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1、 南京大学研究生核心课程中英文教学大纲1课程名称:文艺学的方法与体系课程编号:0501B0200课程类型:B学 时:60学 分:3适用专业:中国语言文学教学目的:通过中外美学和文论史上最具代表性的理论著作、理论家或理论流派、理论思潮的研读,探讨文艺学研究的方法和体系,总括文艺理论发展的历史规律及其逻辑型态,为学生独立地思考和分析文艺理论问题提供历史的借鉴和方法论的参照,增强他们从事文学研究的理论素养和自觉意识,训练学生洞察文艺问题的敏锐力和抽象思维的能力。对选课学生的要求:已经修读过“文学概论”和“美学概论”课程,并具备中外美学和文论史方面的初步知识。主要内容:首先对文艺学的概念、方法和体系进

2、行界定,然后遵循逻辑与历史相统一的原则推导出文艺学方法的五种模式及其历史型态,即:以中国古代文论为典型历史型态的文艺学经验方法;以德国古典美学为典型历史型态的文艺美学方法;以 19 世纪法国文论为典型历史型态的文艺社会学方法;以 19 世纪末至 20 世纪初心理批评为典型历史型态的文艺心理学方法;以 20 世纪初以来的形式研究为典型历史型态的文艺学本体方法。这五种方法论类型,同时也是文艺学的五大体系。于是,对上述五种方法的理论阐释和历史分析也就构成了本课的基本内容。主要章节:一、绪论1. 文艺学的概念、方法和体系2. 文艺学方法的逻辑规定3. 文艺学方法的历史型态二、文艺学经验方法与中国古代文

3、论1. 总论2. 从礼记乐记看文艺学经验方法的主体性3. 从文心雕龙看文艺学经验方法的浑整性4. 从沧浪诗话看文艺学经验方法的意会性5. 余论三、文艺美学与德国古典美学1. 总论2. 康德3. 黑格尔4. 费尔巴哈与车尔尼雪夫斯基5. 余论四、文艺社会学与 19 世纪法国文论1. 总论2. 丹纳3. 普列汉诺夫4. 余论南京大学研究生核心课程中英文教学大纲2五、文艺心理学与 19 世纪末至 20 世纪初心理批评1. 总论2. 弗洛伊德及其精神分析 3. 阿恩海姆及其格式塔方法4. 余论六、文艺学本体方法与 20 世纪形式研究1. 总论2. 英美“新批评”3. 结构主义及其叙事学4. 符号学美学

4、5. 余论教学方式:以教师讲授为主,以课堂讨论为辅教材及参考文献:教 材:文艺学方法通论 (修订版) ,赵宪章著,浙江大学出版社 2006 年版。参考文献:1.文艺学方法概论 ,陈明树著,上海文艺出版社 1991 版。2 礼记乐记 ,版本不限。3.文心雕龙 ,刘勰著,版本不限。4.沧浪诗话 ,严羽著,版本不限。5.判断力批判 (上卷) ,德康德著,宗白华译,商务印书馆 1985 年版。6.美学 (第一卷) ,德黑格尔著,朱光潜译,商务印书馆 1979 年版。7.艺术哲学 ,法丹纳著,人民文学出版社 1963 年版。8.创造力与无意识 ,奥地利弗洛伊德著,中国展望出版社 1986 年译本。9.艺

5、术与视知觉 ,美 阿恩海姆著,滕守尧等译,中国社会科学出版社,1984。10 文学理论 ,美韦勒克等著,刘象愚等译,三联书店 1984 年版。11.叙事话语 ,法热拉尔热奈特著,王文融译,中国社会科学出版社版。任课教师:赵宪章考核方式:课程论文写作,或开卷考试(3 小时)大纲撰写人:赵宪章南京大学研究生核心课程中英文教学大纲3Title: Methods and Systems of the Theory of Literature and ArtsCourse Number:0501B0200Course Type: BSession: 60Credit: 3Designed for: St

6、udents major in Chinese Language and literature Objectives: The main aims of this course are to investigate the methods and systems in the theory of literature and arts by way of reading some of its important canons, including its various schools and trends of thoughts, and to sum up the historical

7、principles and logical modes in the developments of the theory of literature and arts in order to offer some references for students to think about and to analyze problems of the theory on their own. This course will also enable students to develop their theoretical attainments and self-conscious, a

8、nd give them good trainings in the abilities to think with abstract concepts and to have sharp eyes in inquiring literature and arts. Prerequisites: Students should have learned the following two courses: “Introduction to Literature Theory” and “Introduction to Aesthetic”, and have acquired some bas

9、ic knowledge on the history of literary theory and aesthetic of China and the West. Main Contents:The course will be proceed on like the following: first, to give some exact definitions to the concepts, methods and systems; then using the principle of uniting logic and history to arrive at the concl

10、usion of five modes or historical forms of the methods of the theory, which are: the empirical method of Chinese ancient literature theory, the aesthetical method of Germen classical aesthetics, the sociological method of French literature theory in 19th century, the psychological method of the psyc

11、hological criticisms from later 19th to early 20th, and the ontological method of formalism criticisms from early 20th till now. The above five modes can also be called the five major systems of the theory of literature and arts. So, the course will focus on the theoretical interpretations and histo

12、rical analyzing of these five modes. Main Chapter: Chapter one: Preface:1: The concepts, methods and systems of the theory of literature and arts2: The logical provisions of the methods 3: The historical forms of the methodsChapter two: The empirical method and Chinese ancient literature theory1: Su

13、mmary2: Book of Rites: Record of Music(礼记乐记 )and its subjectivity3: Wen-hsin-tiao-lung (文心雕龙 )and its natural wholeness4: “Tsang-langs Remarks on Poetry” (沧浪诗话)and its implying ways of expression 5: Afterword南京大学研究生核心课程中英文教学大纲4Chapter three: Aesthetical theory and German classical aesthetics1: Summa

14、ry2: Kant3: Hegel 4: Feuerbach and Shernyshevsky5: AfterwordChapter four: Sociological method and French literature theory in 19th century1: Summary2: Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe3: Plehanov4: AfterwordChapter five: Psychological method of the psychological criticisms from later 19th to early 20th1: Sum

15、mary2: Frued and his Psychoanalysis3: Arnheim and his Gestalt method4: AfterwordChapter Six: The ontological method and formalism criticisms of 20th century1: Summary2: “The New Criticism” of Britain and American3: Structuralism and the theory of Narrative4: Semiological Aesthetics 5: AfterwordWays

16、of Instruction: lectures with the supplement of class discussions Textbooks and References:Textbook: Zhao xianzhang, General Introduction to Methods of Theory of Literature and Arts, Jiangsu Literature and Arts Press, 1990.References: 1) Chen mingshu, Introduction to Methods of Theory of Literature

17、and Arts, Shanghai Literature and Arts Press,1991.2) Book of Rites: Record of Music(礼记乐记 )3) Wen-hsin-tiao-lung (文心雕龙)4) “Tsang-langs Remarks on Poetry” (沧浪诗话 )5) Kant, Critique of Judgment, translated by Zong Baihua, Published by Commercial Press,1985.6) Hegle, Aesthetics, translated by Zhu Guangqi

18、an, Published by Commercial Press,1979.7) Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe, Philosophy of Arts, Chinese translated vision, published by Press of peoples literature and arts, 1963.8) Freud, Sigmund, Creativities and Unconscious, Chinese translated vision, published by Chinese Forecast Press, 1986.9) Arnheim,

19、 Rudolf, Arts and Sight Conscious, translated by Teng Shouyao, published by Chinese Social Science Press, 1984.10)Welek, Rene, Literature Theory, translated by Liu Xiangyu, published by Sanlian Press,1984.南京大学研究生核心课程中英文教学大纲511) Genette, Gerard, The Discourse of Narratives, translated by Wang Wenrong

20、, published by Chinese Social Science Press.Instructor: Zhao xianzhangCourse Evaluation: write a final examination paper or open-book testProgram Designer: Zhao xianzhang南京大学研究生核心课程中英文教学大纲6课程名称:文献学的理论与方法课程编号:0501B0900课程类型:B学时:45学分:3适用专业:中国语言文学教学目的:使研究生能够掌握古代文献学的一般方法,并具备文献学的意识。对选课学生的要求:了解中国古代文化的基本典籍,


22、识、溯源意识以及资料的搜集与保存的意识。通过系统的讲授与夹于其中的文献学实践,培养学生突出的文献学意识,使其熟练掌握考察文献源流,辨析学术渊源,鉴别版本优劣,区分文献真伪,校正文字讹误,搜集文献资料等一整套方法理论。主要章节:第一章 绪 言第一节 文献学与古典文献学第二节 古典文献学的内容与方法第二章 古代文献源流考察之方法第一节 古代文献的著录与体制第二节 目录的分类演变一、 七略 “六分法”的诞生二、 隋志 “四分法”的确立三、其他分类法第三节 古代书目指要一、综合目录1.国家藏书目录2.史志目录3.私家目录二、丛书目录三、地方文献目录四、专科目录五、特种目录、推荐书目、版本目录南京大学研

23、究生核心课程中英文教学大纲7、辨伪目录、书目目录第四节 书目的编撰与使用一、利用目录揭示文献发展的学术源流二、利用目录考察文献流传的历史与现状思考题一:、 七略在目录学上的成就与影响是什么?、四部分类法是怎样形成的?、从隋志到总目在二级分类上主要有哪些变化?以现代眼光观照总目分类有何缺陷?.史志目录前后有什么重要变化?现存的重要私家藏书目录有哪些,扼要说明其特点。、书目有哪些种类,它们各有什么作用?、利用书目考察文献流传时应注意什么问题?练习题一:谈谈书的编撰与流传。第三章 古代文献版本鉴定之方法第一节 版本学的名称与功用一、版本释名二、版本学的功用三、版本学上常用的术语第二节 版本的源流一、

24、古书体式的演变二、历代版刻述略第三节 版本的品类一、按时代区分二、按地域区分三、按单位区分四、按印行的方式区分五、按特点区分六、按流传情况与文献价值区分第四节 版本鉴定的方法一、 刻印本的鉴定1.据原书的牌记、序跋鉴定2.据原书版式、纸墨、字体鉴定3.据原书刻工、讳字鉴定4.据原书文字内容鉴定5.据後人题识、藏印鉴定6.据後人的版本目录来鉴定7.据别本比勘鉴定二、活字本的鉴定三、伪本的鉴定思考题二:、古代文献的体式经理了哪些变化?南京大学研究生核心课程中英文教学大纲8、刻本主要有哪些种类? 、元、明刻本在版式上有何特点?、说说宋、元、明、清时期的坊刻情况。、从文字内容看,可以根据哪些方面来鉴定

25、古书版本?、如何著录版本?版本目录对你有何用处?练习题二:书版本源流考略。第四章 古代文献整理之方法(一)第一节 校勘绪言一、校勘释名二、校勘目的及原则第二节 古书文字讹误类型与致误原由一、讹误类型二、致误原由第三节 校勘方式一、对校法二、本校法三、他校法四、理校法第四节 校记写法一、出校原则二、校记要求三、处理方式1.定本式(附校勘记)2.底本式(附校勘记)3.札记式4.混合式5.校勘之忌第五节 校勘学养思考题三:、校勘的目的是什么?、文字讹误有哪些常见的原因?、校勘四法在校勘实践中各有什么样的地位和特点?你是如何理解理校与其他校法的关系的?、为什么要强调“校勘之忌”?、如何撰写校勘记?、你

26、怎么看待传统小学与校勘的关系?练习题三:正史校误二例(要求:搜集同时代或稍后之相关史料进行他校)第五章 古代文献整理之方法(二)、 辨伪、 辑佚、 编纂、 注释南京大学研究生核心课程中英文教学大纲9第六章 文献学之意识第一节 年代意识第二节 真伪意识第三节 版本意识第四节 溯源意识第五节 搜集与保存意识教学方式:课堂讲授教材及参考文献:教 材:自编讲义参考文献:、程千帆、徐有富著:校雠广义 ,齐鲁书社,1998 年。 、清 纪昀等著:钦定四库全书总目 ,中华书局,1997 年。任课教师:武秀成考核方式:撰写论文大纲撰写人:武秀成南京大学研究生核心课程中英文教学大纲10Title: Theory

27、 and Method PhilologyCourse No: 0501B0900Course Type:BSession:45Credit:3Designed for: Graduate students majoring in Chinese language and literature.Objectives: This course intends to make the postgraduates master the general method of philology and establish an awareness of philology.Prerequisites:

28、Students have knowledge about the basic ancient works of Chinese ancient culture and have read several related research works.Main contents:This course aims at teaching the theory and method of ancient philology systematically and in summary. The contents consists of four parts: 1The method of inves

29、tigating the headstream of ancient philology 2.The method of authenticating the ancient literature edition 3. The method of sorting the ancient literature 4. The consciousness of philology The first part mainly teaches the classification and evolvement of the ancient catalogue, important bibliograph

30、y and its characteristics in the past and how to authenticate the edition of ancient book. The third part teaches the method of sorting literature, and it is divided into two aspects: the one teaches collating of ancient literature and the other teaches the types and courses of the mistakes of ancie

31、nt books characters. The four basic ways of collating will be introduced and the students will practice writing collating records. The other teaches differentiating, collecting, compiling and annotation of ancient literature. The fourth part especially emphasizes the age consciousness, true and fake

32、 consciousness, edition consciousness, consciousness of tracing to origins and consciousness of collecting and saving in the application of literature. By systemic teaching and philology practice it aims at raising the students awareness of philology, and make them proficient in mastering the whole

33、theory and method of reviewing the headstream of literature, analyzing the academic origin, discriminating the edition of good and bad, distinguishing the true and fake of literature, correcting mistakes of characters and collecting the data of literature. Main Chapter:Chapter 1 PrefaceSection 1 Phi

34、lology and Ancient PhilologySection 2 The contents and methods of Ancient PhilologyChapter 2 The Method of Reviewing the Headstream of Ancient PhilologySection 1 The Catalogue and System of Ancient LiteratureSection 2 The Classification and Evolvement of CatalogueOne “Seven slightly” the Naissance o

35、f“ Six Segmentation Method“Two “Sui Records” the Establishment of“ Four Segmentation Method“Three other Classification MethodSection 3 Direction of Ancient Bibliography One Comprehensive CatalogueTwo 1. Catalogue of National Library Three 2. Catalogue of History RecordsFour. 3. Catalogue of Private Collections


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