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1、机动车注册号码中国汽车摩托车运动联合会组 / GroupN中国汽摩联版权所有 2017 1/5 2017-1-1机动车 N 组注册发动机的互补COMPLEMENTARY HOMOLOGATION FORM FOR ENGINE IN GROUP N机动车注册有效期自Homologation valid as from 本表格中包含了 A组基本注册表中的所有附加信息,以便 N组的发动机参赛。如出现冲突的内容,只有本表格中出现的信息适用于 N组IMPORTANT :This form includes all the additional information to the basic Grou

2、p A homologation form for the participation of the engine in Group N. In the case of contradictory information, only the information appearing on the present form is to be taken into consideration for Group N.1. 概述 / GENERAL制造商/ MANUFACTURER101.商品名称型号和类型 / COMMERCIAL NAME(S) - MODEL AND TYPE102.汽缸容积

3、 / CYLINDER CAPACITY汽缸容积Cylinder capacity cm3103.修正汽缸容积Corrected cylinder capacity X = cm33. 发动机/ ENGINE最小的燃烧室容积/ TOTAL MINIMUM VOLUME OF A COMBUSTION CHAMBER308.cm3压缩比 / COMPRESSION RATIO (IN RELATION WITH THE UNIT)最小 / Minimum* : 1 最大 / Maximum : 1310.*仅柴油机/Diesel only缸体 / CYLINDER BLOCK311.b) 曲轴轴

4、承座直径Diameter of crankshat bearings +0- 0.1 mm机动车注册号码品牌Make型号Model中国汽摩联版权所有 2017 2/5 2017-1-1缸体最小高度 / MIN. HEIGHT OF THE CYLINDER BLOCKIII-C1) 高度测量 / Height measurementa) 从油底壳安装面到缸垫平面Between sump and headgasket planesmm312.b) 从曲轴中心线到缸垫平面Between crankshaft centreline and head gasket planemm缸套 / SLEEVE

5、Sb) 材料Material C3-8) 拆卸下的缸套Sleeve dismounted313.活塞 / PISTONa) 材料Material b) 活塞环数量Number of rings b1) 活塞环厚度Thickness of rings + 0.1 mmc) 最小重量Minimum weight g包括活塞环和销With pin, clips and ringsd) 活塞销中心线到活塞顶的距离Distance from gudgeon pin center line to top of piston crown + 0.1 mme) 在上止点位置时活塞顶部到缸垫平面的距离Dista

6、nce top of piston at TDC / gasket plane of cylinder block + 0.15- 0.30 mm+ 上面 / above- 下 面 / belowf) 活塞槽体积 (顶部 )Piston groove volume (top) + 0.5 cm3有 / Yes 无 / No317.g) 活塞冷却系统Piston colling system机动车注册号码品牌Make型号Model中国汽摩联版权所有 2017 3/5 2017-1-1C4-1) 活塞顶部 Piston from topC4-2) 活塞底部Piston from bottomIII

7、-D1) 活塞销Piston pin曲轴 / CRANKSHAFT319.i) 曲拐轴最大直径Maximum diameter of crank pins mm缸盖 / CYLINDERHEADc) 最小高度Minimum height mmd) 测量位置Where measured 321.g) 单个燃烧室最小容积Minimum volume of a combustion chamber and exhaust valve cm3气缸垫 / CYLINDERHEAD GASKET322.a) 压紧的气缸垫厚度Thickness of tightened cylinderhead gaske

8、t + 0.2 mm机动车注册号码品牌Make型号Model中国汽摩联版权所有 2017 4/5 2017-1-1凸轮轴 / CAMSHAFTe) 轴承直径Diameter of bearings + 0.1 mmg) 凸轮直径Cam dimensions进气Intake排气ExhaustA = + 0.1 mm + 0.1 mmB = + 0.1 mm + 0.1 mm325.对 A 和 B 允许的公差必须一致The tolerances must be used with the same sign for A and B正时 / TIMINGa) 理论间隙Theoretical clea

9、rance进气Intake mm排气Exhaust mm326.b) 凸轮升程(拆下凸轮轴)Cam lift in mm (dismounted camshaft)进气INTAKE排气EXHAUST旋转角度Rotationangle indegrees升程Lift in mm(+ 0.05 mm)旋转角度Rotationangle indegreesLeve en mmLift in mm(+ 0.05 mm)旋转角度Rotationangle indegrees升程Lift in mm(+ 0.05 mm)旋转角度Rotationangle indegreesLeve en mmLift i

10、n mm(+ 0.05 mm)0 0 - 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 - 10 + 10 -10 + 10 - 15 + 15 - 15 + 15 - 30 + 30 - 30 + 30 - 45 + 45 - 45 + 45 - 60 + 60 - 60 + 60 - 75 + 75 - 75 + 75 - 90 + 90 - 90 + 90 - 105 + 105 - 105 + 105 - 120 + 120 - 120 + 120 - 135 + 135 - 135 + 135 - 150 + 150 - 150 + 150 整个测量过程中最多允许 +/-2 度的偏转A shift o

11、f +/- 2 degrees of the whole measurement is accepted进气Intake排气Exhaustc) 最大气门升程Maximum valve lift + 0.2 mm + 0.2 mm包括 326a 条的间隙with clearance according to Art. 326a机动车注册号码品牌Make型号Model中国汽摩联版权所有 2017 5/5 2017-1-1进气 / INTAKEh) 每阀弹簧数量Number of springs per valve i) 弹簧最大高度Max. length of the spring mm测量负载U

12、nder a load of Nj) 弹簧外径External diameter of springs + 0.2 mmk) 弹簧圈数Number of spring coils 327.l) 弹簧钢丝直径Diameter of spring wire + 0.1 mmm) 弹簧最大自由高度Max. free length of springs mm排气 / EXHAUSTi) 每阀弹簧数量Number of springs per valve j) 最大弹簧高度Max. length of the spring mm测量负载Under a load of Nk) 弹簧外径External d

13、iameter of springs + 0.2 mml) 弹簧圈数Number of spring coils m) 弹簧钢丝直径Diameter of spring wire + 0.1 mmn) 弹簧最大自由高度Max. free length of springs mm328.o) 从歧管到第一消声器间排气管直径Diameter of pipe between manifold and first silencer mm + 5%污染控制系统/ ANTI-POLLUTION SYSTEM329.a) 描述Description 点火系统 / IGNITION SYSTEM330.a)

14、类型Type d) 线圈数量Number of coils 冷却系统 / COOLING SYSTEM331.a) 容积Capacity 升 / litres冷却风扇 / COOLING FANa) 数量Number b) 风扇直径Diameter of the screw mmc) 风扇材料Material of the screw d) 叶片数量Number of blades 是 / Yes 否 / No332.e) 驱动类型Type of drive f) 自动切断Automatic cut off润滑系统 / LUBRICATION SYSTEMc) 总容积Total Capacity 升 / litres有 / Yes 无 / Nod) 机油散热器Oil cooler(s)d1)数量Number 333.e) 散热器位置Location of the coolers f) 散热器类型Type of the coolers 补充信息 / COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION


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