
精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Unit 1 A. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the where necessary. internal ditch fa,精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Dinner for My Boyfrie


1、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Unit 1 A. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. internal ditch fa。

2、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Dinner for My Boyfriend By RoseAnn Faulkner As a child my familys menu consisted of two choices: take it or。

3、英语课后题复习资料Unit 1.一 flexibility duration option definitelyactually ignore convince survive1. Economic crises destroy the capitalist system,and they grow in size and duration.2. Stability also depends upon the flexibility of the local economy.3. He was sentenced to do hard labor without the option of a fine.4. She states her views very definitely.5. Did he actually say in so many words that there was no hope of a cure?6. The baby felt ignored by her parents.7. You need to conv。

4、Unit 2.Comprehension of the textA.1.Everyones first love always begins with butterflies in their stomach, nervous laughs, being passionate about everything and thinking that he or she is “the one”.2.Because it is the first time you open your life, heart and soul to another person and trust him/her not to hurt you.3.My first love taught me the good, the bad and the ugly4.Yes, it is. When I am least expecting it, I will see my old “soul mate”5.Helen Keller best sums up love for us by believing。

5、英语课后题复习资料Unit 1.一 flexibility duration option definitelyactually ignore convince survive1. Economic crises destroy the capitalist system,and they grow in size and duration.2. Stability also depends upon the flexibility of the local economy.3. He was sentenced to do hard labor without the option of a fine.4. She states her views very definitely.5. Did he actually say in so many words that there was no hope of a cure?6. The baby felt ignored by her parents.7. You need to conv。

6、Unit 3.Comprehension of the textA.1.Because of the rise of individualism.2.The web makes it easy for family members who separate from each other to stay in touch.3.She and her sister followed the traces theyd left about themselves on Facebook. After making a few educated guesses and poking around a bit, they were reunited for the first time in their lives.4.He describes the modern family as being “a lot more flexible that it has been: it covers those who are closest to you who support you thr。

7、第一单元Comprehensionof the text A1、Soon after the plane took off,the passengers felt clearly there was something wrong with the plane.However, most of the experienced passengers didnt take it as a “big deal”at first2、The pilot made a graveannouncement about the serious condition and the flight attendants preparedpassengers for a bumpy landing3、At the beginning, they thoughtthere were just common minor problems and acted blas about them. Realizingthings were much worse than they had thought。

8、第一单元Comprehensionof the text A1、Soon after the plane took off,the passengers felt clearly there was something wrong with the plane.However, most of the experienced passengers didnt take it as a “big deal”at first2、The pilot made a graveannouncement about the serious condition and the flight attendants preparedpassengers for a bumpy landing3、At the beginning, they thoughtthere were just common minor problems and acted blas about them. Realizingthings were much worse than they had thought。

9、Unit 3: Text A An Uplifting PowerBy Tony Blair1. “Sport has the power to change the world, the power to inspire, the power to unite people in a way that little else can. Sport can create hope . It is an instrument for peace.” Unit 3: Text A 振奋人心的力量1. “体育运动具有改变世界的力量,其激励人心、团结众人的力量,在某种程度上难有匹敌。体育运动能创造希望 它是争取和平的手段。 ”Unit 3: Text A 2-1. When a man like Nelson Mandela looks back over his life and, against the backdrop of all that he h。

10、Unit 1 A. fellow compel assurance miracle comfort grief announcement sobering 同伴 迫使 保证 奇迹 安慰 悲伤 公告 清醒的 1.Disappointment, _grief_ and sleeplessness seized him for days after receiving the letter. 2.A newspaper published some rather _sobering_ information about punishment for drunken driving convictions in other countries. 3.Success is discovering your best talents, skills, and abilities and applying them where they will make the most effective contribution to your _fellow_ men. 4。

11、Unit 1 A. fellow compel assurance miracle comfort grief announcement sobering同伴 迫使 保证 奇迹 安慰 悲伤 公告 清醒的1.Disappointment, _grief_ and sleeplessness seized him for days after receiving the letter.2.A newspaper published some rather _sobering_ information about punishment for drunken driving convictions in other countries.3.Success is discovering your best talents, skills, and abilities and applying them where they will make the most effective contribution to your _fellow_ men.4.Peop。

12、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程2 15单元课后答案 完整版 Unit 1 1.In the sixandone half years sincet the federal government beagan cer。

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