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1、北京市东城区2014-2015学年度第二学期高三综合练习(二)英语 2015.5第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有一道小题,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话或独白后,你将有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话或独白你将听一遍。例:What is the man going to read?AA newspaper.BA magazine.CA book.答案是 A。1. What was the woman disappointed abo

2、ut?A. The weather. B. The hotel. C. The food.2. What kind of pet does the man want?A. A parrot. B. A dog. C. A rabbit.3. Who is ill in hospital?A. George. B. Mary. C. Lucy.4. What does the woman think the film will be like?A. Sad. B. Terrible. C. Funny.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Savin

3、g money. B. Writing styles. C. Working arrangements.第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)听下面 4 段对话。每段对话后有几道小题,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话你将听两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。6. When did the man buy the watch?A.Last Monday. B. Last Tuesday. C. Last Friday.7. Why does the

4、man want to talk to the manager?A. To get the watch changed.B. To get the receipt at once.C. To get his watch back earlier.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。8. Why is the man tired?A. Because he was caught in traffic jams.B. Because he did quite a lot of work.C. Because he went on strike.9. How did the woman go

5、to work today?A. She caught a bus. B. She got a free ride. C. She drove a car.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10. Where will the meeting be held?A. In the library. B. In the office. C. In the hotel.11. How many people will attend the meeting?A. 50. B. 60. C. 70.12. What is the woman doing?A. Suggesting the m

6、an giving a speech.B. Informing the man of the changes.C. Inviting the man to a meeting.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 15 题。13. How did the girl get cheap tickets?A. She bought student tickets.B. She bought return tickets.C. She bought group tickets.14. Where did the girl stay?A. In a hotel. B. In a tent. C. In

7、a tree house.15. What did the girl think of the weekend on the mountain?A. Scary. B. Enjoyable. C. Tiring.第三节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 7.5 分)听下面一段独白,完成第 16 至 20 五道小题,每小题仅填写一个词。听独白前,你将有20 秒钟的时间阅读试题,听完后你将有 60 秒钟的作答时间。这段独白你将听两遍。 Recipe for Apple SnowDay 16 Date April 10thRecipe Provider Mr. 17 SmithWhat you

8、need 700 grams of apples, 100 grams of sugar,2 large eggs and 18 cup of waterWhat to do 19 the apples and put them in a pan with water. Cook the apples gently until they are soft. Beat in the sugar until the mixture is 20 . Add in the egg whites. Decorate.第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45 分)第一节单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,共

9、 15 分)从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例:Its so nice to hear from her again. _, we last met more than thirty years ago.AWhats more BThats to sayCIn other words DBelieve it or not答案是 D。21. Did you manage to get in touch with David?No, I didnt. I _ him up, but there was no answer.A. rin

10、g B. rang C. will ring D. would ring22. Visitors can see the large diamond, _ has been kept at the Tower since the 17th century.A. which B. that C. what D. who23. Sparing no thought for her own safety, she dived into the river _ the child.A. saving B. being saved C. to save D. to be saved24. Im cont

11、inually losing my pens these days. I _ them on my desk, but they disappear somehow.A. leave B. am leaving C. was leaving D. would leave25. _ you know him well, you will find him easy to be around and thoughtful.A. However B. Though C. Once D. Before26. Hotel owners _ to find new ways of attracting t

12、ourists since the sudden drop in tourism last year.A. force B. have forced C. are forced D. have been forced27. What about going by coach? Its cheap and comfortable.If we went that way, it would mean _ more time than going by train.A. to spend B. spending C. spent D. being spent28. Mother often tell

13、s us never to put off _ we can do today till tomorrow.A. where B. when C. what D. which29. Todays approach to advertising is very different from _ of 20 years ago.A. that B. it C. some D. any30. This video camera can prevent the picture from jumping as the photographer _.A. moved B. is moving C. wil

14、l move D. has moved31. Janet has worked in the managers office for five years, _ with letters and documents. A. deal B. dealt C. dealing D. to have dealt 32. _ he worked out the problem in such a short time puzzled all of us. .A. What B. Where C. When D. How33. Judging from his worried face, we knew

15、 that he _ have had some trouble.A. would B. will C. need D. must34. Steam engines are no longer _ use in most parts of the worlds transportation now.A. in B. for C. of D. on35. I might speak French fluently if I _ the chance to stay in France for some time.A. am being given B. were given C. will be

16、 given D. would be given第二节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Monday started out great. I woke up on time, ate breakfast and did some last minute studying for my first hour math 36 . Ten minutes later, I sat by my friends on the bus. We were busily ch

17、atting about how we spent our 37 when, THUMP! Ryan 38 over someones foot and landed flat on his face in the passage between the two rows of seats.Everyone on the bus laughed crazily. Ryan 39 himself up and made his way to an empty seat. He tried to laugh with us, but his face was bright red with 40

18、. The rest of the morning flew by. I did well in my math test. I read two more chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird in English class. It wasnt long before the 41 bell sounded. I met my friends from the cheerleading team in the dining hall. Then I couldnt help but 42 Ryan a few tables over, sitting alon

19、e. He caught me looking. I smiled at him quickly and turned away.When we finished eating, we 43 out to the courtyard to practise a cheer we wanted to do at that nights football game. After a little 44 , we nailed the cheer, so we decided we only needed to 45 through it one last time. Again, just lik

20、e the rest of my day so far, the cheer was going great. I raised my leg 46 one last toe(脚趾) touch. RIIIPPP! I felt my jeans split down the middle of my backside.I 47 . I didnt know what to do but stayed still. Then I heard people laughing, and I saw them pointing. Trying to 48 myself with my hands,

21、I tried to 49 too, but I felt tears began to escape from my eyes. Then I saw Ryan walking toward me. I remembered earlier that morning when he had fallen and I had laughed at him. This would be his 50 to return the favor.But he didnt. 51 , Ryan offered me his jacket to cover up my 52 jeans. He also

22、offered me his phone so that I could call my mom to bring me some 53 . I thanked Ryan for his help. And a few days later when I saw him again, I apologized for laughing at him on the bus. Ryan regarded it as no big deal, but my own 54 experience and Ryans kind response taught me about 55 for others.

23、 Thanks to Ryan, I can honestly say that Monday was still a great day! 36. A. test B. lesson C. work D. book37. A. term B. money C. energy D. weekend38. A. tripped B. turned C. took D. crossed39. A. set B. put C. picked D. added40. A. appreciation B. embarrassment C. surprise D. disappointment41. A.

24、 alarm B. church C. lunch D. door42. A. notice B. meet C. hear D. call43. A. drove B. slipped C. danced D. headed44. A. guidance B. practice C. struggle D. discussion45. A. lead B. walk C. go D. flow46. A. for B. in C. to D. on47. A. jumped B. smiled C. shook D. froze 48. A. clean B. cover C. push D

25、. help 49. A. point B. laugh C. play D. return 50. A. hope B. duty C. chance D. aim51. A. Instead B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. However52. A. long B. torn C. tight D. worn53. A. socks B. jackets C. coats D. jeans54. A. positive B. broad C. common D. shameful55. A. patience B. expectation C. sympathy

26、D. admiration第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,共 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AYour car is a necessary part of your life. You use it every day. Of course, you want to hold on to it so you make sure it has the latest alarm and immobilizer(汽车防盗器). But despite all these, car

27、s like yours are still stolen every day. In fact, in this country, one car is stolen almost every minute! And if your car is stolen, you only have a 50:50 chance of seeing it again.Each year, car crime costs nearly 3 billion. Of course, if youre insured, you wont lose out, or will you? Firstly, you

28、will have to pay extra insurance later on, and then you may not be offered the full amount by the agent. You will probably have to hire a car and you will also lose the value of the contents and accessories(配件) in the car.Now comes the solution. An RAC Trackstar system, hidden in one of 47 possible

29、secret locations(位置) in your car, is the key of our system. If your car is stolen, radio signals are sent at twenty-second intervals from the car to the RAC Trackstar National Control Center via a satellite network. Then a computer gives the vehicles exact location, speed and direction.The RAC Track

30、star National Control Center, which operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, will immediately inform the police in the area where the car is located. Because the police receive information every twenty seconds, they will always know the vehicles location. Once the thief has been arrested, your car

31、will be returned to you.RAC Trackstar is unique in being able to provide the National Control Center with details of the exact location of your car, its speed and direction. And speed is the key to successful recovery of a stolen vehicle. RAC Trackstar Control will immediately tell the police if you

32、 report your car stolen and under the 24-hour Guardian Option. It will also tell you if your car has been stolen. RAC Trackstars constant updates mean the police are kept informed of the cars location. All these greatly improve your chances of seeing your car again. 56. If your car is stolen, you wi

33、ll have to _. A. hire a new car B. pay more insuranceC. buy a RAC Trackstar system D. inform the National Control Center 57. The Trackstar system can tell the police _.A. where the car is B. how the car is stolenC. who the thief is D. what brand the car is58. The underlined word “It” in the last par

34、agraph refers to _. A. the local police station B. the Guardian OptionC. the insurance company D. the RAC Trackstar Control59. According to the passage, people with RAC Trackstar _.A. are more likely to get the stolen cars backB. have less chance of being in an accident C. seldom get their vehicles

35、damagedD. automatically find directions BHunger is the greatest motive for the inexperienced cook. But many people are now worried that we are producing a generation without the slightest idea of how to cooka generation that is frightened to cook. I have just received a handout from Focus on Food, w

36、hich is running a competition to get children back into the kitchen. Has television cooking become a replacement for the real thing? Is this an age where famous professional cooks have turned cooking into a sort of show, with dishes far too difficult for the beginner to copy?I decided to ask my olde

37、st daughter, Miranda, for her opinion. Are children learning enough about the importance of good cooking? Do they know cooking is a basic life skill? Sociology and other “new” subjects are all very well, but without the ability to cook, or to understand the pleasure and principles of good food and i

38、ts relationship to good health, are we really preparing them for adult life?Miranda started her cooking at the age of nine, when she decided to enter the Sainsburys Future Cook competition. She was motivated by a different kind of greed: the first prizea trip to Disney World.The problem, from the pa

39、rental point of view, was that if she made it through to the regional(区域性的) finals, she would have to cook her meal in front of the judges. Some 30,000 children entered and she made it through as the youngest regional finalist. Now she had to learn to cook. Her hands were not even big enough to hold

40、 the knife and slice the onions. Six Saturdays running we ate the same lunchMozzarella meatballs in fresh tomato juice and blueberry.First, she cooked by my side, then alone with timings and instructions. Finally, she went alone against the clock. The kitchen looked like a battlefield, but she had g

41、ained victory. The tiny be-capped figure then stood in an unknown Bristol hotel, looking like a professional who had been at the stove for years. She didnt win, but she came home with 50 and the most valuable part of them all: confidence.60. The competition run by Focus on Food is intended for _.A.

42、children B. parents C. teachers D. chefs 61. Why does the writer think cooking is so important?A. It is an easy way to keep healthy.B. It helps develop relationships.C. It is a necessary skill for life.D. It can save a lot of money.62. The writers family had the same lunch on six Saturdays because _

43、. A. the family stuck to healthy food B. Miranda had to practise cookingC. the dish was the familys only food D. the dish was Mirandas favorite meal63. What did Miranda gain from the competition?A. A trip to Disney World. B. Support from friends.C. A medal for the winner. D. Belief in herself.CSmall

44、 seating in the economy-class(经济舱) sections of airplanes is not just uncomfortable but potentially life-threatening. Space has become so tight that passengers cannot protect themselves in the event of a crash.A report on a long distance flight from the doctors of Vienna stated that only 10% in econo

45、my class could adopt the recommended brace position on the planes safety tips in case of emergency, and they were the smallest of the group. And 30% of their fellow passengers traveling in first class could adopt the position, which is internationally recognized as improving the chances of survival

46、in the event of a crash. The authors of the report are now calling for greater space between seat rows to increase safety.A spokesman for British Airways (BA), which is responsible for safety on all British planes, opposed the idea that small seating was a threat(威胁) to passengers. “We dont think it

47、 is a safety matter,” he said, “We have high safety standards and all UK aircraft meet them.” In the past month, both British Airways and Virgin Atlantic introduced sleeper seats, stressing the outstanding comfort in the front of the planes. But that space gained is space lost in economy.Until recen

48、tly, economy class was at least “bearable”with an 86-centimeter seat. Scheduled Airlines such as BA and KLM gave passengers enough leg room and comfortable seats. But the arrival of new, weight-saving seats caused economy class to take a turn for the worse. Extra rows have been put into the plane, with the result that the average seat now is 79 centimetres. Singapore Airlines has become the latest carrier to narrow down its seats. It announced free wine for economy passengers last September, but at the same time reduced leg room by 8 centimetres.Economy


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