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1、 1 / 16第二部分 样题一一、交际用语(共 10 分,每小题 2 分)1 5 题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。1. Would you like me to help you make a plan for the summer vacation?_B_ANo, I already have plans.BId love to, but Im busy tonight.C Im ill, so I shouldnt go out.答案:B解析:本题考查“表示询问”的交际用语。拒绝他人一般不直接说 No,而要婉言谢绝(通常会说明理由) ,并要声明自己是愿意接受的,但由于某种原因不能接受,所以

2、答案是 B。2. Would you be interested in coming to the cinema with me tonight?_C_ANo, I have other plans.BNo, I dont like being with you.C Thats very kind of you, thanks.答案:C解析:本题考查“接受邀请”的交际用语。当第一说话人发出邀请时,如果听者表示同意,答语常用“Id love to”“thats very kind of you”等句型表示同意,如果因故无法接受邀请,一般要先说“Im sorry”,再婉转说明情况,以示礼貌,所以答

3、案是 C。3. The Internet is magic. Can we get everything from it?_C_AYes, you are absolutely right.BYes, I totally agree you.C Well, it is impossible.答案:C解析:本题考查“解释”的交际用语。题目说“互联网很神奇” ,并询问“我们是否能从中得到一切” 。答语选项 A 意思是“你说的完全正确” ;选项 B 意思是“我完全同意” ,两者都没有对提问者的问题给予针对性回答。而选项 C 的观点解释得最为明确,所以答案是 C。4. There are so man

4、y strange phone calls nowadays. Im fed up with those calls.Speaking of strange phone calls,Awho are these nasty people?Byoud better be careful of the telecommunication frauds.C there may be some information you can get from them.答案:B解析:本题考查“提出建议”的交际用语。第一说话人说因为最近老是接到很多的陌生电话而觉得厌烦,第二说话人提醒第一说话人小心电信诈骗。根据

5、题意可判断,答案是 B。5. There was a gunshot in the cinema last night.I heard about it, and _AI was enjoying the fighting in the movie.BI hope there would be no more gunshot in the future.C how many people got shot?答案:B解析:本题考查“表示希望”的交际用语。第一说话人提到“昨晚在电影院有枪击” ,第二说话人回应“希望将来不会再有类似情况发生”更为贴切,所以答案是 B。二、词汇语法(共 30 分,每小

6、题 2 分)6 20 题:阅读下面的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。6. The Chinese Red Cross contributed a_sum to the relief of the physically disabled.2 / 16AgeneralBgenuineC generous答案:C译文:中国红十字会慷慨捐赠了一笔巨款以救济残疾人。解析:本题考查形容词 generous 的用法。general 意为“一般的,普通的” ;genuine 意为“真实的,真正的” ;generous 意为“ 慷慨的,大方的” 。根据题意可判断,答案是 C。7.

7、 Will the AIDS patients benefit_the new drug?AofBfromC by答案:B译文:这种药对艾滋病人有好处吗?解析:本题考查动词短语 benefit from 的固定搭配。benefit from 是固定搭配,意为“得益于,从得到好处” ,所以答案是 B。8. You can some bottles of wine, or some chocolates, or a bunch of flowers.Abring alongBbring upC bring down答案:A译文:你可以带几瓶红酒,一些巧克力或者是一束花。解析:本题考查动词短语 br

8、ing along 的用法。bring along 意为“带来;使发展” ;bring up 意为“养育;提出,谈到” ;bring down 意为“降(价) ;把(某物,某人)抬下(楼、山) ;使(某物或某人)掉下(倒下) ;击败” 。根据题意可判断,答案是 A。9. A successful cover letter will make a great_.AprogressBimpressionC contribution答案:B译文:一封成功的附函会给人留下深刻的印象。解析:本题考查名词 impression 的用法。progress 意为“ 进步” ;impression 意为“印象”

9、 ;contribution 意为“贡献” 。根据题意可判断,答案是 B。10. The cover letter will be seen first. _, it must be very well written.AHoweverBBesidesC Therefore答案:C译文:附函是最先被别人看到的,所以必须认真撰写。解析:本题考查连词 therefore 的用法。正因为投递简历时附函是最先被阅读到的内容,所以才要认真撰写,用therefore(因此,所以)符合逻辑关系,所以答案是 C。11. As long as the learners have _ to a digital d

10、evice which is linked up to the Internet, they can enjoy browsing pages or watching video lectures.AaccessBmeansC way答案:A译文:只要学习者可以使用连接互联网的电子设备,他们就可以浏览网页或者观看视频课程。解析:本题考查 access 的用法。have access to 意思是“拥有使用的机会或权利” 。其他两个选项都是“方法、手段”的意思,无此用法,所以答案是 A。3 / 1612. It is common practice now _ the web for resou

11、rces and information for homework.Ato searchBsearchingC search答案:A译文:现在(学生)做家庭作业时从网上搜索资源和信息是司空见惯的事。解析:本题考查人称代词 it 作形式主语的用法。句中的 It 是形式主语,真正的主语是 to 后面的内容,所以答案是 A。13. Baidu is good for Chinese searches, _ Yahoo is better for searching data in English.AwhenBwhereC while答案:C译文:百度擅长中文搜索,而雅虎则擅长英文搜索。解析:本题考查

12、连词 while 的用法。 while 作为连词时可以连接两个并列的句子,表示对比关系,一般翻译成“而,然而” 。题干中是两个并列的句子,表示“对比” ,所以答案是 C。14. There _ two hundred dollars to pay.AareBisC were答案:B译文:要付 200 美元。解析:本题考查 There be 句型的主谓一致。若主语是复数名词,表示一笔金额、一个总数或单个概念时,则 be仍用单数形式 is 或 was,所以答案是 B。15. They found all the guests _ when they woke up.AgoBgoingC gone答

13、案:C译文:当他们醒来时,发现所有的客人都走了。解析:本题考查动词+ed 作宾语补足语。go 意为“去,离开” ,动词过去分词形式(gone)可作使役动词的宾语补足语,和它前面的宾语构成逻辑上的被动关系,符合题意所以答案是 C。16. He refused _ my suggestions.Ato acceptBacceptingC accepted答案:A译文:他拒绝接受我的建议。解析:本题考查 refuse 的用法。动词 refuse 后接不定式作宾语,所以答案是 A。17. I should _ Alex this morning, but I forgot.AphoneBphonedC

14、 have phoned答案:C译文:今天上午我本该给 Alex 打电话的,但是我忘了。解析:本题考查虚拟语气的用法。shouldhave done 是英语中虚拟语气的一种表达形式 ,此结构表示“本来应该做某事(但是实际上没有做) ”。从题干的后半部分我们可以分析出,说话者未给 Alex 打电话,所以答案是 C。18. The mother _ her daughter for 2 hours.Alooked for4 / 16Bhas been looking forC is looking for答案:B译文:那个妈妈已经找了女儿两个小时。解析:本题考查现在完成进行时的用法。题干中有表示时

15、间段的短语 for 2 hours,表示动作持续了一段时间,可能还会持续下去,故用现在完成进行时更好,所以答案是 B。19. If I _ the mayor of the city, I would introduce severe punishment for crimes.AamBwereC was答案:B译文:假如我是市长,我会采取严厉的手段来惩罚犯罪。解析:本题考查虚拟语气的用法。这个句子里只是表达说话人的一个主观意愿,不是事实,因此用虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反的情况时,从句谓语用 were,所以答案是 B。20. He _ because of breaking into a s

16、tore.Awas punishedBpunishedC is punishing答案:A译文:他因为闯入商店而被罚。解析:本题考查被动语态的用法。主语由于后面的原因而受到惩罚,与动作之间是被动关系,故用被动语态,所以答案是 A。三、阅读理解(共 40 分,每小题 4 分)2125 题:阅读对话,从 A、 B、C、D、E 五个选项中选出一个最佳答案。AOh, amazing!BYeah, right. Why?C Have you tried Yahoo?Dyou have lots of alternative search engines.Eyou can browse the Inter

17、net instead of going to the library.Molly: Zhang, you are going to the library, right?Zhang Hua: 21 Molly: Why not comfortably stay at home to log onto the Web?Zhang Hua: I need to look for somepapers to add to my research report.Molly: Well, 22 Zhang Hua: I tried Baidu for that, but didnt find the

18、ones I need. I need some English papers, actually.Molly: 23 Zhang Hua: Yahoo? No, but in my eyes, all search engines are quite similar.Molly: You are right. But Baidu is good for Chinese searches, while Yahoo is better for searching data in English.Zhang Hua: 24 Never thought of that.Molly: Thats to

19、o bad. In fact, 25 . Bing, AOL, Ask, Lycos, Sogou and even Yandex, to name a few.答案:21B 22E 23C 24A 25D解析:这是茉莉和张华讨论网络搜索引擎的一段对话。21上文以 right 问句结尾,该处须给出对应的回答,所以选 B。22上文谈到张华要去图书馆搜索论文资料,下一句张华又提到只用过百度,而没有搜索到他需要的英文资料。由此可知,此处茉莉提到了网络搜索。所以空格处应选 E(你可以用网络搜索,而不必去图书馆) 。23从下文可知,该处应该提到了 Yahoo,所以选 C。5 / 1624该处是对上文茉莉

20、介绍 Yahoo 的回应。茉莉说 Yahoo 擅长英文搜索并推荐给张华使用。张华惊讶于 Yahoo的英文搜索功能,可用 amazing 回应,所以选 A。25从空格后可以看出,空格处的句子引出了一系列的网络搜索引擎。所以选 D,意思是“你还有很多其他可以使用的搜索引擎” 。26 30 题:阅读短文,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Advantages of the InternetThe Internet has been perhaps the greatest innovation in information technology. It has become an impo

21、rtant tool with many advantages.First, the Internet is a treasure house of information and knowledge on any topic. It is common practice now to search the web for resources and information for homework, office presentations, work projects and studies, etc.Second, there are more and more massive open

22、 online courses (MOOCs). These MOOCs make it possible for people to carry out their learning any place aroundthe world, and any time around the clock. As long as the learners have access to a digital device which is linked up to the Internet, they can enjoy browsing pages or watching video lectures.

23、 In doing so, they have opportunities to learn from professors they otherwise would not be able to access.Third, entertainment is one of the leading reasons people like the Web. Listening to music, playing games, watching movies, following the latest news about famous sports stars, movie stars and s

24、ingers and looking into lifestyle websites have become day-to-day activities of many Internet users.One cannot imagine a social life without QQ or WeChat. These social apps have become ourmeans for staying connected with friends, colleagues and family members, and staying in touch with the world.Las

25、t but not least, we can shop and do other business online. We can order goods, books, tickets and pay bills without having to leave our homes or offices.26. How many advantages of the Internet are mentioned in the text?A5B4C 327. The phrase“treasure house”in Para. 2 means _.Aa storehouse for treasur

26、esBa house full of valuable thingsC a virtual storing place28. MOOCs make it possible for people _.Ato learn anyplace anytimeBto link to the InternetC to have access a digital device29. _ is listed as one of the entertainment activities of the Internet usage.AWatching video lecturesBSearching inform

27、ation for homeworkC Following news about celebrities30. _ is mentioned in the text as a social app.AMOOCsBWeChatC Web答案:26A 27C 28 A 29C 30B解析:26这是一道文中段落信息细节题。短文中第 2 段至第 6 段共列举了互联网五个方面(信息宝藏、大规模开放在线课程、娱乐、社交、购物)的益处,所以选 A。27这是一道词义细节题。treasure house 本义是 a storehouse for treasures,此处引申为 a virtual storing

28、 place,所以选 C。28这是一道文字理解细节题。参见短文第三段第二句话的含义:大规模开放在线课程使人们随时随地学习成为了可能,所以选 A。6 / 1629这是一道文字理解细节题。这个题目的关键是理解选项 C 里的单词 celebrities(名人) 。短文第四段提到互联网的娱乐功能时,列举了五类活动,其中就有跟踪体育明星、影视、歌唱演员新闻轶事的追星活动,所以选C。30这是一道词语细节题。短文第五段提到互联网的社交功能时,提到了 QQ 和 WeChat。三个选项中,只有WeChat 是一个社交软件(social app) ,所以选 B。四、翻译(共 20 分,每小题 4 分)31 35

29、题:英译汉,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。31. Parking can be hard to find, so it pays to go early, or visit during a walk around town.A停车位可能很难找,所以最好早去,或者可以步行绕小镇游览。B停车位能够艰辛地找到,所以最好早去,或者可以步行绕小镇游览。C停车位可能很难找,所以要花点钱早点去,或者可以步行绕小镇游览。答案:A解析:hard 在该句中的意思取 “困难的”之意,it pays to do sth.的意思是“做某事是值得的” ,而不是“花钱做某事” ,所以选 A。32. We w

30、ill invite Professor Johnson to attend our conference next Monday.A下周一,我们要邀请约翰逊博士来参加我们的会议。B我们要邀请约翰逊博士下周一来参加我们的会议。C我们即将在下周一邀请约翰逊博士来参加我们的会议。答案:B解析:翻译这句话的关键是 next Monday 的具体所指。从句意来看,会议应该是在“下周一” ,而不是“下周一”才将发出邀请,所以选 B。33. This will allow the employer to associate your experience with their job opening.A这

31、将允许雇主联系你的经历和他们的工作开端。B这将有助于雇主将你的工作经历和他们的职务空缺联系起来。C这会允许雇主联系你的工作经历,还有他们的职务空缺。答案:B解析:本句考查不定式的翻译,句中出现的 allow sb. to do sth.结构表示允许某人做某事。另外,需要注意动词短语 associate with (将 A 与 B 联系起来)与名词短语 job opening(职务空缺)的准确含义,所以选 B。34. Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that is considered to

32、 be offensive.A邮件发送至公司电邮系统时不应该包含被认为是不礼貌的内容。B邮件通过公司电邮系统发送,内容不应该被认为是得罪人的。C通过公司电邮系统发送的邮件中,禁止含有被认为可能冒犯别人的内容。答案:C解析:sent through 是过去分词,修饰 emails,指“被发送的邮件 ”。should not 常出现在公告、须知等正式文体中,表示“禁止做某事” 。另外,注意 that is considered to be offensive 的准确含义,所以选 C。35. A police report is needed for the insurance company to

33、 determine who is responsible for paying the damages.A警察需要一份保险公司评定谁负责损失赔偿的报告。B警察要出一份报告,由保险公司来决定谁对事故作出赔偿。C保险公司需要警察出具的有关事故责任认定的报告来决定由谁来赔偿损失。答案:C第三部分 样题二一、交际用语(共 10 分,每小题 2 分)1 5 题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。1. Whats your plan for the summer vacation? _AI have a good plan.BIm shopping now.C Im planning to go to Ita

34、ly.7 / 16答案:C解析:本题考查“询问计划与打算”情境下的交际用语。第一说话人询问对方的假期计划,答语应为 Im planning to go to Italy(我打算去意大利) ,而不是 I have a good plan(我有一个好计划)或 Im shopping now(我正在购物) ,所以答案是 C。2. Why do you want to leave your previous job? _AIm hoping to have a better position.BI dont want to work at all.C You wont understand it.答案

35、:A解析:本题考查“询问信息”情境下的交际用语。第一说话人询问对方为什么要放弃目前的工作,答语应给出合适的理由。A 句意思是“我希望找到一个更好的位置” ;B 句意思是“我根本不想工作” ;C 句意思是“你不会理解的” ,所以答案是 A。3. You seem a little blue today. Whats the matter? _AI am a little sad.BIt doesnt matter.C Its been a difficult day.答案:C解析:本题考查“表达情感”情境下的交际用语。第一说话人认为对方今天看上去心情不好,询问其原因。对方应该回答造成心情不好的原

36、因,答语应用 Its been a difficult day(这是艰难的一天)来回应,所以答案是 C。4. Our city is getting safer and safer. _AI hope there will be no crimes any more.BCrimes are sometimes good.C I dont want to discuss this with you.答案:A解析:本题考查“表示希望”的交际用语。第一说话人提到这座城市正在变得越来越安全,第二说话人则表示希望以后都不要有什么犯罪。选项 B 和选项 C 违反了交际用语礼貌原则,所以答案是 A。5. D

37、o you often surf on the Internet? _AYes. I surf on the Internet.BYes. I use it a lot.C Yes. I seldom do.答案:B解析:本题考查“日常讨论”的交际用语。对于这个一般疑问句(你经常上网吗) ,对方可以简单地回答 Yes, I do,但最好有对 often 的回应,所以选项 B(我经常使用)是最佳答案。二、词汇语法(共 30 分,每小题 2 分)6 20 题:阅读下面的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。6. A double room with a balcony o

38、verlooking the sea had been _ for himAreservedBdeservedC conserved答案:A译文:一间带阳台的海景双人房已预留给他。解析:本题考查动词 reserve 的用法。reserve 意为“预留,预订” ;deserve 意为“应受,应得” ;conserve 意为“保存,保护” 。根据题意可判断,答案是 A。7. If you take the _ to learn a new skill, you will grasp it quickly.Ainitiating8 / 16BinitiativeC initiation答案:B译文:

39、如果你主动去学习一门新技术,你会很快掌握。解析:本题考查同源词词义的区别。initiatin 意为“开始,初始化” ;initiative 意为“主动,主动性” ;initiation意为“启蒙,开始” 。根据题意可判断,答案是 B。8. Im _ because there are so many options. I cant make a decision.ApuzzledBexcitedC depressed答案:A译文:选择太多了,我都糊涂了。我不知道该怎么做决定了。解析:本题考查动词 puzzle 的用法。puzzle 意为“使困惑、糊涂” ;excite 意为“使兴奋、激动” ;

40、depress 意为“使情绪低落、沮丧” 。根据题意可判断,答案是 A.9. We look forward to _ to his wedding ceremony.AcameBcomeC coming答案:C译文:我们都盼望着去参加他的婚礼。解析:本题考查 look forward to 后接动名词的用法。look forward to 短语中的 to 是介词,后面必须用名词或动名词形式,所以答案是 C。10. Three short paragraphs are quite _ when you write a cover letter.AsufficientBefficientC de

41、ficient答案:A译文:附函写三段就足够了。解析:本题考查形容词 sufficient 的用法。sufficient 意为“ 足够的,充足的” ;efficient 意为“效率高的,有能力的” ;deficient 意为“缺乏的,缺少的,不足的” 。三个词的词尾相同,需要加以辨析。根据题意可判断,答案是 A。11. Surfing on the Internet has almost become a matter of _.AtraditionBroutineC habit答案:B译文:上网冲浪已经变成了日常生活的一部分。解析:tradition 意为“传统” ;routine 意为“日

42、常所做的事生活” ;habit 意为“习惯” 。a matter of routine 为固定搭配,意思是“习以为常的事情” ,所以选 B。12. Emails sent through the company email system _not have content that is considered offensive.AneedBshouldC must答案:B译文:通过公司邮件系统发送的邮件禁止包含任何存在冒犯性的内容。解析:should not 此处可以理解为“禁止、不应该做某事” ,常常出现在公告、须知或者规章中,所以选 B。13. There _ some milk, so

43、me eggs and a few apples on the table.AisBare9 / 16C will be答案:A译文:桌上有一些牛奶、几个鸡蛋和几个苹果。解析:本题考查 There be 句型的就近原则。 There be 句型中靠近 be 的名词是单数或不可数名词时,系动词 be应该用 is 或 was,所以答案是 A。14. When we heard of it, we were deeply _.AmoveBmovedC moving答案:B译文:听到这件事时,我们被深深地感动了。解析:本题考查动词+ed 作表语。moved 意为“感动的” ,动词+ed 形式作表语,并

44、无“完成”或“被动”之意,而是表示主语的状态或思想感情等,所以答案是 B。15. Many students at the school on a project which relates to the unemployment problem.AworkedBhave workedC have been working答案:C译文:这个学校的很多学生一直在参与一个与失业问题相关的项目。解析:本题考查动词的时态。现在完成进行时表示动作从某一时间开始,一直持续到现在,根据题意可判断,答案是 C。16. It is good _ chess after supper.Ato playBplayi

45、ngC to playing答案:B译文:晚饭后下下棋是不错的。解析:本题考查 it 作形式主语的用法。在“It is useless/nice/good/interesting/worthwhile 等形容词+doing”的结构中,动名词作逻辑主语,it 为形式主语,所以答案是 B。17. In doing so, they have opportunities to learn from professors they _ would not be able to access.AthereforeBorC otherwise答案:C译文:这样一来,他们就有机会向在其他情况下无法接触的教授

46、们请教。解析:本题考查 otherwise 的用法。therefore 为副词,意为“因此” ;or 也可以译为“否则” ,但一般表示警告,不用来陈述理由;otherwise 为副词,意为“否则,用别的方法” 。根据题意可判断,答案是 C。18. Theres _ strange about you. Thats all right.AnothingBanythingC something答案:A译文:你一点异常状况都没有,放心吧。解析:本题考查不定代词 nothing 的用法。不定代词后常可以跟形容词,表示“有(或没有)的事情” 。从第二句话 Thats all right 可以看出,此处应

47、该用 nothing,所以答案是 A。19. _ is forbidden in public places.ATo smokeBSmokeC Smoking10 / 16答案:C译文:公共场所禁止吸烟。解析:本题考查动名词的用法。在英语中,动名词具有名词的性质,可以在句子中作主语、宾语和表语。本题smoking 是动名词,在句子中作主语,所以答案是 C。20. Marys talking to the lawyer about her competitor who _ on her trademark.Ais infringingBinfringesC infringe答案:A译文:玛丽跟律师在讨论那个正在侵犯她商标的竞争对手。解析:本题考查动词的时态。因为 who 前面的 competitor 为单数,可直接排除选项 C。主句中,玛丽正在跟律师谈论侵犯她商标的竞争对手,显然这个“商标侵权”活动要么已经发生,要么正在发生,不太可能长期一直发生。因此这里用现在进行时更贴切,所以答案是 A。第三部分 样题二一、交际用语(共 10 分,每小题 2 分)1 5 题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。1. Whats your plan for the summer vacation? _AI


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