1、 Causes of Clavicle FractureAccidents such as falls Sometimes, a blow from a blunt object or a collision of some sortFracture Classification Fracture of middle 1 / 3 ( group I ) account for 80 % frx of distal 1/3 (group II) account for 10-15% type I: minimal displacement type II: frx medial to corac
2、oclavicular ligaments type III: articular surface fractures frx of medial 1/3 (group III)account for 5% Symptoms of Clavicle Fracture Pain Swelling Tenderness Deformity Internal bleeding If asked to lift their arm, patients with a broken clavicle cannot do so without extreme pain.Treatment of Clavic
3、le Fracture The goal of treating broken bones is to set them, making them whole again figure-8 splint or strap immobilized for 6-8 weeks Open reduction and internal fixationHumerus Shaft Fractures 肱骨干骨折Causes of Humeral Shaft Fracture Direct stress, such as a blow to the arm. Indirect forces,such as
4、 a fall,twisting or torsional forces. mechanism bending force produces transverse frx of the shaft; torsion force will result in a spiral fracture; combination of bending and torsion produce oblique frx w/ or w/o a butterfly fragment; compression forces will frx either proximal or distal ends of humerus;types of humeral shaft fracture Transverse humeral fractures Short oblique fractures Long spiral fracturesSymptoms of humeral shaft fracturePain Loss of strength in the gripSwell DeformityTenderness If the blood supply is impaired, there may be numbness and coldness in the arm and hand.