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1、1高二英语重点词组的巩固及提升【学习目标】1. Master the important words and phrases of reading2. Learn how to use the language points properly 【教学重难点】1. the important words and phrases of reading2. how to use the language points properly【课前预习】重点词组 1.经历文化差异_2.积累更多的信息_ _3.一份家庭作业_ 4.参加 _5.一直_ 6.来自欧洲的殖民者 _7.在学期末典礼上_8. .庆祝感恩

2、节_9.在文化方面有着难以令人置信的区别_10.即使有一些相似点_选择4个词组造句经历_参加_区别_即使_知识梳理21.Here at my school in Brunei, we experience cultural differences all the time because we have some native English teachers. all the time 【复习回顾】:at all times at one time at a time ahead of time for the time being once upon a time take ones ti

3、me in no time _ at no time _2.【译文】无论什么时候谈到这个话题,他都很激动。_.【猜测】the meaning of “come to” in the sentences :1)You have come to a top level . _2)The number of the stude nts present at the meeting came to 500 . _3)He has come to life after careful care . _4)The two countries have come to an agreement after

4、the talk. _5) When it comes to tennis ,you cant beat her . _高考链接Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt much help when it_ shopping and eating.1. refers to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. comes toget excited: get+ p.p. 使自己处于某种状态和情况;或表被动意义。如:get dressed get married 3get

5、burnt get paid get drunk get started 大城市里的女清洁工是按小时计酬的.get + adj. 表示达到某种状态或情况get colder and colder 高考链接-Can the project be finished as planned?-Sure,_ it completed in time, well work two more hours a day.A. having got B. to get C. getting D. get在本句中 whenever作连词, 引导 含义为“ 每当;无论何时”每当我下定了决心,我就马上去你高兴什么时候走

6、就什么时候走。来源:学*科*网3. 【译文】感恩节与庆祝第一个丰收有关。【原文回归】_.【回忆】do with 的几种中文意思吗?(1) The new teacher didnt know what to do with the naughty students ._(1) What he said has nothing to do with the matter ._3) I cant do with the loud noise . _【猜测】并【比较】deal with 意 思: 1. He knows well how to deal with children . _42. Th

7、is book deals with the ancient history of China . _3. We have dealt with that company for 10 years . _4 We didnt know how to deal with the problem . _【巩固训练】1) 我认为这个问题应该及早处理。_.2) Deal with a man as he deals with you. _.3) The Arabians always know _ to do with the goods on the back of the camels Awhy

8、Bwhen Cwhat Dhow你一定能【猜测】下列划线部分短语的意思。1) Most of us think the government should do away with the cruel law ._ 2) In modern times,we cant do without a mobile phone . _ 4.【译文】如果你来到Brunei ,你不应该穿黄色。【原文回归】_ 你能【猜测】下列wear 短语意思吗?1)wear eyeglasses _ 2)wear a happy smile _ 3) wear long hair / beard _ 4)That sho

9、es have been worn out ._ 你能【回忆】不同的“穿”吗?表状态的“穿”: 表动作的“穿”: 5.【译文】看新来的外教努力适应这个动作的样子很是滑稽。【原文回归】_.【猜测】adjust在下列句中的意思:1) You can adjust this desk to the height of any child. _ 52) She soon adjusted (herself) to his way of life . _ 【即时训练】他已经习惯于住在乡下了._ _【词汇拓展】 调整 n._ 可调节的 adj._ 6 If a man participates in a wedding reception in Brunei, he has to sit with the bridegroom and the other man. participate in:_同义词组: 7. Its to do with celebrating the first harvest after the settlers from Europe.settlers: 意思_ 动词:_1) settle=solve这个问题很难解决。_2) settle in sp: 在某地定居他们最终在美国定居。_3) He settled down in his hometown.


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