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1、1郭士钧 (Shijun Guo)克莱菲尔德大学,宇航、运输与制造学院,航空中心,结构动力学与气动弹性力学教授. Professor of Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity,Center for Aeronautics, School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing, Cranfield University, MK43 0AL, UK高等教育经历:1998/09 2001/08, 英国赫特福德郡大学 (University of Hertfordshire),高等教育硕士1989/10 1993/

2、5, 英国赫特福德郡大学, 航空工程系,博士,导师: Dr. N.D. Hemingway1977/3 1980/7: 中国, 西北工业大学,飞机设计专业,本科1979/81981/12: 中国, 西北工业大学,飞机结构专业, 硕士,导师:赵令诚工作经历: 2016/10 至今,克莱菲尔德大学, 航空工程,教授2010/10 - 2016/09,克莱菲尔德大学, 航空工程,副教授2003/11 2010/09, 克莱菲尔德大学,航空工程,高级讲师1998/01 - 2003/10, 赫特福德郡大学(University of Hertfordshire),航空工程系,高级讲师1996/0119

3、97/12, 林肯郡大学(University of Lincolnshire ),航空工程系,高级讲师1995/051996/01, 牛津大学,工程科学系,博士后研究员,项目主持:Prof. Andy J. Keane1993/07 - 1995/05, 伦敦城市大学(City,University of London),博士后研究员1987/11 - 1991/05, 英国宇航公司(Civil Aircraft Division, Hatfield),访问工程师1981/12 -1987/10, 中航工业强度研究所,工程师,振动研究组长主持和参加科研项目(近十年):1. 发动机飞机一体化集

4、成设计及实验验证(PIPS) ,英国创新基金(Innovative-UK)/ 罗- 罗(Rolls-Royce)发动机公司资助, 2017-2020,533,230.00, 主持2. 大客机结构弹性影响下的动态载荷控制, UK 航空技术发展基金/空客公司,2015-2018,130,000.00,主持 3. 支线客机复合材料机翼结构的优化设计与气动剪裁,巴西航空公司资助项目(SOI/SEMS 4500130482), 2015-2018,60,000.00,主持4. 中欧绿色航空复合材料合作研究,欧盟资助,2013-2016,20,000.00,主持5. 飞行器刚体与弹性体气动弹性耦合对飞行稳

5、定性与控制的影响研究,(北理工,王正杰/郭士钧)国家自然科学基金委员会, NSFC 11672033, 2015-2018,参加6. 微型压电扑旋翼动态特性及气动弹性耦合的增效机理研究,(北理工,贺媛媛/郭士钧)国家自然科学基金委员会, NSFC 11302027,2014-2016,参加7. 无缝连续控制面柔性翼飞行器飞行动力学建模与控制问题研究,(北理工,王正杰/郭士钧)国家自2然科学基金委员会, NSFC 11102019, 2012-2014,参加8. 微型拍动旋翼流固耦合特性的实验研究与数值模拟,(北航,吴江浩/郭士钧)国家自然科学基金委员会, NSFC 11172029, 2012

6、-2015,参加9. 拍动旋翼微型飞行器概念及其流动研究,(北航,吴江浩/郭士钧)国家自然科学基金委员会,NSFC 10902009, 2010-2012,参加10. 一种翼身融合体飞机的自适应突风减缓机翼研究, 美国航空技术欧洲研究基金 /美国空军实验室资助项目, AFRL/EOARD (FA8655-11-1-3073; FA9550-14-1-0408), 2011-2015,$56,000.00,主持11. 复合材料飞机结构的多约束优化设计研究,马来西亚留学基金资助项目。2013-2016,48,000.00,主持12. 下一代客机大变形高升力控制面的研究 (Smart high li

7、ft devices for next generation wing), 欧盟第7 框架研究资助项目(ACP7-GA-2008-213442), 2008-2012,520,000.00 ,主持13. 复合材料机翼结构考虑加工约束的多学科优化设计, EPSRC/ Airbus 资助项目, 2005-2009,85,000.00,主持14. 复合材料 C-型梁腹板结构开口加强的分析与实验, Airbus 资助项目, 2005-06,10,000.00,主持15. 一种蜂窝复合材料 T-型连接结构的设计与实验, BAE Systems fund (BAES-AS 美国航空航天学会资深会员 (Se

8、nior Member of the AIAA); 英国高等教育学会资深会员 (Fellow of Higher Education Academy - FHEA); 欧洲注册工程师 (Charted Engineer - CEng) ; 北京理工大学访问教授, 博导,2009 2018; 北航大学 111-工程飞机设计海外专家, 2007-2012; 2012-2017,访问教授,2016 - 山东大学特聘教授, 2016 大连理工大学特聘教授, 2017 中国商飞公司北京科学技术中心飞机设计海外高级专家顾问,2016 - 2019 英国宇航(Aerospace)杂志编委;英国科研基金申请审

9、评专家; 北大西洋公约体应用运载技术(NATO/AVT)气动弹性技术手册技术总监,2014-2015; 上海航数智能科技有限公司高级顾问,2016-2021一、期刊论文(近 5 年):1. H. Li, S. Guo*, YL. Zhang, C Zhou, JH. Wu, Unsteady aerodynamic and optimal kinematic analysis of a micro flapping wing rotor, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol.63, (2017) 167-178 (doi:10.1016/j.ast.20

10、16.12.025)2. Y. Yu, ZJ. Wang, S. Guo, Efficient Method for Aeroelastic Tailoring of Composite Wing to Minimize Gust Response,“ International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 2017, 1-12, Article ID 1592527, doi:10.1155/2017/159252733. D. Li, S Guo*, J. Xiang, Active Control Design for an Unmann

11、ed Air Vehicle with a Morphing Wing, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 88(1), 2016, 168-1774. S. Guo*, J. Espinosa De Los Monteros, Y. Liu, Gust Alleviation of a Large Aircraft with a Passive Twist Wingtip, Journal of Aerospace, 2015(2), 135-154 (doi:10. 3390/aerospace 2020135)5. C

12、 Zhou, J Wu, S Guo, D Li, Experimental study on the lift generated by a flapping rotary wing applied in a micro air vehicle, Proc. IMechE, Part G: J. Aerospace Eng, 2014, Vol. 228(11), 2083-2093 doi:10.1177/09544100135127616. Guo, S., Li, D., Zhang, X., Xiang, J., Buckling and Post-buckling of a Com

13、posite C-section with Cutout and Flange Reinforcement, Composites: Part B (2013), 60 (2014), 119-1247. C Zhou, J Wu, S Guo, Experimental study of a mechanical flapping rotor wing model, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering IV, Vol. 390 (2013), pp.23-27. doi:10.4028/

14、8. HH Pang, S Guo, Optimization of three types of composite laminate for maximum buckling capability, Aeronautics Computing Technology (Chinese), 03, 20139. S Guo, D. Li, Y. Liu, Multi objective optimization of a composite wing subject to strength and aeroelastic constraints, Proc. IMechE, Part G: J

15、. Aerospace Eng, vol. 226, 9 (2012): 1095- 1106, (first published online Oct 21, 2011 as doi:10.1177/0954410011417789)10.Zhengjie Wang, Chen Li, S Guo, Numerical Analysis of Aerodynamic Characteristics for the Design of a Small Ducted Fan Aircraft, Proc. IMechE, Part G: J. Aerospace Eng. (in press),

16、 first published Aug. 2012 as doi: 10.1177/095441001245861911.D Li, S Guo*, J Xiang, Numerical study on conditions of chaotic motion of a two-dimensional airfoil in subsonic flow, Journal of Fluid & Structures, Volume 33, August 2012, pp. 109-12612. D Li, S Guo*, Y. He, J Xiang, Nonlinear aeroelasti

17、c analysis of a morphing flap, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2012, pp. 1250099.1-1113. ZJ Wang, S Guo*, Rolling Flight Control Using Pseudo Inverse Control Allocation for UAVs with Multiple Seamless Warping Control Surfaces, Int. Journal of Modelling, Identification

18、 and Control, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2012, pp.15-2314. D Li, S Guo*, J Xiang, Modelling and Nonlinear Aeroelastic Analysis of a wing section with morphing trailing edge, Proc. IMechE, Part G: J. Aerospace Eng, 227, April 2013, 619-631,first published on March 8, 2012 as doi:10.1177/095441001243834115. Y. H

19、e, S Guo*, Modelling and experiment of a morphing wing integrated with a trailing edge control actuation system, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.25, No.2, 2012, pp.248-254二、国际会议文章(近 5 年):1. H. Xie, Z. Huang, S. Guo, E. Torru, Feasibility of an Electrostatic Harvesting Device for CFCs

20、Aircraft, Procedia Engineering 12/2015, 99:1213-1222. DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2014.12.6502. W Liu, Z Zhao, S Guo, Optimized Stiffened Composite Panels of Variable Fibre Tow, the 4th Aircraft Structural Design Conference, Belfast, UK, 7-9 Oct. 20143. S. Ahmed, S. Guo, Optimal Design and Analysis of a Wi

21、ng with Morphing High Lift Devices, the 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials, the 9th AIAA MDO Specialist Conference, Boston, MA, AIAA-2013-1880, 8-11 April 201344. D. Li, S. Guo, Optimization of Composite Wing Structure for a Flying Wing Aircraft Subject to Mul

22、ti Design Constraints, the 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 9th AIAA MDO Specialist Conference, Boston, MA, AIAA-2013-1934, 8-11 April 20135. S. Guo, Q. Fu, O.K. Sensburg, Optimal Design of a Passive Gust Alleviation Device for a Flying Wing Airc

23、raft, 12th AIAA ATIO/14th AIAA/ISSMO MAO Conference, Session MAO-25, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 17-19 Sept. 20126. H. Pang, S. Guo, Optimal Design of Three Reinforcement Types of Composite Panels against Buckling, ICCE-20, Beijing, 21-27 July 20127. Z. Sun, S Guo, Q Fu, Design and Analysis of a Win

24、g Structure with Static Aeroelastic Effect for Optimal Performance, ICCE-20, Beijing, 21-27 July 20128. Q Fu, S Guo, D. Li, Optimization of a Composite Wing with a Morphing Leading Edge Subject to Aeroelastic Effect, ICMNMMCS-2012, Politecnico di Torino, 18-20 June 20129. L. Xu, S. Guo, S. Yang, B.

25、Mo, Stability and controllability analysis of an aircraft with variable sweep wing, ICMNMMCS-2012, Politecnico di Torino, 18-20 June 201210.N. Di Matteo, S. Guo, R. Morishima, Optimization of morphing LE and flap with actuation system for a variable camber wing, the 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Struc

26、tures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 23-26 April 201211.M Pozzi, S Guo, M Zhu, Harvesting strain energy from an aircraft wing under gust loading for structural health monitoring, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials / Nondestructive evaluation and health monitoring,

27、 San Diego, California, USA, 11 - 15 March 2012四、授权发明专利1) Flapping Rotor Air Vehicle (Ref. FRO-MAV, UK Patent Application No. 0904155.9, 2009) 2) Design Method for a Flapping Rotor MAV (CN101492093, March 2009)3) A Twin Tilt-wing-rotor Air Vehicle of Adaptive Foldable Gust Alleviation Wing (Patent A

28、pplication No. 201510907067.8).4) An Adaptive Foldable Gust Alleviation Wing (Patent Application No. 201521019114.7).5) A Powered Tilt Tail Plane (Patent Application No. 201510906.324.6).五、会议报告(特邀)1. “Advanced Structures for Future Concepts”, in Symposium 2013: Future of Aviation Perspectives for 2050 Bauhaus Luftfahrt, Munich, 6 June 20132. “Aeroelastic beneficial effects and challenges in MAV, UAV and aircraft wing design”, Royal Aeronautical Society (Materials & Structures) Seminar on “Recent Developments & Advances in Aeroelasticity”, London, 25 Nov. 2009.


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