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1、|人教版八年级英语下册单元同步练习附答案Unit 1 Whats the matter单元同步练习一、汉译英 l.感冒_ 2.胃疼_ 3.发烧_ 4.躺下_ 5.看医生_ 6.下车_ 7.使惊讶的_ 8 同意做某事_9.陷入麻烦_ 10.摔倒_ 11.头疼_ 12.看牙医_13.量体温_ 14.伤到自己_ 15.牙疼_ 16.看见某人正在做某事_ l7.晒伤_ 18.冒险_19.在非常危险的情况下_20.用尽_21.切除_ 22.流鼻血_ 23.掌管_ 24.从出来_25.继续或坚持做某事_ 26.放弃_27.把一些药放在它上面_ 28.习惯于做某事_29.因为_ 30.准备做某事_31.作出

2、好的决定_ 32.太多血_33.做某事有困难_ 34.被球撞了一下_ 35.对感兴趣_二、根据下面句子的意思及汉语提示完成句子1. The driver tried to save all the _(乘客)on the bus.2. Bobs _(脖子)is very long.3. My grandpa usually _(咳嗽)in the night.|4. Im too tired to walk. Lets have a good _(休息).5. -Bob has a _(发烧). -I think he should go to a doctor.6. -Alice _(伤到)

3、her knees just now. -Im sorry to hear that.7. -May I borrow your _(刀子)? -Here you are.8. You will realize the _(重要性)of learning English.9. The mans _(死亡) made me sad.10. The hospital needs many _(护士).三、根据下列句子的汉语意思完成句子1.医生告诉他躺下休息。The doctor told him _ _ _ _ _.2.为了不招惹麻烦,她只好说谎。She told a lie in order n

4、ot to _ _ _. 3.令我惊讶的是,他们居然来看我。 _ _ _ , they came to see me.4.因为你的帮助,我们赢得了这场比赛。_ _ your help, we won the game.25.这听起来根本不像女孩的名字。That _ _ _ a girls name.6.我下公共汽车时忘了拿包。I _ _ take my bag when I _ _ the bus.7.你应该在伤口上绑上绷带。You _ _ a bandage on the cut.8.汤姆习惯用左手写字。Tom _ _ _ _with his left hand 9. 我的妈妈从不为自己考虑

5、。My mother never _ _ _.10. -Judy 怎么啦? - _ _ _ _ Judy? 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Tom , you must brush your _(tooth ) before going to bed.|2. We were sorry to hear the_ (die) of the singing star Mei Yanfang.3. How about _ (lie ) on the sofa and watching TV.4. Jack usually plays computer games for hours without

6、 _ (have) breaks.5. You need _ (see) a dentist if you have a toothache.6. We should _ (get ) up early and go to bed early to keep healthy .7. He has a _ ( tooth ). He has to see the dentist. 8. Many students dont know the _ (important) of studying English.9.They all are too selfish (自私的) ! They shou

7、ldnt always think about_ (they) 10.Those girls all relaxed _ (they) in the party last night.11. Therere some _ (knife) in the box. 12. He made a _ (decide) to get up early tomorrow morning13. My mother told me to keep on _ (try) when I failed in the exam.14. My grandma is used to _ (live) in the cou

8、ntry15. Tom had a fever. He should take _ (he) temperature.Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks单元同步练习一、汉译英1.打扫干净_ 2.在食品救助站_ 3.变得更高兴_ 4.分发_ 5.曾经_ 6.关心_7.张贴_ 8.想出_ 9.推迟_ 10.给打电话_11.帮助无家可归的人们_12.在岁时_13.长得和相像_ 14.修理_ 15.和相似_ 16.捐赠_ 17.建立_ 18.影响;有作用_19.我的一个朋友_ 20.对兴奋_ 21.帮助某人摆脱困境_ 22.立刻;马上_ |23.在某人

9、的空闲时间_24.例如_二、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1. I get such a feeling of _(满意)when I get to the top of Mount Tai.2. Were going to _(募集) some money for the blind boy.3. Were making up some _(标志)to put up on the wall.4. We _(志愿)to clean the rooms for the old men.5. Now many old people feel _(孤独的)because they live by the

10、mselves.6. The man can always _(想出)a good excuse for his mistakes.7. Our classroom is too dirty. It should be _(打扫干净) .8. There _(曾经)be a big tree here.9. Please help me _(分发) the math papers.10. The boy is very sad. Lets _(使他高兴起来).11. -My bike is broken. -Dont worry. I can _(修理)the bike.12. The boy

11、 cant see anything. He is _ (瞎的).13. We cant _(想象) what the life will be like in 100 years.14. We must meet many _(困难)in our life.15. I have a new pet dog because of your _(善良).三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子1你能想出一个更好的计划吗?Can you _ _ _a better plan?2. 她过去是个护士。She _ _ _a nurse.3. 我弟弟从来不放弃梦想。My brother never _ _his dr

12、eam.4他们叫学生为贫困学生筹钱They told students_ _ _ for the poor students.5他独自一人居住,但并不感到孤独。He lives _but doesnt feel_6彼得把他的旧书捐出去了。Peter _ _his old books.|7大雨没有影响到我们。The heavy rain didnt _ _ _ to us.8非常感谢你帮我学习英语。Thanks a lot for _me_ my English.9李斌长得像他父亲。Li Bin _ _his father.10.捐赠让穷孩子可以上学。The donation _ _ _for

13、poor children to go to school.四、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Would you like (clean) up the city parks?2. Who is the (own) of this dog?3. You make it easy for me (learn ) math well.4. We may meet many (difficult) when we are studying English.5. Tina used to (be) shy. But now she is outgoing.6I hope (travel)to Suzh

14、ou some day.7The boy sang a song (cheer) the sick girl up.8Do you often help (disable) people?9I dont know how (learn) English.10They decided (volunteer) at the old peoples home.11Today more and more people want to be book (love)12The teacher asked me _ (answer) the question in English.13Lucy makes

15、a big _ (different) to my life.14I find it difficult (learn) English well.15I had difficulty _ (speak) and learning English. Could you help me?16. I love animals and I was (excite) about the idea of having a cat.17. -Thanks for your (kind). -With pleasure.18. Ann is used to (live) in Beijing.19. The

16、 world is (change) all the time. We must catch up with it.20. I cant imagine (look) down from such a tall building. Its crazy.|Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?单元同步练习一、汉译英1. 为.提供._ 2. 依靠_3. 结果_ 4. 生病_5.照看_ 6.借一些钱_ 7.邀请某人做某事_ 8.铺床_9.浪费时间_ 10.为了做某事_11.洗盘子_ 12.倒垃圾_13.叠衣服_ 14.扫地_15.打扫起居室_ 16.出去吃晚

17、饭_17.去看电影_ 18.借一些钱_19.搭车_ 20.去商店_二、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子1. Its the parents job to _ (提供) a clean environment at home for their children.2. Doing chores helps _ (培养) childrens independence.3. He lives next to me. He is my _(邻居).4. My computer is broken. Could I _ (借) yours?5. My friend _ (邀请 ) me to go to hi

18、s parents house.6. Please take out the _(垃圾).7. Can you _(折叠)the clothes for his mother?8. Lets _(打扫)the floor. Its too dirty.9. I hate to do the _(洗碗)after supper.10. Cooking is boring. I _(讨厌)to do it.11. Everyone should develop the ability of _(独立).12. -I dont like the mutton. -_ (也不) does Bob.13

19、. Ann was watching TV _ (而) I was cooking.14. Dont _(扔)the ball at me.15. Ann _ (借出) me her bike yesterday. I will give it back tomorrow.|三、根据汉语句子完成英语句子1. 不要在游戏上花费太多时间。Dont _ _ _ time _computer games.2. 小时候我总是生病。When I was young, I was _ _ _ _.3.他记下地址以便不忘了它.He wrote down the address _ _ _ _forget it

20、.4. 听他讲话就是浪费时间。Its _ _ _ _ to listen to him.5. 你没有必要现在离开这里。Theres _ _for you _ _here now. 6. 结果,我们没有赢那场比赛。_ _ _, we didnt win the game.7. 万物生长靠太阳。All living things _ _ the sun for growth.8. “你为什么在这儿?” 她惊讶地问。“Why are you here?” she asked _ _.9. 最多锻炼,身体越好。_ _ we exercise, _ _our health will be.10. 我不想

21、做家务,他也不想做。I dont want to do chores, _ _ _.四、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. Could you please _ (sweep) he floor?2. We did the same work, but he got more money than me. It was_(fair) for me. 3. Jenny_ (throw) herself onto the bed. She was too tired.4. His grades_(drop) because he spent too much time playing compute

22、r games. 5. Mary bought two _ (shirt) for his father as his 50th birthday gift. 6. China is a _(develop) country. 7. As parents, we should let our children understand the idea of _(fair). |8. Mary, Linda and Alice are my _ (neighbor). They are all friendly. 9. When did your daughter finish _ (write)

23、 the composition?10. We should learn to be _(independence).11. “ Who took away my school bag?” Tina said in _ (surprised).12. We should do our part in _ (keep) our school clean and beautiful. 13. Many people think doing chores is womans job, but I dont mind _ (do) chores.14. Mum often asks me _ (fol

24、d) clothes after dinner.15. Two years_ (be) a long time for me.16. The climber _ (drop) and hurt himself last week.17. Dont do that. Its a _ (wasted) of time.18. The streets were littered with much _ (rubbish).19. The girl is old enough _ (make) her bed.20. _ (not forget) to clean the bedroom.Unit 4

25、 Why dont you talk to your parents?单元同步练习一、汉译英1各种各样的_ 2太多压力_3取得更好的分数_4没问题_ 5主动帮助某人_ 6和比赛_7删除_ 8对比_ 9太多家庭作业_10得到足够的睡眠_1l.通过电话_ 12. 对有好处_13.和某人打架_ 14. 和朋友闲逛_14.15. 独自消磨时间_二、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1. I think your answer is _(错误的).2. Our teachers often ask us to _(主动提出) to help the poor.3. _(无论什么)he does, I will

26、follow him.4. My _(年长的)brother is 18 years old.|5. Dont forget to _(归还)my dictionary.6. I often feel _(紧张的)before big exams.7. Our school doesnt _(允许)me to swim alone.8. Ann _(争吵) with her sister last night.9. You shouldnt _(抄写)others homework.10. Please _(解释)the words in Chinese.11. The accident _(

27、引起)many problems.12. My parents give me too much _(压力) .13. We have different _(观点)about it.14. The Browns are _(典型的)English family.15. I have to _(与.比赛)with my classmates in the school.三、根据所给的中文意思完成下列句子1. 我和我的同学相处得很好。I_ _ _my classmates.2. 她拒绝和我一起参观博物馆。She refused_ _the museum with me.3. 你应该向你的朋友解释

28、那件事。You should_ the matter_ your friend.4. 不要总是把他与别的孩子比较。 Dont always_ _ _other kids.5. 詹姆斯喜欢和他的朋友竞争。James likes_ _his friend.6. 不要给我太多压力。Dont give me_ _ _.7. 你为什么不给她打电话呢?_ _ you_ her _?8. 他们不允许我晚上独自外出。They dont _ _ _ _ _alone at night.9. 说慢点让我听得见。Speak slowly _ _ I can hear you.|10. 我昨晚完成作业才睡觉。I_ g

29、o to bed_I finished my homework last night.四、根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. There was an _ (argue) happened between Tom and Jack last night. 2. Why dont you sit down and _ (communication) with your brother?3. Its crazy for Mothers to keep on _ (compare) their kids with others .4. The teenagers have to work h

30、ard because of the _ (press) from their parents.5. My _ (old) brother is not very nice to me. He always refuses to help me.6. They like_ (hang) out with friends at weekends.7. He spends an hour _ (play) sports every day.8. How about _ (watch) movies tonight?9. The _ (communicate) between them is ver

31、y successful.10. Do you mind _ (close) the door? Its a little cold.11. Betty often offers _ (do) the housework at home.12. Firstly, you should listen to the teacher carefully. _(second), you must take notes.13. This is very important for our countrys _ (develop). 14. Everyone wants to be _ (success)

32、 in their study and work.15. Tom refused _ (say) sorry to his father.16. I dont think it is a good_ (suggest). 17. She is very good at painting. She can paint as _ (good) as her teacher. 18. Last weekend, the Greens had great fun _ (swim) at Water World.19. Our teachers often ask us _ (offer) to help the poor.20. Im 16 this year and my _ (old) brother is 18 years old.八年级英语单元同步练习(五)一、汉译英1.在暴风雨时_ 2.等公共汽车_ 3. (闹钟) 发出响声_ 4.接电话_5.确保_ 6.猛烈地敲打着窗户_


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