strongest 17. The weather in China is quite different from _ .A. Australia B. that in Australia C. those in Australia D. one in Australia 18. Which do you think tastes _ , the chicken or the fish ?A. well B. good C. better D. best19. The more you smile, the _ you will f

24、ell .A. happy B. happily C. happier D. more happily 20. The apples in my bag are redder than _ in his bag .A. it B. those C. that D. ones 21 These children are _ this year than they were last year.A. more tall B. more taller C. very taller D. much taller22. This year our school is _ than it was last

25、 year. A. much more beautiful B. much beautiful C. the most beautiful D. beautiful .23. Tom is stronger than _ in his class.A. any other boy B. any boys C. any boy D. other boy24. At last he began to cry _.A. hard and hard B. more hard and more hard C. harder and harder D. less hard and less harder2

26、5 Which do you like _, tea or coffee?A. well B. better C. best D. most26. Wei Fang is only six, but she speaks English_ her mother. A. as good as B. as better as C. as well as D. as best as27. My _ brother is three years _ than I.A. elder; elder B. older; oldest C. elder; older D. older; elder28. Th

27、e desk is very _. I cant carry it . A. heavy B . heavier C. heaviest D. heavily 29. Things became even _ the next day. A.worse B. bad C. bader D.badder 30.The weather in Hainan is warmer than _ in Tianjin in winter. A.that B.it C. was D. were 六、完形填空。London is such a wonderful city. It is very large.

28、 The Thames (泰晤士)River runs 1 the city from west to east. So the city has 2 parts, the South and North. In the North are important buildings, shops, big parks and interesting places.5The weather in London is good. In winter it is not very cold and in summer it is not very hot because the city is nea

29、r the 3 .People say that London is a foggy (多雾的)city and it often rains. It is true(真的). Last year, when I was in London I met one of the 4 fogs in years. You could almost(几乎) not see your hand in front of your face. Cars and buses moved along 5 their lights on. When evening fell(降临), the weather 6

30、even worse. The fog was as 7 as milk. . 8 buses and cars 9 . I happened to (碰巧)have an important meeting on the other side of the town, but it was too hard to find a car, I had to get there 10 .1. A. about B. through C. in D. along2. A. four B. six C. five D. two3. A. sea B. six C. lake D. mountain4

31、. A. thick B. thicker C. thinnest D. thickest5. A. and B. with C. for D. to6. A. becomes B. got C. turn D. grow7. A. white B. thin C. thick D. thicker8. A. All B. Each C. Every D. Neither9. A. moved on B. stopped C. were broken D. returned10. A. by bus B. by car C. by plane D. on foot七、阅读Cang Laoyan

32、 (仓老奄) is a little village in Shandong Province(省). It is (A) not far from Xuecheng (薛城). Like many other villages near towns or cities., it is clean and quiet. Now many people live there. Most of them are friendly and helpful to others. Though their homes are in Cang Laoyan, many people have jobs i

33、n Xuecheng. Some work in big factories, (B)_ work in shops or offices. Most of them go to work by train. (C) It usually takes them about half an hour to get to Xucheng. In the evening, people like watching TV. There are no cinemas in Cang Laoyan. If they want to see a film or go to a concert, they h

34、ave to go to Xuecheng. (D) Life in Cang Laoyan may not be so exciting as that in lagre cities. But people there feel happy. They love their little village very much. 1. 可替换划线部分(A)处的词语或词组是 _A. near B. next C. near to D. different from 2. 在划线部分 B 处填入一个适当的词语 _3. 将划线部分 C 处翻译成汉语4. why do people in Cang L

35、aoyan go to Xuecheng to see a film ?_5. 写出划线部分 D 的同义句。Life in large cities may be _ _than that in Cang Laoyan . 八. 短文填空Dear Isabel, Thank you for w 1 back to me. Here is a p 2 of me and my twin sister Liu Ying. A 3 you see, we both have black eyes and black h 4 , although her hair is longer than m 5

36、 . We both like sports, although she is m 6 more athletic than me. She is more outgoing, and Im a l 7 quieter. I think Im smarter t 8 her. Her favorite subject is P.E., and my favorite s 9 is chemistry. However, we b 10 enjoy going to the parties. Please write to us soon. Love Liu Li 6KEYS 六、完形填空。 BDADB BAABD七、阅读 1. A 2. others 3. 到达薛城通常要花费他们半个小时。4. Because there are no cinemas in CangLaoyan.5. more exciting / less interesting 八. 短文填空writing photo as hair minemuch little than subject both


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