给跑步爱好者的一些建议 记得买双合适的鞋子,一定要呵护好你的双脚。 Remember to buy a suitable pair of shoes, and take good care of your feet. 你不是运动员,别跑那么快,让身体决定速度和强度。 You are not a professional athlete ,so you neednt run very fast. Let the body determines the speed and strength . 必须要有明确的目标,然后制定计划,并严格地去执行。 We must have a clear goal, and then make a plan, and strictly to implement. Find a reason to continue to run, and use it to beat all the ideas of giving up . 为自己找一个坚持的理由,用它来击败所有放弃的念头 。 学会调整自己的身体,合理地补充营养、水分。 Learn to adjust you