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1、商务英语写作考试题型介绍商务英语写作考试所采用的题型包括:单项选择题、填空题、单句翻译题和撰写英文书信等。现分别举例说明:1单项选择题这里所说的单项选择题实际上是一般所说的多项选择题,是国际上英语测试中最常见的一种题型。这种题型要求学生在给定的三或四个选择项中选出一个正确答案。通过这种题型既可测试学生对英语词汇掌握的广度和深度,也可测试学生对英语语法掌握的广度和深度。例如: We agree to ccotinue business the terms stated in our Contract N0 46a on, on bas, as cas, on don, as正确答案是 don,

2、as.分析 本题的测试点是考查学生对介词多义性的掌握程度,以及对 as + v-ed (过去分词)这种结构的运用。题中 on“按照,根据” ;as+v-ed 中 as 为连词,意为“如同”,也可释为“按照” 。根据题意,只有 d 是正确答案。其余三个选择项都是错的: 选择项 a 中“on stated“有问题; 选择项 b中“as the terms”有问题;选择项 c 中“as the terms”, “on the stated“都有问题。译文 “我们按第 46 号合同规定的条件续签商务协议 ”。2. 填空题这部分试题指的是单句填空。题中不设任何选择项,要求考生根据题意,用自己掌握的词汇进

3、行填空,只要意思成立,无语言错误,符合英语规范就行。这部分试题的测试重点是介词,当然也包括一些常用的动词、副词、形容词和连词等。因此解答这类试题的关键是根据题意判断题中缺少的是哪一类词。如果是介词,还得确定与题中哪个词搭配:是一般搭配或是固定搭配,是构成短语动词或是构成成语;如果是动词,还是确定其形式:谓语形式或非谓语形式(不定式、分句或动名词) 。然后,在此基础上,从自己掌握的词汇中选出合适的词填入空白处,完成句子的意思。特别要注意不能出语言错误。例如:1. Please inform us _ the shortest possible time _ which you can effec

4、t delivery. 正确答案 of, in考点 短语动词 inform sb. of sth。 “通知某人某事” ;in which 引出定语从句。解题关键 判别 inform us 后缺少固定搭配介词 of;在 which 引出的定语从句中,which 指代的是 time,所以 which 前面必须得有介词 in,即 in which,在定语从句中作时间状语。译文 “请告可能最短时间内的装运期。 ”2. The drafts drawn _ compliance _ the terms of the L/C shall be honoured _ presentation and del

5、ivery of documents _ specified.正确答案 in, with, on, as考点 短语介词 in compliance with“按照” ;on presentation and delivery of “在提交时” ;as specified“按规定” 。解题关键 辨别题中的 compliance 是短语介词的主导词,前面缺少 in,后面缺少 with,介词短语 in compliance with the terms of the L/C 修饰前面的过去分词 drawn;presentation and delivery 前面缺少介词 on, “on + (动)

6、名词”通常表示时间;specified 前面缺少 as,as specified 为习用语。译文 “按信用证条件开出的汇票按规定提交单据如期支付。 ”3. We are already represented _ Messrs Freeman “交货的产品”可用 the goods to be delivered 或 the goods delivered。因此,除上述译文外,本试题还可以译成:We have quite a lot of orders and have sold out all the goods delivered by the end of this year.5. 由于

7、这台设备是按你方提供的规格制造的,请定货时同时支付 30%的押金。译文 Since this new equipment is to be manufactured to your specification, a deposit of 30% of the total value should accompany your order.考点 按规格制造;定货时同时支付押金解题关键 英语中 “按规格制造”可以写成 manufacture to (according to, in accordance with) specification;“定货时同时支付押金”可以写成:a depositsh

8、ould accompany your order 或 You should pay a deposit when making an order, 但前者语言更简练。(参见上述译文)6. 撰写英文书信撰写英文书信的目的是测试学生在语篇上综合应用英语表达思想的能力,外贸函电考试中书信撰写,实际是一封中文商务信件的汉译英。做这部分试题和汉译英试题一样,首先要确定书信的内容:是询问、报盘、订货、或装运、保险、索赔等,亦或是其他商务问题。在此基础上选用相应外贸书信中的相应句型和有关的词汇、惯用法来进行翻译。切忌逐字逐句进行硬译。词汇选定以后,要特别注意该词的词性,否则写成的句子在英语中就不成立。做完

9、这部分试题,一定要根据原文仔细校对,看有无漏译、错译或用词不当的地方。按照英语语法和书信文体来检查整篇书信,重点放在句型结构、词性、词的搭配是否正确,是否符合英语的表达习惯。撰写英文书信时,既可采用平头式,也可采用缩进式。例如:先生们:谢谢贵公司 5 月 15 日来函并按时签署和寄回的销售确认书。根据 4,000 台照相机销售确认书,我方已安排交货事宜。在收到你方信用证后,可望在下月装船。装来信提示,交货日期逼近,但我方至今仍未收到贵方有关的信用证,我们认为你方必须迅速开出信用证,这样我们才能如期履行订单。至盼早复。此致敬礼译文Dear Sirs,We are in receipt with

10、thanks of your letter dated May 15 and the Sales Confirmation duly signed and returned by you.In compliance with the sales Confirmation of these 4,000 Cameras, we have arranged for delivery and hope the shipment will be made during the next month, if your L/C arrives here in time.Today we write to i

11、nvite your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching, but so far we have not yet received your relevant L/C. We consider it is necessary for you to expedite the establishment of the L/C, so as to enable us to carry out the order smoothly.We are looking forward to receiving your

12、favourable news in the shortest possible time.考点 谢谢贵公司函;销售确认书;安排交货事宜;可望在下月装;现来信提示;至今仍未收到;迅速开出信用证;履行订单;至盼早复,此致敬礼。解题关键 一封完整的商务书信(正文)开头语和结束语是不可缺少的。 “谢谢贵公司函”是开头语。英语中有很多种写法,任择其一都行,如:Thank We thank you very much for your letter of dated;With many thanks for your letter of dated;We have duly received with

13、man y thanks your letter dated of;We are in receipt with thanks of your letter dated 。 “至盼早复”是结束语,也有很多写法: We are looking forward to receiving your favourable news in the shortest possible time; We hope to receive your favour at an early date; We hope to be favoured with a reply with the least delay;

14、 Hoping to hear from you soon; Expecting shortly to hear from you; Write to us as soon as you can; We beg that you will send us an answer at the earliest possible moment. 等等,任选其一都行。 “此致敬礼”也属结束语,可译成 Send our best regards。至于“销售确认书”相应的译文是 Sales Confirmation。 “安排交货事宜”可写成 arrange for delivery, arrange to

15、 deliver。 “可望在下月装船”可写成 hope (that) the shipment will be made during the next month。 “现来信提示”可写成 Today we write to invite your attention to the fact that “迅速开出信用证”可写成expedite speed up the establishment opening of the L/C。 “履行订单”可写成 carry out the order。2004-2005 第二学期商务英语写作考试试卷(A ) 湖州师范学院 20042005 学年第二学期商务英语写作考试试卷(A)一、Multiple choices. (15%)


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