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1、典题精讲经典题型例 1(2000 年上海)Tony was very unhappy forto the party.A.having not been invited B.not having invitedC.having not invited D.not having been invited思维解析本题考查非谓语动词。根据题意“没有被邀请参加聚会”是 unhappy 的原因,发生在was 之前,所以应该用动名词的完成形式。Tony 与 invite 之前是被动关系,所以应用完成时的被动形式。动名词完成式的否定结构的正确形式应为 D 项。答案:D黑色陷阱本题容易错选 A、B 两项。错选

2、 A 项的原因在于分词否定式 not 的位置;错选 B 项的原因在于没有理解语境而未使用分词的被动式的形式。例 2(2003 年上海)Those who change mobile phones frequently will pay a heavy price for being .A.graceful B.fashionable C.particular D.feasible思路解析本题考查形容词词意在具体语境中的辨析。graceful 意为“动作优美的”;fashionable 意为“时髦的;时兴的 ”;particular 意为“特别的;特定的” ;feasible 意为“可行的; 行

3、得通的”,结合句意“那些常换手机的人要为时髦付出沉重的代价”可知,B 项符合。答案:B例 3(2005 年江西)Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?Thank you. .A.It couldnt be better B.Of course you canC.If you like D.Its up to you思路解析本题考查交际英语的应用。of course you can 是针对别人的请求所作的肯定回答。If you like ,Its up to you 都有“随你便”的意思,和前面的 “Thank you”是相矛盾的。It

4、couldnt be better 意为“那再好不过了”,是最佳答案。答案:A绿色通道要掌握一些比较级的特殊用法:1)couldnt be better/worse/more /less.等句型用来表示强调说明“极其 ”。如:I couldnt agree more.我非常/ 完全赞同。2)be + 比较级+ than to do something 或 know better than to do something 等句型表示 “不至于”。如:I am wiser than to believe that.我不至于蠢到竟然相信这件事。3)more than.can.:此句型含有“ 无法;难

5、以”之意,具体理解应根据上下文。如:The boys in the street have become very insolent and it is more than flesh and blood can bear.街上的男孩变得非常无礼,到了人所不能忍受的地步。4)the last/the least 表示“ 最不的人/ 事物/ 地方”。如:He would be the last man to say such things.他决不会说这样的话。例 4(2002 年全国)Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old coupl

6、e,but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it。Ato see B.to be seen C.seeing D.seen思路解析该题考查非谓语动词的用法。前一个 it 为形式主语,代替主语从句 “ weather they will enjoy it”;后一个 it 指前一个并列分句的主语“Having a trip abroad”。后一个分句的主语是作表语的动词不定式动作的承受者。所以不定式要用被动式。答案:B黑色陷阱本题 C 项有一定的干扰。根据句意和结构可知,后一个并列分句中的 remain 为连系动词,后面接不定式作表语,表示将来。绿色通道r

7、emain 作连系动词时可以接多种成分作表语: 1)接名词作表语;2)接形容词作表语;3)接过去分词作表语,表示主语所处的状态或已经发生的被动动作;4)接现在分词作表语,表示正在进行的主动动作;5)接不定式作表语 ,表示将来的动作 ;6)接介词短语作表语。例 5(2001 年全国)As we joined the big crowd,I got from my friendsAseparated B.sparedC.lost D.missed思路解析此处考查“get+过去分词” 结构。此结构在本句中作表语表状态。beget separated from表示“与 分开” 。get spared

8、表示“获得赦免”;get lost 表“迷路”;get missed 表“ 被错过”。结合题意 “当我们加入拥挤的人群中时,我和我的朋友们分开了”可知 A 项符合题意。答案:A黑色陷阱本题易错选 D 项。miss 意为 “错过;遗漏”,在被动语态中主语不应该为人,而应该为物。如:The chance was missed.(He missed the chance.)例 6The discovery of new evidence led to .A.the thief having caught B.caught the thiefC.the thiefs being caught D.th

9、e thief to be caught 思路解析本题考查带逻辑主语的动名词短语的用法。lead to 意为 “导致;致使” ,to 是介词,后接名词或动名词,排除 B 项。 “被抓住”是 discovery 的结果,发生在后,不需要用完成时态。答案:C黑色陷阱本题有三处陷阱。一是错把 lead to 的 to 理解成不定式符号;二是没有看出来 the thief 和 caught 之间的被动关系;三是没弄清 catch 与 discovery 的先后关系。绿色通道动名词是可以有自己的逻辑主语的,动名词与其逻辑主语一起构成动名词的复合结构。一般逻辑主语是有生命的名词时,用名词或代词的所有格,作

10、主语只用所有格;逻辑主语是无生命物时用普通格,就是通常所说的宾格形式,这种动名词的复合结构在句中常作主语或宾语。例 7(2005 年湖北)This picture was taken a long time ago.I wonder if you can my father.A.find out B.pick outC.look out D.speak out思路解析此题考查动词短语的辨析。find out 是“发现;查明( 真相等)” ;pick out 指“ 辨认;认出”;look out 指“留神;照料 ”;speak out 意为“大胆地说;大声地说” 。结合前句,可知后句意为“我想知

11、道你能否辨认出我父亲”。答案:B 例 8(2005 年北京)Id like arrive 20 minutes early I can have time for a cup of tea.A.as soon as B.as a resultC.in case D.so that思路解析先要弄清这四个短语的区别。as soon as“ 一就” ,引导时间状语从句;in case“ 万一;以防”,引导条件状语从句;so that“以便;为了”,引导目的状语从句。as a result 不能引导从句。结合题意,早到的目的是为了喝茶,所以 D 项符合。答案:D 9. The flowers swee

12、t in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.A.to smell B.smellingC.smelt D.to be smelt思路解析本题考查非谓语动词的用法。不定式表示动作未做,现在分词表示动作正在进行,与主语是主动关系,过去分词表示完成,与主语是被动关系。smell 是连系动词,无被动语态,因此用现在分词。答案:B黑色陷阱本题容易错选 C 项。错选的原因是 smelt 理解成谓语动词,从而把 flower 和 smell 的逻辑关系理解为被动。绿色通道look,seem ,sound,taste

13、,smell,feel 等连系动词后可跟形容词作表语,也可跟 like 介词短语作表语。另外 remain,stay,keep 等连系动词后也可跟形容词作表语,而seem, remain 后还可跟不定式、分词等作表语。注意连系动词没有被动语态。10.The old man,abroad for twenty years,is on the way back to his motherland.A.to work B.workingC.to have worked D.having worked思路解析本题考查非谓语动词作定语的用法。本题主干是 The old man is on the way

14、.,the old man 和 work 是逻辑的主动关系,所以要用现在分词。for twenty years 表示从过去持续到现在的一段时间,要用完成时。答案:D志鸿原创题阅读短文,完成表格:Money Matters for StudentsWho pays?The local education authority (LEA)for the area in which the student is living.Who can get the money?Anyone who gets a place in a first degree course,although a student

15、 who has already attended a course of advanced further education may not.Students must also have been resident (长住的)in the UK for at least three years,which can exclude (排除)some students from overseas.If a student had worked before going to college:A student who is 26 or more before the course start

16、s and who has worked for at least three of the previous six years will get extra money155 a year if 26,increasing to a maximum (最多)of 615 at 29 or more.If a student is handicapped (残疾的):LEAs will give up to500 to help meet extra expense,such as buying a tape recorder for a blind student,extra heatin

17、g or special food.Money Grant InformationKinds of students Grant1. students 0Students of 26 or more with 3years,working experience 615Advanced students 2. 3. students 4. 思路解析本题可从第一个空格做起。右栏提示这部分学生是不能申请补助金的(0 表示申请的补助金为零) ,他们是 advanced students 和 overseas students。这样,表格中就已经填写了两类学生,剩下的一类是 the handicapped。第四空可以从“LEAs will give up to500 to help meet extra expense.”得知。答案:1.Overseas 2.0 3.Handicapped 4.500巧学法园地句型与动词关系歌英语句子千千万万,五大句型把线牵。句型种类看动词,后接什么是关键:系词后面接表语, vi. 独身无牵挂;vt.又可分三类,单宾、双宾最常见,还有宾语补主语;各种搭配记心间。


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