传奇完整中英文对照剧本 1960 年代的伦敤 London in the 1960s. 这里的每个人都能讲出一些有关科雷兄弟的故事 Everyone had a story about the Krays. 随便走进一家酒馆 你就能听到一两个关于他们的传闻 You could walk into any pub to hear a lie or two about them. 相对来说 我更了解真amp;hearts;相amp;hearts; 因为我是当事人 But I was there and Im not careless with the truth. 他们是兄弟 可他们之间又不仅仅是血缘关系 They were brothers, but bound by more than blood. 他们是孪生兄弟 更是吅作伙伴 They were twins as well, counterparts. 他们要成为统治这个城市的黑.老大 Gangster princes of the city they meant to