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1、一、单项选择题(45 道小题,共 55 分)1、contract (1 分)A、合同 B、联系C、图解 D、内容2、approach (1 分)A、购买 B、接近C、分离 D、公寓3、economic(1 分)A、文雅的 B、渴望的C、初步的 D、经济的4、pay off(1 分)A、抑制 B、寻找C、成功 D、付清5、be crazy about (1 分)A、完成 B、迷恋C、面临 D、留心6、不同的(1 分)A、legal B、variousC、curious D、absent7、建立(1 分)A、process B、insistC、establish D、privatize8、智力 (

2、1 分)A、intelligence B、riskC、affection D、personality9、尽管 (1 分)A、in spite of B、in form ofC、in memory of D、for the good of10、阻止(1 分)A、hold onto B、take holdC、hold in D、hold back11、It is essential that every child _ equal opportunity in education.(1 分)A、have B、will haveC、has D、has had12、The police could g

3、ive you a fine _. (1 分)A、on the spot B、at the placeC、in the field D、on the ground13、It is important that this message _ to the army on time.(1 分)A、will be sent B、is sentC、is sending D、be sent14、I should have insisted on _ a thorough rest before you left for New York.(1 分)A、you to take B、your takingC

4、、that you take D、yours taking15、The house was sold for $60,000, which was far more than its real(1 分)A、cost B、valueC、price D、money16、According to the weather report, which is usually _ it will rain heavily tomorrow.(1 分)A、accurate B、exactC、positive D、perfect17、Now too much _ is paid to and too much

5、money is spent in keeping pets while people in some countries are starving.(1 分)A、effort B、attentionC、notice D、time18、Many colleagues came to help me; otherwise I _ so much work in such a short time yesterday.(1 分)A、would not handle B、will not have handledC、could not handle D、could not have handled1

6、9、The West Lake is so beautiful that it is really _. (1 分)A、worthy visiting B、worth being visitedC、worth visit D、worth visiting20、You should concern yourself with what is said, not what you think _. (1 分)A、ought to be said B、must sayC、have to be said D、need to say21、Peter to the match, but he went.(

7、1 分)A、didnt need go B、neednt to goC、neednt have gone D、didnt need to have gone22、A man _ the accident said that the bus was going at over 80mph when it crashed.(1 分)A、observed B、noticedC、discovered D、witnessed23、It is necessary that you _ back from the project and _ at it as a whole.(1 分)A、step; loo

8、k B、will step; will lookC、would step; would look D、stepped; looked24、In a way, Im glad youve made the mistake, for it _ as a warning to you.(1 分)A、serves B、savesC、services D、servants25、 the building for stolen goods, the police found twenty machine guns.(1 分)A、Searching B、Being searchedC、Searched D、

9、To search26、Without the computer, we _ the tremendous medical advancements in the last few decades.(1 分)A、would not make B、will not have madeC、could not make D、could not have made27、I have great interest in a detailed _ of your journey.(1 分)A、explanation B、messageC、description D、illustration28、We di

10、dnt see him at the lecture yesterday. He _. (1 分)A、mustnt attend B、couldnt have attended C、would have not attended D、neednt have attended29、If it _ yesterday afternoon, I would have gone fishing.(1 分)A、had not been raining B、were not rainingC、would not be raining D、should not be raining30、The villag

11、ers all _ something to the new church buildings.(1 分)A、gave B、leftC、contributed D、afforded31、In order to buy a house she had to obtain a _ from the bank.(1 分)A、finance B、capitalC、loan D、debt32、_ with the French, the British eat far less fish(1 分)A、In contrast B、In comparisonC、In conclusion D、In addi

12、tion33、His car broke down when he was only _ home.(1 分)A、a half way B、half a wayC、halfway to D、halfway34、I am wondering _ for Chinese people these days.(1 分)A、what the dragon means B、what does the dragon mean C、how the dragon means D、how does the dragon mean35、His book was much better than similar b

13、ooks _ before him.(1 分)A、being written B、having writtenC、written D、writing36、He climbed up into the tree and picked all the fruits _ reach.(1 分)A、within B、offC、beyond D、inside 37、The exchange rate of dollars to yuan was rising _. (1 分)A、unsteady B、stableC、unstable D、steadily38、Henry looked very much

14、 _ when he was caught cheating in the exam.(1 分)A、excited B、embarrassedC、disappointed D、conceited39、If the design is wrong, the project is bound to fail, _ good all the other ideas might be.(1 分)A、whatever B、howeverC、whatsoever D、even40、_ us light and heat, the sun is shining bright in the sky.(1 分)

15、A、To give B、GiveC、Given D、Giving41、听英文歌曲是一种跟其它英语学习方法一样的好方法。(3 分)A、Listening to English songs is as a good way as any to learning English. B、Listening to English songs is as good a way as any to learn English.C、Listen to English songs is as good a way as any to learning English. D、Listen to English s

16、ongs is as a good way as any to learn English.42、这项工程由那位工程师负责。(3 分)A、The project is in charge of the engineer. B、The project is in the charge of the engineer.C、The project is in the charge for the engineer. D、The project is in charge for the engineer.43、这本书的篇幅比那本书长 3 倍。(3 分)A、This book is three time

17、s as longer as that one. B、This book is four times longer than that one.C、This book is four times as long as that one. D、This book is three times as long as that one.44、I recalled the words to mind when I thought of all the things that my sister-in-law had no opportunity to do because of her unexpec

18、ted death.(3 分)A、当我想到嫂子因为去世得突然,很多事情还没有机会去做的时候,又把这些话记在了心里。B、当我想到小姑子因为去世得很快,很多事情还没有机会去做的时候,又回忆起了这段话。C、当我想到小姑子因为去世得很快,很多事情还没有来得及做的时候,又把这些话记在了心里。D、当我想到嫂子因为去世得突然,很多事情还没有来得及做的时候,又回忆起了这段话。45、Consumer debt, or borrowing money to feed ones own desires, is bad debt and can be consolidated by eliminating the n

19、eed for these extra activities from ones life.(3 分)A、消费债务,也就是用来满足私欲的借贷,属于不良债务。不良债务是可以通过排除生活中额外活动的需求来整合的。B、消费债务,也就是用来满足私欲的借贷,属于不良债务。不良债务是可以通过消除生活中多余的需求来整合的。C、消费债务,或是用来满足私欲的借贷,属于不良债务。不良债务是可以通过排除生活中额外活动的需求来加强的。-D、消费债务,或是用来满足私欲的借贷,属于不良债务。不良债务是可以通过消除生活中多余的需求来加强的。二、阅读理解(3 道小题,共 30 分)One of the greatest ph

20、ilosophers of Western thought is Benjamin Franklin. Franklin is known as “the poor mans philosopher” because his simple wisdom is so clear that even an uneducated man could understand it.Franklin offered homilies (布道) such as “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. ” M

21、any of these sayings were published anonymously by Franklin in his Poor Richards Almanac. This pamphlet 小册子) , which was published from 1732 to 1757, also contained a calendar, weather predictions, and poetry, and was a very popular magazine in its day.Franklin, also known as a diplomat, printer, Am

22、erican patriot, scientist, and inventor, contributed greatly to the development of democratic government, and to the culture of the American people.Some of his maxims found from this publication include:Let thy discontents by thy secrets; if the worm knows them t will despise thee and increase them.

23、Necessity never makes a good bargain.Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.Where theres Marriage without Love, there will be Love without Marriage.If youd have it done, Go; if not, Send.Ben Franklin did much to contribute to the general body of knowledge in so many areas. It is well worth

24、 the time to cultivate some knowledge of this man and his many accomplishments.1. Why is Franklin known as the poor mans philosopher?A) Because Franklin was probably from a poor family.B) Because Franklins wisdom is not very well-known.C) Because the rich are not interested in his philosophy.D) Beca

25、use its easy for common people to understand his philosophy.2. What was Poor Richards Almanac in the passage?A) A kind of magazine.B) A detective novel.C) A sales brochure.D) A history book.3. What does the underlined word maxims mean?A) Hobbies, interests, or social customs.B) Proverbs or some well

26、-known life philosophy.C) Some parts that a book mainly comprises.D) Some different sections of a publication.4. Which of the following contributions of Franklin is NOT mentioned in the passage?A) The contribution to the general body of knowledge.B) The contribution to the culture of the American pe

27、ople.C) The contribution to the development of agriculture.D) The contribution to the development of democratic government.5. What does the author suggest at the end of the passage?A) Dont waste any minute in life.B) Its worth becoming an inventor like Franklin.C) Its a waste of time to cultivate ri

28、ch and famous people.D) Its worth developing some of Franklins wisdom.My mother, at age 75, is a very tough person. She looks like a tiny dainty (小巧玲珑的) doll, but shes made of steel. When she was ten, she witnessed Japanese soldiers killing her parents, leaving her the head of the household with a y

29、ounger brother and sister. Other family members took her brother and sister, but she was left to fend (保护) for herself. She became a soldier, rising to a high rank, then worked in the government for a number of years.Five years ago, Mother took a tour of the United States, and was hit by a Japanese-

30、made car accidentally. Every bone on the left side of her body was broken. Her brain swelled (肿胀) , and she went into a coma (昏迷) for eight months. No one expected her to survive. One day she woke up, and the first thing she said was, Nothing made in Japan is going to kill me!There are so many brave

31、 and wonderful people who have survived the hell of war, and its aftermath (后果) . But Mother is my favorite person. She has sweetness, a sense of humor, and determination to lead a good and full life despite everything. I wonder how many of us could face the challenges and losses she has faced, and

32、still believe that life is a wonderful gift.1. What happened to the authors grandparents when her mother was 10?A) Died of illness.B) Killed by Japanese soldiers.C) Divorced each other.D) Left their motherland.2. Which of the following is NOT true of the authors mother?A) She brought up her younger

33、brother and sister.B) She worked in the government for years.C) She ever served in the army.D) She began to fend for herself at the age of 10.3. What happened to the authors mother when she traveled to the United States several years ago?A) She died in a car accident.B) She was badly hurt by a car.C

34、) She survived a Japanese murder.D) She was murdered by a Japanese.4. In the authors mind, what kind of a woman is her mother?A) Tough.B) Optimistic.C) Humorous.D) All of the above.5. Whats the authors attitude toward her mother?A) Critical.B) Pessimistic.C) Respectful.D) Sarcastic.The family TV sho

35、w Happy Days ran for 11 years from 1974 to 1984, creating several by-product series. In one episode (一集) , there was a new character, an alien from outer space. He was played by an unknown actor. People roared with laughter at his crazy antics (滑稽动作). No one had seen this type of comedy before, and

36、they protested for more. The network administrators knew they had a new star on their hands: from that single performance, Robin Williams became the star of a brand-new comedy series, Mork and Mindy. He played the character of an alien who comes to the Earth in a giant egg-shaped spacecraft. He is f

37、riendly, and observes and reports back to his planet. He sleeps standing on his head, thinks that all eggs are spacecraft, and sometimes wears his clothes backwards. His kind new friend, Mindy, helps to take care of him. They marry, and have a child together. But Mork gives birth, and the child is a

38、ctually an old man who ages backward! In addition to his work as a comedian on this and other projects, Robin Williams is also an excellent dramatic actor. Anyone who has seen his films will agree that he is a man who can make you laugh, cry, think, and feel.1. Which title suits this passage best?A) The Family TV Show Happy Days.B) The Life of Robin Williams.C) Robin Williams-An Excellent Comedy Actor.D) The Performance of Robin Williams.2. What made Robin Williams become a new star according to the passage?A) His role in Happy Days.B) This new type of comedy.


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