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1、【关键词】 新课程标准 / 演讲 / 辩论 / 教学设计英语演讲与辩论是英语语言综合能力的体现。随着英语风行全球及国际间往来的频繁,人们用英语发表演说或进行辩论的机会越来越多:正式的学术报告,外国友人的宴会,各级各类的演讲与辩论比赛,等等。英语 演讲与辩论是学生必须掌握的基本技能,理应在学校教育中受到重视。 普通高中英语课程标准(实验)在语言技能目标(八级)中有这样的表述:“能经过准备就一般话题作 3钟演讲。”九级的目标描述是:“能经过准备就一些专题作 5-10 分钟演讲,并回答有关提问。 ”而且,讲演与辩论 作为语言应用类,也已被列为高中任意选修课之一。英语演讲与辩论不仅是一个选修课模块,也

2、可作为常规课堂教学的一种方法,用以训练学生的口语表达能力。把英语演讲与辩论作为一种教学方法应用于课堂教学,教学设计如下:辩论主题:Is it right or wrong to use animals in experiments?教学目标:1、引导学生就“ 动物实验”话题做发挥性语言表述,强化语言知识。2、指导学生明确英语辩论的特点、技巧,提高他们的思维应变能力。教学难点:以“辩论”的操练形式强 化学生的英语思维能力,在公众 场合的听说能力及临场应变能力。Teaching procedures design:Step 1 Warming upI. Provide the debate top

3、ic. II. Divide the students into two groups: the positive and the negative according to their own choices.III. Help students collect materials in groups.IV. Make the first draft of their debate, the design of their debate, the strategies, and standards for assessment, and so on.A、The first affirmati

4、ve speaker must: define the topic; present the affirmatives team line; begins arguments against the negative side.B、The first negative must: accept or reject the definition; present the negative team line; rebut some of the main points of the first affirmative speaker; presents strong negative argum

5、ents.C、The second affirmative must: reaffirm the affirmatives team line; rebut all the remaining points of the negatives case; present a summary of the affirmatives case; round off the debate for the affirmative.D、The second negative must: reaffirm the negatives team line; rebut all the remaining po

6、ints of the affirmatives case; present a summary of the negatives case.Step 2 Carry out the debatingSome of the arguments:I. Positive: It is right to use animals in experiments.Arguments: 1、 Animal testing has helped to develop medicines against many diseases. Doctors can become more skilled from wo

7、rking on animals.2、Human life is more important than animal life. Millions of animals are killed for food every year .Using animals for medical science is much more important.3、Few animals feel any pain. They get painkillers and if the experiment does not work, they are killed before they feel pain.

8、II. Negative: It is wrong to use animals in experiments.Arguments:1、Millions of animals die in experiments that are not successful. Doctors can learn the same things from watching other doctors or videos.2、Animals have the same rights as human beings. Animals are still used to test cleaning products

9、, skin creams and shampoos. There are already many such products; we dont need more of them.3、Can we know they dont feel pain? We have no right to kill them.Step 3 commentingOffering comments about the debate according to the standards we discussed.Step 4 SummarizingWhat have you learned in this les

10、son?Step 5 HomeworkWrite a short passage about the debate topic, presenting your own opinion and your arguments or reasons. 设计反思:演讲与辩论不同于一般的口语交际,有其特殊性,教师必须更加灵活地控制课堂,以便最大限度地发挥学生现有的语言交际能力,同时也为他们创造更多的学习机会,克服各种障碍,积极参与。教师也应努力营造一种宽容,友善的课堂气氛,使学生的演讲与辩论活动不受到正确或错误的评判。此外,教师还应积极引导,鼓励学生的主动参与,使每个学生在活动中都能得到锻炼。要以学生为主体,教师作活动的设计者、学生目标的引导者和学习群体的协调者。同时,教师也要提高自身的素质,不仅要有扎实的英语专业知识、熟练的专业技能、较强的课堂组织能力,还要有演讲与辩论的示范能力,掌握新课程理念,不断改进教学方法。


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