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1、1硕士学位论文(20 届)房屋承租人优先购买权制度研究姓 名学 科 、 专 业 法 律 硕 士 ( 全 日 制 法 律 硕 士 )研 究 方 向 民 商 法指 导 教 师论文提交日期2房屋承租人优先购买权制度研究(硕士论文摘要)房屋承租人优先购买权是当今世界各国或地区民法所普遍确立的制度,具有悠久的历史渊源。我国法律亦确立了该制度,但因我国现行法律规定对房屋承租人优先购买权的性质定性不明,内容缺乏可操作性,致该制度在实际适用中存在诸多争议和困难。为了解决审判实践中的困境,首先应明确房屋承租人优先购买权的性质。本文在我国现有法律规定的基础上,比较和借鉴了国外成熟立法经验,系统阐述了房屋承租人优先

2、购买权的法律性质,得出优先购买权的性质为附条件形成权的结论。其后分析了优先购买权的效力和行使,并针对承租人优先购买权在审判实践中暴露出的问题,进行了深入的探讨和研究,提出了一些完善建议,以期维护承租人的合法权益、促进安全交易。本文共分为五章:第一章“房屋承租人优先购买权的性质” 。权利的性质决定行使权利的法律后果。文章首先分析了房屋承租人优先购买权的性质。关于房屋承租人优先购买权的性质学界主要有物权说、债权说、期待权说、形成权说。通过对上述学说的一一分析论证,认为将房屋承租人购买权定性为为附条件形成权最为合理。第二章“房屋承租人优先购买权的效力” 。这部分,首先介绍了优先购买权的效力之争,主要

3、围绕在债权效力和物权效力上,区分的标准是能否对抗第三人。通过比较其他国家立法对于优先购买权效力的规定,看出我国现行法律在这方面的缺失。其次,分析了我国学术界对于承租人优先购买权具有何种效力的两种不同观点,分别是债权效力说和物权效力说。最后通过对两种不同观点的分析,从而得出笔者的观点,对承租人优先购买权的效力不应一概而论,而应结合优先购买权的产生原因、立法价值的取向以及是否已经公示来判断,特别是公示与否,在确定优先购买权的效力时,应当具有决定意义。第三章“房屋承租人优先购买权的行使” 。这部分,首先论证承租人优先购买权的行使前提,其次,重点分析了承租人优先购买权的行使条件“同等条件” 。同等条件

4、的标准通说有绝对同等说和相对同等说,文章通过对两种学说的利弊一一阐述,认为对同等条件的理解不应过于机械,应当关注买卖合同的3本质性条款,也就是决定买卖合同性质的条款。同时列举了几个认定同等条件时应当注意的问题。最后,讨论了承租人优先购买权的行使期限。为了促使承租人及时行使优先购买权,保护出租人与第三人的合法利益,应当对承租人行使权利规定一个合理期限,使法律关系尽早得以确定。第四章“房屋承租人优先购买权中的几个特殊问题” 。这部分首先讨论了拍卖情况下承租人的优先购买权,认为不能简单的否定承租人在拍卖中的优先购买权。其次,讨论了次承租人的优先购买权,认为有必要赋予次承租人优先购买权来保护次承租人的

5、生存利益。最后,讨论了按份共有人优先购买共有份额与承租人优先购买租赁屋的“冲突”问题。认为如果按份共有人想排除承租人优先购买权的行使完全可以受让份额;如果按份共有人既想保留房屋又不想受让份额,那就无所谓购买房屋,也就没有优先购买权上的冲突。第五章“承租人优先购买权的立法缺陷及立法完善” 。这部分通过分析我国现行立法中存在的缺陷提出了立法完善的建议,以期解决目前法律适用中的混乱局面。【关键词】房屋承租人 优先购买权 附条件形成权1The Research on the Right of Preemption of Housing Lessee(The abstract of masters th

6、esis)The right of preemption of housing lessee is generally established by various countries and areas in their civil law system, which has a long historical origin. China has also established this legal system, but our countrys current legal provisions on the nature of the lessee Preemption are qua

7、litative unclear and the content lacks the feasibility, which sends this system in the reality has many disputes and difficulties. In order to solve the difficult position in trial practice, we should first clear the nature of the lessee preemption. on base of legal rules in our country, this articl

8、e compares and studies mature abroad legislation experience,systematic expound the law nature of the right of preemption of housing lessee, obtain the conclusion that the nature of the right of preemption is a formation right which attaches condition. After that analyzes the potency and exercises of

9、 the right of preemption, and aimed at questions of the right of preemption which are exposed in the trial practice, this article has carried on the thorough discussion and the research, proposed some consummated suggestions, in order to defend tenants legitimate rights and interests and promote the

10、 trade safely.This article altogether divides into five chapters:The first chapter is “ The nature of the right of preemption of housing lessee”. The nature of the right decides the legal consequences of the exercise of the right. The article first analyzed the legal nature of the right of preemptio

11、n of housing lessee. There are mainly four theories about the right of preemption in the academic circle, they are the theory of real right、the theory of creditor right、the theory of expect right and the theory of formation right. Through the analysis and proof, the writer thinks to define the right

12、 of preemption as a forming right is the most reasonable. The second chapter is “The effect of the right of preemption of housing lessee”. In this part, the article firstly introduces the disputes of the effect of the right of preemption which mainly upon the effect of real right and the effect of c

13、reditor right. 2The standard to differentiate these is to see whether it can resist anther person or not. Through compares other national legislation regarding to the potency of the right of preemption, we can see the flaw in our countrys current law in this aspect. Next, analyzes two different view

14、points in the academic circle about the effect of the right of preemption which respectively are the creditor right effect and the real right effect. Finally through analyze the two different viewpoints, thus obtains the authors viewpoint, the effect of the right of preemption not to be generally sp

15、oken, but should unify the production reason, the legislative value orientation as well as whether already announces to the public to judge, specially announces or not which has the decision significance to determine the effect of the right of preemption.The third chapter is “The exertion of the rig

16、ht of preemption of housing lessee”. In this part, the article first proves the premise to exercise the right of preemption. Next, selective analyze the condition to exercise the right of preemption - - “the same level condition”. The standard of the same level condition generally is absolutely same

17、 level and relatively same level, the article through elaborates two theorys advantages and elaborations, thought should not be too mechanical to the same level conditions understanding, must pay attention to the essential provision of the contract of sales, was also decide nature the contract of sa

18、les. Finally, the article discusses the deadline to exercise the right of preemption. In order to urge the tenant to exercise promptly, protects the legal advantage of the lessor and the third person, must stipulate a reasonable deadline in order to make the legal relationship as soon as possible to

19、 be determined.The fourth chapter is “The several special questions in the right of preemption of housing lessee”. This part first discusses the right of preemption in the auction situation, thinks cannot simply negative tenants right of preemption in auction. Next, discusses the inferior tenants ri

20、ght of preemption, thinks that has the necessity to entrust the inferior tenant with the right of preemption to protect the inferior tenants survival benefit. Finally, discusses “the conflict” between the part-owner accord to share and the tenant. Thought if the pare-owner wants to remove the tenant

21、 to exercise the right of preemption, he can buy the share ; If the part-owner wants to retain the 3house and does not want to buy the share, then there is no conflict on right of preemption.The fifth chapter is “The legislative flaw and the consummation of the right of preemption of housing lessee”

22、. This part through analyzes the flaw which in our country present legislation to propose the legislative suggestion in order to solve the chaos in law practice.Key words housing lessee right of preemption formation right with condition 1目 录导 言 .1问题的提出 .2第一章 房屋承租人优先购买权的性质 .3第一节 关于房屋承租人优先购买权性质的主要学说 .

23、3一、物权说 .3二、债权说 .4三、期待权说 .4四、形成权(附条件形成权)说 .5第二节 房屋承租人优先购买权性质之我见 .5一、对上述学说的评析 .5二、笔者的观点 .7第二章 房屋承租人优先购买权的效力 .10第一节 优先购买权的法律效力 .10第二节 房屋承租人优先购买权的法律效力 .11第三章 房屋承租人优先购买权的行使 .13第一节 房屋承租人优先购买权的行使前提 .13第二节 房屋承租人优先购买权的行使条件“同等条件” .14一、同等条件的标准 .14二、认定“同等条件”应注意的几个问题 .15第三节 房屋承租人优先购买权的行使期限 .16一、出租人履行通知义务情况下的行使期限 .16二、出租人未履行通知义务情况下的行使期限 .17第四章 房屋承租人优先购买权中的几个特殊问题 .18第一节 拍卖情况下房屋承租人优先购买权之研究 .18第二节 房屋次承租人优先购买权之研究 .202第三节 按份共有人优先购买共有份额与房屋承租人 优先购买租赁物的“冲突”问题 .21第五章 房屋承租人优先购买权的立法缺陷 及立法完善 .24第一节 房屋承租人优先购买权的立法缺陷 .24第二节 房屋承租人优先购买权的立法完善 .25结 语 .29参考文献 .30在读期间发表的学术论文与研究成果 .33


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