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4、用于硬件设备和各种数据库的采购,存储容量扩展到8T。建有教师电子阅览室,方便教师利用文献资源。藏有中国期刊网全文数据库、中国学术期刊、优秀博士、硕士论文全文数据库、 Springer 外文期刊数据库、EBSCO 数据库、万方数据资源等 13 个数据库;共享数据库 7 种。 3.通过网络练习搜索化学化工信息站点? 答:以下是搜索的一些与化学化工信 息有关的站点: http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ 练习二 1.列出无机化学学科的中文期刊名称 5种及网址、英文期刊名称 5 种、缩写和网址? 答: 中文期刊 中文期刊名称 网址 无机化学学报 http:/ 无机材料学
5、报 http:/ 中国无机分析化学 http:/ 中国无机盐 http:/www.cisia.org 无机盐工业 http:/ 英文期刊 英文期刊名称 缩写 网址 Inorganic Chemistry Inorg. Chem. http:/pubs.acs.org/journal/inocaj Dalton DALTON. T http:/pubs.rsc.org/en/journTransactions als/journalissues/dt Annual Reports Section “A“ (Inorganic Chemistry) Annu. Rep. Prog. Chem. S
6、ect. A: Inorg. Chem. http:/pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals/JournalIssues/IC#!issueid=ic013109 Mn3+ metalloporphyrin; Magnetic resonance imaging; T1-weighted image; Tumor-enhancement effect 第二篇 . Enhancement of catalytic efficiency of metalloporphyrin-reductant-molecular oxygen biomimetic system by aminoaci
7、d external ligands Victor V. Borovkov , a, , Anna B. Solovievab, Olga V. Cheremenskayab, Natalia V. Belkina Abstract: The presence of aminoacid external ligands (Cys and His) markedly increases the efficiency (in terms of reaction rate constant and turnover number) of the metalloporphyrin-reductant-
8、molecular oxygen catalytic system in cholesterol oxidation reactions; in so doing, Cys contained systems are more active co-catalysts showing a pronounced maximum of concentration dependence profiles. Keywords: Metalloporphyrin; Oxidation; Aminoacid; Steroid; Biomimetic system Wiley InterScience 数据库
9、中: 第一篇 Surface-Confined Metalloporphyrin Oligomers Hal Van Ryswyk Prof. Dr.1, Erin E. Moore1, Neel S. Joshi1, Rebecca J. Zeni1, Todd A. Eberspacher Dr.2, James P. Collman Prof. Dr.2 Abstract: Der modulare Aufbau von Metalloporphyrin-Oligomeren an einem oberflchengebundenen Isonicotinat-Liganden geli
10、ngt durch die abwechselnde Anlagerung von Ru-Porphyrin-Einheiten und zweizhnigen Brckenliganden L (siehe Bild). Elektrochemische Untersuchungen ergaben, dass Elektronen entlang des gesamten Rckgrats der Oligomere transportiert werden Keywords: Elektronentransport; Metall-Metall-Wechselwirkungen; Nan
11、otechnologie; Oberflchenchemie; Porphyrinoide 第二篇 . Microwave-assisted synthesis, metallation, and duff formylation of porphyrins Muhammad Yaseen1,*, Mukhtar Ali2, Muhammad NajeebUllah1, Munawar Ali Munawar1, Irshad Khokhar1 Abstract: Microwave assisted synthesis, metallation, and -formylation of po
12、rphyrins is described. All synthetic reactions were carried out on inorganic polymer solid support using microwave energy. It is the first documented application of the Duff reaction in the field of porphyrins and metalloporphyrins. The overall process is simple, easy, and environment friendly. FTIR, UV visible, elemental analysis, 1H NMR, and mass spectrometry were used to characterize the compounds. J. Heterocyclic Chem., 46, 251 (2009).