1、 How do human activities effect the environmental quality? Group report p What are the main environmental activities effect by human?p How do these activities effect the environment?p How do the changed environment effect human survival and development?Consideration: Chapter 4 Human activities and e
2、nvironmental problems The relationship between human development and environment Human activities and environmental crisis Environment and human health Case study Analysis: Human behavior: In order to meet the human needs of survival and development, human obtain the material resources and energy fr
3、om the environment.They obtain the products through a series of productive activities,and meanwhile discharge of waste to the environment. Law of human development: the diversity of needs, complexity of activity mode, time-varying of the development process. Law of the environment itself: Environmen
4、t has objective attribute, its occurrence, development and change have its own rules. What is the relationship between these two laws? Law of basic relations : the unity of opposites p Opposition: human subjective needs and the activities with purpose, inevitably contradict with the objective attrib
5、ute and the development law of the environment. p Unity:Environment is the carrier of the human.Human activities are restricted by the surrounding environment.There are Interaction and mutual restraint between humans and the environment. Corollary: Human Development should be in harmony with the env
6、ironment. 4.1The relationship between human development and environment It should been fully understand that the interdependent relationship between humans and the environment. Human beings are the product of physical movement,the product of the evolution of the Earths surface system The evolution o
7、f the Earths surface system forms geographical environment, where human live and develop. v Natural environment: the human material basis ,provide support systems for life. v Economic environment: the production and economic complex formed by human production activity. v Social and cultural environm
8、ent: the human organization and behavior mode formed by human life activity, including population, language, folklore, etc. Geographicalenvironment v Human should fully respect the development laws of the environment.uhistorical fact:table 4.1, The relationship between human development and the envi
9、ronment in different development stages uThe relationship between human development and the environment is changing development stagesdevelopment =economic growth economic growth developmentdevelopmentis inseparable to environment PredevelOpmentPeriod Agricultural revolution period IndustrialRevolut
10、ionperiod Industrial pollution control Development and environmental protection time span Ten thousand years ago Ten thousand years ago -the beginning of the 18rh century Beginning of 18th century to 1950s 1950s to 1960s 1970s to 1990s 1990s up to now economic features Ingestion and hunting Self-suf
11、ficient Commodity Advanced market economy Developed market economy Ecology economy mode of production From hand to mouth Simple technology and tool resource-basedmodel resource-basedmodel resource-basedmodel Technology-based model Environmental Problems Not indicated soil fertility decrease, water l
12、oss and soil erosion Air pollution, heavy metal pollution and enrichment Photochemistry smoke, pollutant accumulation in food chain Continual occurrence of environment public hazard incident Environment recovery of developed country; continual occurrence of public hazard incident in developing count
13、ry policy of humansPrimary coordination Basic coordination disharmonious (unbalanced ecology ) Extremely disharmonious Seeking measures Sustainable development Human keep deepening understanding the development, transform from only emphasis on economic growth into focusing on both economic growth an
14、d environmental protection. In action, Human also continue to evolve to the direction of environmentally friendly in production, economic and management.uHuman development process is also the process which constantly adapt and adjust the environmentDialectical relationship chart of human development
15、 and environment * Economic development has brought environmental problems, but also enhances the strength to solve environmental problems.The solution of environmental problems alsolays the foundation for sustained and stable economic development.* Protecting the environment is a condition for huma
16、n development.protecting the environment is also inseparable from human economic development.u The man-land relationship coordination model of regional sustainable development Gong Shengsheng, 1999l per capita GDP : GDP/population l Human Development Index (HDI), is calculated out on the basis of th
17、ree indicators :health and longevity,measured with life expectancy at birth ; education received,measured with both the adult literacy rate (2/3weight) and primary school, secondary school and university general admission rate (1/3weight); living standards, measured with per capita real GDP.uDiscussion:Whats human development? Basic services of possession : service, function, How to measure ? whats your opinions ?