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1、1硕士学位论文(20 届)可交换债法律问题研究姓 名学 科 、 专 业 法 律 硕 士 ( 全 日 制 法 律 硕 士 )研 究 方 向 经 济 法指 导 教 师论文提交日期2可交换债法律问题研究(硕士论文摘要) 在中国,可交换债是一种独特而新颖的公司债,证监会于 2008 年 10 月发布了上市公司股东发行可交换公司债券试行规定 ,推出了这一金融创新品种。可交换债的本质是什么?有何特点?与可转换债相比有何不同?为何可交换债推出几个月来一支未发?关于可交换债的制度设计有何缺陷,如何改进?这些都是市场关注的热点问题,本文拟就上述问题谈谈自己的看法。论文包括导言、正文和结语,正文由四章构成。第一章



4、也有其现实意义,然而就发行人和债权人而言,现行制度设计中利益的天平过度向债权人倾斜。对于发行公司来说,该制度存在“发行门槛过高,发行成本较大,风险与收益3不对称,缺乏改善资本结构的功能”等种种缺陷,故发行可交换债对于发行公司来讲实则弊大于利,对其吸引力不大,从而带来可交换债发行不能的尴尬局面。第四章提出笔者对可交换债制度的完善设想:建议降低可交换债的发行门槛并取消发行时标的股票的无限售要求。另外本文还就如何保护债权人的选择权提出建议,并用期待权的理论为债权人介入公司事务提出了法理依据。关键词 可交换债 本质 利益分析 制度完善1Studies on the Exchangeable Bonds

5、 Law Questions(Abstract ) In China,Exchangeable Bond (EB) is a special and new kind of corporation bonds. The“Trial Provisions for the Offering of Exchangeable Bonds by Shareholders of Listed Companies”is drafted by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) in October 2009, and put the new f

6、inancial product into effect. What is the Exchangeable Bond essence? what are its characters and what are the differences the Exchangeable Bond from the Convertible Bonds(CB)?Why there isnt one EB has been issued for several months? What are the defects of the provisions and how to improve them? The

7、se hot questions are concerned by the securities market, and the thesis will give my opinions to these questions.The thesis includes three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion, main body consists of four chapters.Chapter One will introduce what is EB and analyze the essence of it. The EBs c

8、reditor has a selectable right and the debtor has an obligation to ensure the right. The essence of this relationship is the Civil Laws debt relationship. This relationship is a special debt relationship. The EBs repayment may be shares or money which is different from the common corporation bond (i

9、ts repayment is only capital and interest). To the debtor, paying the capital and interest or paying the shares is the same repayment of the debt, the difference is nothing but only the target object. The EB is an alternative debt which give the select right to the bondholder. To select the capital

10、and interest or to select the shares is the same status selection, it has noting to do with the primary and secondary. To the bondholder, the positive selection is to select the share payment and the negative selection is to select the capital and interest payment. The selectable right is not the ex

11、changeable right, the exchangeable right is the later right which is determined by the realization of the selectable right. The realization of the exchangeable right is one of the payment of EB.Chapter Two will compare the EB with the CB, by finding the same and different characters of them, I try t

12、o give more recognition of EB. The issuing subject 2position of EB is the shareholders who hold shares of listed companies, and the objects are the other listed companies shares which are held by the issuer. As to the CB, the EB has nothing to do with the offerings of new shares, it is just the tran

13、sferring of the stockholders rights, and it wont enlarge the listed companies total share scale. Because the target shares can be impawned, so the protection of the debtor is more considerate.Chapter Three : Although the new type of corporate bonds was present to public by the CSRC, but there is no

14、one EB has been issued for several months. By analyzing the relevant subject positions interest, I will give my viewpoint that the rules designed are benefit to the stability of the whole securities market, and are meaningful to ease the impact to the market caused by the liberating tide of the sale

15、-restricted shares, but the interest balance declines to the creditor when compared with the issuer. To the issuing company, the rules have many defects such as“the threshold is too high, the cost of issuing is more expensive, the risk and the interest is not in balance, and it doesnt help to improv

16、e the company capital structure.” Because there are more defects than merits when a company issue EB, so the EB is not attractive to the company, and it will cause the embarrassing condition that no company like to issue the EB. Chapter Four will give my suggestion such as to lower the issuing thres

17、hold of EB and to cancel the rule the target shares should have no restriction to be saled when they are being issued. Moreover, the thesis will give my suggestions such as how to protect the creditors selectable right, and by using the expectant right theory, I will give the basic theory of law whi

18、ch can support the creditor intervening into the companys general affairs. Key Words EB, Essence, Interest Analyze, Rules Improvement1目 录 导 言 .1第一章 可交换债概述 .2第一节 可交换债的概念 .2第二节 可交换债中的权利、义务关系 .2一、债务人权利、义务分析 .2二、债权人权利、义务分析 .3第三节 可交换债的本质 .4一、可交换债是民法意义上的债 .4二、可交换债系可选择之债 .5三、选择权不是交换权 .8第四节 可交换债的作用 .10第二章 可

19、交换债与可转换债的对比分析 .11第一节 可交换债与可转换债之相同点 .11第二节 可交换债与可转换债之相异点 .12一、标的不同 .12二、主体不同 .12三、对上市公司的影响不同 .13四、担保方式不同 .14五、价格修正条款不同 .14第三章 可交换债发行之惑 .14第一节 债权人利益分析 .15一、债权人的利益 .15二、试行规定之规定 .15第二节 发行人利益分析 .17一、发行人的利益 .17二、试行规定之规定 .182第三节 其它利益分析 .19一、对上市公司 .19二、对证券公司 .20三、对证券市场 .20第四节 利益天平的倾斜 .20一、发行门槛过高 .20二、发行成本较大

20、 .21三、风险与收益不对称 .22四、缺失改善资本结构的功能 .22五、融资规模受限 .23第四章 可交换债制度完善之构想 .23第一节 发行公司利益保护 .23一、降低发行门槛 .23二、取消发行时标的股票的无限售要求 .24第二节 债权人利益保护 .26一、保护债权人的选择权 .26二、债权人介入上市公司问题 .27结 语 .29参考文献 .30后 记 .321可交换债法律问题研究导 言2008 年,中国大陆股市经历了一轮接一轮的暴跌。其中,限售股大量地、集中地、不计成本地减持成为众矢之的。伴随着减持压力的不断加大,有人提倡用可交换债券减缓限售股解禁对市场的冲击,经过多方征求意见,证监会

21、也于 2008 年 10 月 19 日发布了上市公司股东发行可交换公司债券试行规定 。在中国,可交换公司债是一种独特而新颖的公司债。因其具有“缓冲器”的特殊机理和“抑制大小非减持”的“特殊功效” ,可交换债从一开始就被市场乃至管理层寄予厚望。然而令人始料未及的是,自其于去年 10 月推出以来,至今仍未发出去一只,这剂由证监会开出的“良方”出人意料的遭到了市场的冷遇。 1这与发行主体条件要求过高,大小非可以直接减持,所以通过可交换债融资的热情不高等原因有关。然而,可交换债券市场的发展并不应只是局限在解决大小非问题上,该产品还是对可转债市场的深入,是对融资体系的拓展,并且可交换债在海外市场上的运行

22、也已经有了大量的实例。相信通过对可交换债各利益主体的利益进行协调平衡,这一交易品种必将于不久的将来在中国诞生。笔者拟从权利、义务的基本法理入手,分析可交换债中各项权利的类型、特点及本质,在对债权人各项权利本质的阐述中,澄清可转换债法理研究中的关于选择权与转换权的一些模糊认识。本文还介绍可交换债的作用机理,并与可转换债进行对比分析。通过研究可交换债中各利益方的利益失衡问题,以探求可交换债迟迟不发的原因,并就如何完善可交换债的相关制度提出自己的设想,希望能为可交换债的认识和应用提供参考。1 郑世凤:可交换债 3 月无果 大小非天敌疑似难产 ,引自新浪财经网http:/ (访问日期:2009 年 1

23、 月 16 日) 。2第一章 可交换债概述第一节 可交换债的概念可交换债券(Exchangeable Bond 简称 EB),或称可换股债券,是一种复合型衍生债券。证监会于 2008 年 10 月 19 日发布的上市公司股东发行可交换公司债券试行规定(以下简称试行规定)中指明:“可交换公司债券是指上市公司的股东依法发行、在一定期限内依据约定的条件可以交换成该股东所持有的上市公司股份的公司债。”可交换债的发行主体是上市公司的股东,可交换债券的投资人可在约定的期限将债券按比率交换为股票,其交换标的为发行公司所持有的其他上市公司之股票。可交换债券一般发生在母公司与控股的上市子公司之间,即由母公司发行

24、的债券在达到换股条件时可以交换成其上市子公司的股票。 2对于可交换公司债券的持有人而言,在可交换公司债券交换为上市公司的股票之前,其持有人只是发行公司的债权人。在可交换公司债券交换为上市公司的股票之后,持有人则由发行公司的债权人转换为上市公司的股东。第二节 可交换债中的权利、义务关系权利与义务关系是法律关系的基本内容,通过对可交换债中相关法律主体的权利与义务关系的分析研究,可以帮助我们对可交换债的性质与特点有更为清楚的把握。一、债务人权利、义务分析在可交换债中,对于债务人,即持有上市公司股票的股东而言,其义务看似是不确定的,因为其有待于债权人选择权的实现,债权人不同的选择结果直接决定着债务人义务的实现方式。具体来看,在选择之前,债务人有不得影响债权人选择自由的义务。在选择之后,债务人义务之一是假若债券持有人没有2 伍翔:可交换债券相关问题探讨 ,载现代商业2008 年第 35 期。


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