香港高校图书馆 资源共享概述 - HKBU.ppt

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1、Slide 1香港高校圖書館資源共享概述香港城市大學圖書館長潘華棟博士Slide 2為甚麼要合作合作現況合作趨勢大綱Slide 31. Economic Pressuresv price for publication (especially serials) escalatedv library budget declined constantly為甚麼要合作?Slide 4Serial Unit Cost (+207%)Serial Expenditures (+170%)Monograph and Serial Costs in ARL Libraries, 1986-1999Monog

2、raph Unit Cost (+65%)Monographs Expenditures (+34%)Serials Purchased (-6%)Monographs Purchased (-26%)Source: ARL Statistics 1998-99, Association of Research Libraries, Washington, D.C.Slide 52. Increasing use of Information Technologyv enhances library effectiveness and servicesv expensive: a drain

3、on reducing budgetv provides technical capabilities for co-operation為甚麼要合作?Slide 63. Demands from Usersv sophisticated user demand v new management concepts and techniques為甚麼要合作?Slide 7合作現況Slide 8An alliance of all libraries funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) in Hong Kong,comprising the

4、 chief librarians.Joint University Libraries Advisory Committee (JULAC)香 港 高校圖書館咨詢委員會Slide 9HARNET 香港學術及研究網絡JULAC Library Cards 通用圖書証Readers Ticket 讀者證JULAC Book Return Service 圖書館互相還書服務Interlibrary loans 館際互借Collaborative Collection Development 協作式館藏建設Shared cataloguing 編 目共享And more 香 港 高校圖書館咨詢委員會 (JULAC)工作概覽Slide 10Hongkong Academic and Research NETwork(HARNET) 香 港 學術及研究網絡Joint Universities Computer Centre (JUCC)


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