1、活动市场策划PPT模板POWERPOINTYour content to play here, or through your copy, paste in this box, and select only the text. Your content to play here, or through your copy, paste in this box, and select only the text.部 :门 XXX :汇报 XXX目录 活动总体思路 活动内容构成121.活动背景 2.宗旨和目标 3.活动意义 4.主要人员 5.时间地点安排1.广告宣传 2.赞助方案 3.活动选址4
2、.现场布置 5.现场掌控41.具体内容 2. 进度计划 3.诚邀嘉宾 4.执行策略 5.奖项设置1.成本控制 2.资金分配 3.预期成效 4.效果评估 5. 意外应付 活动运作方式 活动预算与预期3PART ONE活动总体思路1.活动背景 2.宗旨和目标 3.活动意义 4.主要人员 5.时间地点安排1,754TEXT HEREthis is a sample text. 2,784TEXT HEREthis is a sample text. 6,754TEXT HEREthis is a sample text. 4,766TEXT HEREthis is a sample text. Th
3、is is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. Again. This is a dummy text. Enter your own text here.ADD A TITLE IN HEREThis is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. Again. This is a dummy text. Enter your own text here.ADD A TITLE IN HEREThis is a sample text. Insert your desired text
4、here. Again. This is a dummy text. Enter your own text here.ADD A TITLE IN HEREThis is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. Again. This is a dummy text. Enter your own text here.ADD A TITLE IN HEREMORE THAN TEMPLATE点击此处添加副标题PART TWO活动内容构成1.具体内容 2. 进度计划 3.诚邀嘉宾 4.执行策略 5.奖项设置This is a sample t
5、ext. Insert your desired text here. Again. This is a dummy text. Enter your own text here.ADD A TITLE IN HEREThis is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. Again. This is a dummy text. Enter your own text here.ADD A TITLE IN HEREThis is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. Again. Thi
6、s is a dummy text. Enter your own text here.ADD A TITLE IN HEREThis is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. Again. This is a dummy text. Enter your own text here.ADD A TITLE IN HEREMORE THAN TEMPLATE点击此处添加副标题输入你的文本根据你所需的内容输入你想要的文本点击输入本栏的具体文字,简明扼要的说明分项内容,此 , 根据 的具体内容 PART THREE活动运作方式1.广告宣传 2
7、.赞助方案 3.活动选址 4.现场布置 5.现场掌控uis ue elit nisi, pretiu ut lacinia in, ele entu id eni . ras ultricies ligula sed agna dictu porta. uis ue elit nisi, pretiu ut lacinia in, ele entu id eni . i a us agna usto, lacinia eget consectetur sed. uis ue elit nisi, pretiu ut lacinia in, ele entu id eni . ras ultricies ligula sed agna dictu porta2 1 2 1 点击输入你的标 PART FOUR活动预算与预期1.成本控制 2.资金分配 3.预期成效 4.效果评估 5. 意外应付 THANKS!感谢聆听 请多指点