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1、铁路客运枢纽与城市功能互动关系基于节点 -场所模型的拓展分析Interaction of Railway Passenger Transport Hub and Urban FunctionAnalysis on Node-Place Model第二十一届联合国气候大会边会第八届中法可持续发展城市交通系统论坛( THNS2015)中国城市规划设计研究院 胡晶2015年 11月 25日 法国巴黎HU JING from China Academy of Urban Planning & Design 25/11/2015, Paris, France中国 中长期铁路网规划( 2008年调整)Lo

2、ng-term railway network plan of China( 2008)高铁时代的来临给中国铁路客运枢纽与城市功能的一体化发展带来新契机With the advent of high-speed rail era, the integration of railway passenger transport hub and urban functions faces new opportunities in China.北京 BEIJING 上海 SHANGHAI武汉 WUHAN 天津 TIANJINNodePlaceDependencyUnsustained node Str

3、ess贝托里尼教授提出的节点 -场所模型Bertolinis node-place modelAccessibilityUnsustained place节点和场所应平衡发展,交通节点是城市中心?Nodes and places should be balanced development,so,traffic node is the city center?“ 节点 -场所 ” 模型的扩展研究: 梅耶 ( Meijers, 2002)Applications( Mejiers , 2002)u受托于荷兰 经济事务部下属的 NOVEM机构,对 “ 节点 -场所 ” 模型进行了总结,并增加了第三

4、个维度 站点地区的交往价值,研究指出 :国家交通节点政策应以创造作为物质空间以及空间功能、社会和制度网络节点的站点区位为目标 。Mejiers concludes that a national transportation node policy should be aimed at creating locations that are nodes in physical, as well as spatial-functional and social and institutional networks.u这 一观点被目前的国家空间规划战略所 采纳,国家 空间规划战略文件中提到 :“

5、在国家的城市网络中,创造易达的、有吸引力的城市中心并容纳多种功能与公共设施是至关重要的 尤为重要的是在基础设施节点周边发展城市中心 ”This particular point has since become widely accepted as fro instance documented by the current National Spatial Planning Strategy.This states that In the national urban networks,the creation of easily accessible,attractive city cen

6、tres with a variety of functions and public facilities is crucially importantIt is particularly important to develop these city centres around infrastructure nodes ( Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, 2006:9)“ 节点 -场所 ” 模型的扩展研究: 豪达佩尔 考芬 (Goudappel Coffeng)顾问 公司Applications( Go

7、udappel Coffeng )u指出 “ 交通节点是城市中心 ” 这一概念, 并绘制了全国性的节点地图。其观点在 市政工程与水管理 中表述为:“ 在城市中心区开发中,对于现有基础设施及其发展潜力的最优利用是首要目标之一。另一方面,当发展基础设施时,创造市中心服务设施的可能性也是可以预期的。 ”In 2000 the consultancy from Goudappel Coffeng was asked by the Ministry of Transport,Public Works and Water Management to develop a national map of no

8、dal areas in order to clarify the notion of the concept of the transportation node as an urban centre.The Mobility Policy Document states in its turn: duringdowntown development, optimum utilization of the existing infrastructure and the potential of interfaces in this infrastructure is one of the p

9、rimary goals. On the other hand, when developing infrastructure, possibilities forcreating downtown facilities are also anticipated(Ministry of Transport,Public Works and Water Management,2006:9-10)“ 节点 场所 ” 扩展 模型Extensions of node-place model两种变化: 流的变化:交通流的重构 场的变化:场所功能重组三 类地区: 既有铁路客运枢纽 既有城市中心 新建铁路客

10、运枢纽 /新建城市中心Two Changes: Changes in traffic flow Changes in urban functionsThree Types Areas: Exsiting railway passenger transport hub Exsiting city center Newly constructed railway passenger transport hub / Newly constructed city centerExsiting city center(Unsustained place)流的变化Changes in traffic fl

11、ow场的变化Changes in urban functionsExsiting railway passenger transport hub (Unsustained node)Newly constructed railway passenger transport hub / Newly constructed city center(Dependency)AccessibilityStressPlaceNode19782008年北京站和北京西站客运量占全市铁路客运量比例19782008年北京站和北京西站历年客运量流的变化:交通流的 重构新建铁路客运枢纽与既有铁路客运枢纽的关系 培育与

12、疏解Changes in traffic flow:The relationship of exsiting and newly constructed railway passenger transport hubcultivate and ease traffic flowBeijing Beijing railway station Beijing west railway stationBeijing railway station/Beijing Beijing west railway station/BeijingAnnual passenger volume in Beijin

13、g Railway Station and Beijing West Railway Station during 19782008Proportion of the passenger volume to the total railway passenger volume in Beijing Railway Station and Beijing West Railway Station during 19782008流的变化Changes in traffic flow场的变化Changes in urban functionsExsiting railway passenger tr

14、ansport hub (Unsustained node)Newly constructed railway passenger transport hub / Newly constructed city center(Dependency)AccessibilityStressPlaceNode场的 变化:场所功能 重组新建铁路客运枢纽与既有城市功能中心的 的关系 耦合与直达Changes in urban functions:The relationship of exsiting and newly constructed urban centerintegrated and dir

15、ect contact清河、回龙观天通苑望京CBD金融街中关村奥林匹克蒲黄榆北京北站北京西站北京南站北京站 通州主要居住功能区主要服务功能区铁路枢纽北京的现状:铁路枢纽 全部位于城市中心,新城缺失铁路枢纽与城市重要功能区全部不耦合服务功能位于中心,居住功能位于新 城Current situation in BeijingRailway passenger transport hub are located in the center of the city, and with no one in new districtRailway passenger transport hubs and

16、urban important functional areas are located in different placesService function is located in the center, and residential function is located in new district流的变化Changes in traffic flow场的变化Changes in urban functionsExsiting railway passenger transport hub (Unsustained node)Newly constructed railway passenger transport hub / Newly constructed city center(Dependency)AccessibilityStressPlaceNode


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