1、1硕士学位论文(20 届)公司瑕疵设立民事责任研究姓 名学 科 、 专 业 法 律 硕 士 ( 全 日 制 法 律 硕 士 )研 究 方 向 民 商 法指 导 教 师论文提交日期2公司瑕疵设立民事责任研究(硕士论文摘要)公司制度从其诞生之时便以强大的生命力以及独特的制度优势,融聚着社会的人力、物力、财力并快速的积累着社会财富,从而极大的推动了社会的发展与进步。各国对于设立公司的态度无不在向较少管制、快速、便捷的趋势发展,我国亦不例外,设立公司已由旧时王谢的堂前燕飞入了寻常百姓家。但法律为设立公司所规定的条件和程序还是存在的,规制的确立在另一方面恰恰说明了违反规制情况的存在。实践中,公司设立条件
2、常常被违反,法律经常被突破,由此瑕疵设立的公司普遍存在,即公司虽依法经登记并获得营业执照,但实际上却存在着未能满足法定条件或者程序或者其他违反强制性法律要求的情形,或者发起人或者股东本身或者其意思表示存在缺陷的情形。这样的瑕疵公司于经济往来中无外乎定时炸弹,对公司债权人及其他利益相关体的潜在威胁不容忽视。关于瑕疵公司的问题涉及方方面面,本文以公司瑕疵设立的民事法律责任为研究重点。从文章结构上看,全文除导言外共分三个部分(全文共三章) 。第一章,简单的对公司瑕疵设立予以概述,对公司设立瑕疵的原因及表现形式进行了归纳,因其非本文论述重点亦为大多数学者所共识,笔者在此惜墨如金。第二章为本文重点,首先
4、立瑕疵的最主要情形单独重点论述,在讨论内部责任和外部责任的过程中,理论结合司法实践对相关问题进行了深入的论述,并立足于司法3实践,对当下司法裁判中出现的问题、通行的司法裁判模式及司法解释中存在的冲突提出了自己的观点与解释。关键词 瑕疵设立 资本瑕疵 民事责任 1Research on the civil liability of the defective incorporated company(Abstract)Company system, from its birth, with its own powerful vitality and the unique advantage, a
5、ccumulates human, material, financial resources and wealth in society, therefore, greatly promotes the development and progress of the society. For all countries in the attitude towards less control, fast and convenient trends in the establishment of company, China is no exception, the establishment
6、 of company, as the swallow, has turned into the ordinary one in the ordinary peoples house from ever before when it is excluded to the king. But the laws still specify the conditions and procedures for establishing the company, the regulation on the other hand means the situation that violates the
7、regulation exists. In practice, the conditions for the establishment of company are often violated, and the company law is often breached, so the defective companies universally exist. Defective incorporated companies mean that although the companies register in accordance with the law and acquire b
8、usiness licenses, actually exists the situation that the legal conditions or procedures or other mandatory regulation required by law are breached, or the situation that shareholders or promoters itself have defects or their meaning have defects. Such defective companies in economic activities equal
9、 bombs to the outside creditors and other related body, the potential threat should not be ignored. The problems about the defective companies involve in every aspect, this paper focused on the civil legal liabilities of the defective incorporated companies.From the structure of the paper, besides t
10、he introduction,the paper contained three parts. The first chapter simply outlined the defective incorporated companies, inducted the reasons and forms of the defective companies. For this point is not the key of the paper and is also accepted by most scholars, the author did not focus on this. The
11、second chapter is the key of the paper. Firstly, from our relevant judicial explanation, and administrative rules and regulations, this chapter explored the attitude of the 2practical departments towards the legal effect of the defective, and then get the conclusion that in practice we try to take m
12、easures to correct the defects of the defective incorporated companies in order to admit the legal personality of the defective incorporated companies. Secondly, this chapter interpreted who bears the civil liability, including the defective incorporated companies, the defects makers, the rest share
13、holders and the intermediary institutions and proposed the conception of negative defects makers to bear the civil liability. Thirdly, this chapter discussed the internal and external responsibilities under the different legal effects towards the defective incorporated companies. The internal respon
14、sibilities refer to the responsibilities between the shareholders each other and between the shareholders and the defective companies. The external responsibilities refer to the responsibilities the defective companies and its shareholders admitted to the creditors of the companies. The third chapte
15、r is the most important part of the paper. Compare to the second chapter, this chapter is a part to total relationship. Some problems on the second chapter are thoroughly discussed in the third chapter. This chapter focused on the capital defects which are the main situations in the defective incorp
16、orated companies. During the discuss about the internal and external responsibilities, based on the judicial practice, this chapter, combining the theories, put forward views and interpretation to the problems in judicial referee, the mode in judicial referee and the conflicts in judicial interpreta
17、tion. Keywords Defective incorporate, Capital defects, Civil liability1目 录导 言 .1第一章 公司瑕疵设立基本理论 .2第一节 公司瑕疵设立概述 .2第二节 公司瑕疵设立的表现形式 .3一、公司资本瑕疵 .3二、公司设立人主体瑕疵 .4三、公司章程瑕疵 .4四、公司设立程序瑕疵 .5第二章 公司瑕疵设立的民事责任 .5第一节 公司瑕疵设立的法律效果 .5第二节 承担民事责任的主体 .7第三节 承担民事责任的形式 .8一、法人人格承认下的民事责任 .9二、法人人格否认下的民事责任 .10第三章 资本瑕疵导致公司瑕疵设立的相
18、关民事责任 .11第一节 资本瑕疵致公司瑕疵设立之内部责任问题 .12一、未缴纳出资责任 .13二、出资填补责任 .15三、出资瑕疵担保责任 .16四、瑕疵出资股东的股东资格问题 .172第二节 资本瑕疵致公司瑕疵设立之外部责任问题 .20一、目前通行裁判模式 .20二、瑕疵出资股东补充清偿责任的一次性问题 .23二、法复19944 号与法200221 号的适用冲突与解决 .23参考文献 .27公司瑕疵设立民事责任研究导 言公司设立,是指为了使公司取得法人资格而依照法律规定的条件和程序进行的一系列行为的总称。然而,在实践中,设立人完全可能与法律规定背道而驰,致使公司瑕疵设立问题时有发生,即公司
21、第一问题的基础上重点讨论第二个问题即公司瑕疵设立时相关责任主体的民事责任承担问题。2第一章 公司瑕疵设立基本理论第一节 公司瑕疵设立概述公司瑕疵设立,是指公司虽然在形式上已经成立,即依法经登记并获得营业执照,但实际上却存在着未能满足法定条件或者程序或者其他违反强制性法律要求的情形,或者发起人或者股东本身或者其意思表示存在缺陷的情形。 1公司的设立必须同时符合制定法所规定的实质性要件和程序性要件。 2公司发起人在设立公司时如果违反制定法的规定,不具备或不完全具备制定法所规定的条件,不履行或不完全履行制定法所规定的程序,则即便公司已经获得有关公司登记机关所颁发的设立证书,公司的设立也存在瑕疵。公司
22、设立瑕疵的原因及表现形式多样,在学理上,可依不同标准作以下划分:1、依其产生的原因不同,可分为主观瑕疵与客观瑕疵。主观瑕疵主要是指公司设立人存在行为能力和意思表示方面的缺陷,如无行为能力人或限制行为能力人充任公司的发起人,认股人因受欺诈而认购股份。客观瑕疵主要是指设立行为违反法律规定的条件或程序,如公司没有达到公司设立的法定条件,公司章程欠缺绝对必要记载事项,公司设立程序违法等。2、依其内容不同,可分为程序瑕疵和实体瑕疵。程序瑕疵是指公司设立违反了程序性规定,如未经有关主管机关审批,股份有限公司创立大会召集程序不合法等。实体瑕疵是指公司设立违反了公司法所规定的实质要件,如股东人数未达法定最低限额,注册资本低于法定数额,出资形式与构成不符合法定要求等。3、依其后果的严重程度,可分为可以补救的瑕疵和无法补救的瑕疵。 3各国往往根据设立瑕疵的严重程度,决定是否可以采取补救的办法,以使该公司获得确定的法律人格。既然法律明确规定公司设立必须符合特定的条件与程序,公司设立瑕疵自应导致公司设立无效,自始否认其法律人格的存在。然而,这毕竟只是一种消1 施天涛著:公司法论 ,法律出版社 2006 年版,第 92 页。2 张民安著:公司瑕疵设立效力研究 ,载比较法研究2004 年第 4 期。3 冯果著:公司法要论 ,武汉大学出版社 2003 年版,第 39 页。