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1、高等学校英语应用能力考试 B 级真题超精解2003 年 6 月实考试题参考答案第 1 页2003 年 6 月全国高等学校英语应用能力考试 B 级真题超精解Part I Listening ComprehensionSection A 1. 【看题预测】该题选项 A)表示距离;选项 B)表示价格;选项 C)和 D)表示出行。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在问距离,价格,出行。Excuse me, how far is the airport from here? A) It is about twenty miles. B) It is only six hundred Yuan. C)

2、You can take a taxi. D) I will fly to New York next week.【解析】该题询问的是距离。因此,A )为正确答案。2. 【看题预测】该题选项 A)的意思是“我有个好主意” ;选项 B) ,选项 C)和 D)表示某个地方,是否去过,距离远近,样子如何。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在谈论某个地方。Whats your hometown like, George? A) I have got a good idea.B) I have been there.C) It is very far from here.D) It is very s

3、mall, but very nice.【解析】该题询问你家乡的样子如何。故,D )为是正确答案。3. 【看题预测】该题选项 A)和 B)用于回答他人的请求/要求、建议等;选项 C)用于对他人表示感谢;选项 D)的意思是“我有些纸 ”,可以说这是一个干扰题。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在请要求,建议,感谢。 Could you finish the paper today? A) Oh, no problem. B) Thats great.C) Ok, thank you.D) I have got some paper.【解析】该题的问题表示要求。故,A)为正确答案。4. 【看题预

4、测】该题选项 A)的意思是“行,你抬另一头 ”,表示答应对方的求助;选项 B)表示为他人指路;选项 C)表示机器等的运转状况;选项 D)表示购物时对商品价格的看法。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在求助,问路,购物及机器等的运转状况。 John, will you help me move this heavy box? A) Sure, you take the other end. B) Turn right at the next corner. C) Im afraid it cant work.D) I think it is too expensive.【解析】该题的问题是求助

5、。故,A )为正确答案。5. 【看题预测】该题选项 A)的话题的是食物;选项 B)用于听到不幸消息的回答;选项 C)用于感激他人提供的帮助;选项 D)的意思是委婉拒绝他人的邀请。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在食物,不幸消息,提供帮助,提出邀请。 Tom, how about going to the theater tonight? A) I like Chinese food. 高等学校英语应用能力考试 B 级真题超精解2003 年 6 月实考试题参考答案第 2 页B) Im sorry to hear that.C) It is very kind of you to help m

6、e.D) Id like to, but Ill have a meeting.【解析】该题的问题是提出邀请。故,D )为正确答案。Section B 6. 【看题预测】该题的四个选项都是动宾结构。动作的对象都是 Black 先生。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在他人Black 先生。 W: Hello, may I speak to Mr. Black?M: Sorry, hes not in at the moment. May I take a message?Q: What does the woman want to do?A) Talk to Mr. Black. B) Pa

7、ss a letter to Mr. Black.C) Ask about Mr. Black.D) See Mr. Black. 【解析】该题的问题是 What does the woman want to do。根据女士的 may I speak to Mr. Black,A) 为正确答案。7. 【看题预测】该题的四个选项都表示地点:公交车站,邮局,百货商店,饭店。从四个选项中可以推测对话的内容在这四个方面,而该题的问题很可能是 Where。因此,听力的重点在公交车站,邮局,百货商店,饭店。M: May I have a look at that black jacket, please?

8、W: Yes, what size do you take?Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?A) At a bus stop. B) In a post office.C) In a store.D) At a restaurant.【解析】 该题的问题是 Where does this conversation most probably take place。根据男士 May I have a look at that black jacket,正确答案是 C)。8.【看题预测】该题的四个选项都表示时刻。从四

9、个选项中可以推测该题的问题很可能是 What time 。因此,听力的重点在时刻(听的过程中应把听到的时刻安顺序记录下来) 。M:Excuse me! But when can I take the bus for the airport?W: There is a bus at 10:00.You will have to wait for five minutes.Q:What time is it now?A) 9:55 B) 9:50 C) 10:00 D) 10:05【解析】 该题的问题是 What time is it now。根据女士的回答 There is a bus at 1

10、0:00.You will have to wait for five minutes, A)为正确答案。9. 【看题预测】该题四个选项表达的内容有书,报,杂志,词典。从四个选项中可以推测该题的问题很可能是 What 。因此,听力的重点在书,报,杂志,词典这四样东西。 W: Professor Smith,here is the book you are looking for.M: Thanks. Where did you get it?Q: What does professor Smith want?A) A magazine B )A book C) A dictionary. D)

11、 A newspaper【解析】 该题的问题是 What does professor Smith want。根据女士的 here is the book you are looking for,B )为正确答案。10. 【看题预测】该题选项 A) 的意思是“太老” ;选项 B) 的意思是“太严厉” ;选项 C) 的意思是“太好” ;而选项 D) 的意思是“太安静” ,均为对某人的描述。从四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在高等学校英语应用能力考试 B 级真题超精解2003 年 6 月实考试题参考答案第 3 页对某人的描述。 M: What do you think of the new secre

12、tary?W: Oh,shes a very nice person,and she is quite young.Q: How does the woman think the secretary is?A) Too old B) Too strict C) Very nice D) Very quiet【解析】该题的问题是 How does the woman think the secretary is。根据女士的 shes a very nice person,C) 为正确答案。Section C John is a bus driver. He gets up at six oclo

13、ck, eats a light _ 11_ _in a hurry, and then rushes to work. He likes his job but hate to drive in bad _ _12 _. Rain and snow make the roads dangerous.John wife, Carol, works every day from _ 13_ to noon as a bookkeeper. She likes keeping her house neat and tidy. She has a place for everything and t

14、hrows out what she doesnt need. John is just the opposite. He _14_ _ everything. He keeps clothes that dont _15_ him any more, old magazines, boxes and papers. Nothing of his is in good order.【短文翻译】约翰是位公交车驾驶员,每天 6 点起床,急匆匆吃点早点,就赶去上班。他喜欢开车,但讨厌在糟糕的天气状态下开车,无论下雨还是下雪,都会使道路很危险。约翰的妻子叫卡罗尔,是位记帐员,每天从早上 8 点半工作到

15、中午。她喜欢保持家庭整洁,她把一切收拾得有条不紊,把不需要的东西扔掉,而约翰却恰恰相反,他留着所有的东西:不合身的衣服、旧杂志、盒子和纸张。他的东西总是乱七八糟。11.【答案】breakfast12.【答案】weather13.【答案】8:3014.【答案】saves15.【答案】fitPart II Vocabulary and StructureSection A 16. The father was delighted to hear the child _ that. A) to say B) to have saidC) said D) say【答案】D【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知

16、该题是语法结构题。考点是不定式作宾语补足语。答案的根据是感官动词 hear 要求作宾语补足语的不定式省略 to。要求不带 to 的不定式(bare-infinitive)作宾语补足语的感官动词:hear, feel,notice, see, watch, observe ;使役动词:make, have, let 等。【译文】 父亲很高兴听到孩子这样说。17.Johns success in his career will be a great _ _ to his aged parents. A)satisfaction B)concentration C)solution D)attrac

17、tion【答案】A 【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是语词汇题。考点是词义辨析。答案的根据是对句子的理解。高等学校英语应用能力考试 B 级真题超精解2003 年 6 月实考试题参考答案第 4 页选项 A)的意思是 “满意” ,符合题意。因此, A) 是正确答案。选项 B) 的意思是“集中” ;选项 C) 的意思是“办法,对策” ;选项 D) 的意思是“吸引” 。【译文】约翰事业上的成功将使他年迈的父母很满意。18.There are two doors, one of which _ to the living room and the other to the kitchen.A) lea

18、ds B) to lead C) led D) leading【答案】A【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是语法结构题。考点是定语从句。答案的根据首先是 one of which_ to 是定语从句,需要谓语。因此,排除选项 B) 和 D)。再根据主句的谓语是 are(现在) (从句的时态必须从属于主句的) ,因此,A 是正确答案。【译文】有两扇门,其中一扇通向起居室。另一扇通向厨房。19.On April 1st they flew to Beijing, _ they stayed several days. A) where B) when C) which D) there【答案】A【

19、解析】从该题的四个选项来看该题是词汇题,但阅读句子之后便知该题是语法结构题。考点是定语从句的引导词。答案的根据是定语从句引导词用法规则。句中的 Beijing 是先行词,表示地点。因此,A) 是正确答案。定语从句引导词用法规则(见下表) 。先行词 引导词人 who (在从句中做主语), whom (在从句中做宾语), whose (在从句中做定语), that (限制性定语从句中可替换 who 或 whom)事、物 which , that (用于限制性定语从句 ), 时间 when地点 where原因 why, that 【译文】4 月 1 日他们飞往北京,并在北京逗留了几天。20.Can

20、you tell Mary _ her twin(双胞胎) sister? A) to B) with C) from D) between【答案】C【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是动词 tell 的搭配。答案的根据是对句子的理解。动词词组 tell.from 的意思是“区分、辨别” 。符合题意。因此,C) 是正确答案。【译文】你能辨认出玛丽和她的双胞胎姐姐来吗?21.I didnt go with them to the beach yesterday. But I do wish I _ there.A) had been B) have beenC) was D) am

21、【答案】A【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是语法结构汇题。考点是虚拟语气。答案的根据是 wish 的宾高等学校英语应用能力考试 B 级真题超精解2003 年 6 月实考试题参考答案第 5 页语从句要求虚拟语气,表示与实际情况相反。因此,A) 是正确答案。wish 虚拟语气的用法(见下表)与现在相反 V-ed1 与过去相反 had + V-ed2 与将来相反 would + V【译文】 昨天我没能和他们一道去海滩,但我非常想去。22.Experienced drivers have _ accidents than beginners. A) least B) little C) few D)

22、 fewer【答案】D【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题即是词汇题也是语法结构题。考点是形容词 little 和 few 的区别及比较级的用法。答案的根据是 have _ accidents than 中,accidents 是可数名词,提示用few,而 accidents 之后的 than beginners 提示用比较级。因此,D)是正确答案。little 和 few 的区别:little 和 few 都表示很少,但 little 修饰不可数名词,而 few 修饰可数名词。【译文】老练的司机比新手造成的交通事故少。23.My wife is out of work now, so we h

23、ave to _ _ our living expenses. A) cut short B) cut off C) cut out D) cut down【答案】D【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是与动词 cut 搭配的动词词组。答案的根据是对句子的理解以及词组的词义辨析。选项 D) 的意思是“减少消耗、开支” ,符合题意,因此,D)是正确答案。选项 A)的意思是 “缩短、阻止” ;选项 B) 的意思是“中断、切下” ;选项 C) 的意思是“停下来、开出” 。【译文】我妻子现在没工作,所以我们只好减少生活开支。24.Dont worry. _ word hard, you a

24、re sure to pass the exam. A) As much as B) As well as C) As long as D) As soon as【答案】 C【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是由 as as 构成的词组。答案的根据是对句子的理解以及词组的词义辨析。C) 的意思是“只要就” ,符合题意。因此,C) 是正确答案。选项 A) 的意思是“和一样多” ;选项 B) 的意思是“和一样好,既又” ;选项 D) 的意思是“一就” 。 【译文】别担心,只要努力,你肯定会通过考试。25. Last night a fire _ in that market, so

25、the firm suffered a heavy loss.A) broke up B) broke down C) broke off D) broke out 【答案】D【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是与 break 搭配的动词词组。答案的根据是对高等学校英语应用能力考试 B 级真题超精解2003 年 6 月实考试题参考答案第 6 页句子的理解以及词组的词义辨析。选项 D) 的意思是“(火灾 /战争等)突然发生” ,符合题意。因此,D)是正确答案。选项 A) 的意思是“破碎、结束” ;选项 B) 的意思是“捣毁,毁坏” ;选项 C) 的意思是“打断,中断” 。【译文】昨

26、晚那个市场发生了火灾,所以这家公司损失惨重。Section B 26. To his mothers relief, Tom had perfectly recovered from his (ill)_.【答案】illness【解析】该题是词性转换题。考点是 ill 的名词形式。答案的根据是 from his (ill) _中,from 是介词,后应接名词,而 his 是物主代词,故, ill 加名词后缀-ness 转换成名词形式 illness。【译文】令母亲宽慰的是,汤姆完全恢复了健康。27. Im afraid my attempt to make a cake wasnt very

27、(success) _.【答案】successful【解析】该题是词性转换题。考点是的 success 的形容词形式。答案的根据是 be + adj.构成系表结构,而 wasnt very (success) _中,very 是副词。故,名词 success 加形容词后缀-ful 构成形容词。【译文】我想我做蛋糕的尝试不是很成功。28. In the museum, foreign visitors are especially interested in that ancient (paint)_.【答案】painting【解析】该题是词性转换题。考点是的 paint 的名词形式。答案的根据

28、是 in that ancient (paint)_中,ancient 是形容词,而 in 是介词,要求后接名词。故,动词 paint 加-ing 构成名词 painting。此处的 painting 是名词,加-s 表示其复数形式,意思是“油画,水彩画” 。【译文】在博物馆,外国游客对那幅古代油画特别感兴趣。29. I noticed that there was a man (draw)_ pictures on the ground.【答案】drawing【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是非谓语动词作定语。答案的根据是对句子的分析,句中的(draw) _pictures on the gr

29、ound 作定语修饰 man。 故,正确答案为 drawing。V-ing 短语作定语相当于一个定语从句,即 a man who was drawing pictures on the ground。非谓语动词短语有三种形式:to V,V-ing,V-ed2,都可以作定语。区别在于:to V 作定语,表示动作尚未发生,而且与先行词(被修饰者)是施动/主谓关系; V-ing 作定语,表示动作已经/与谓语动词同时发生,而且与先行词(被修饰者)是施动/主谓关系; V-ed2 作定语,表示动作已经 /与谓语动词同时发生,而且与先行词(被修饰者)是承动/ 动宾关系。【译文】我注意到有个人在地上画画。30

30、. Up till now I (spend) _ a great deal of money on books, magazines and newspapers.【答案】have spend 【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是谓语动词的时态。答案的根据是句中的时间状语 up till now 表示动作从过去开始延续到现在,要求用现在完成时。【译文】迄今为止,我在书报杂志上花了很多钱。31. While (cross) _ the street, I saw someone waving to me.【答案】crossing高等学校英语应用能力考试 B 级真题超精解2003 年 6 月实考试题

31、参考答案第 7 页【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是非谓语动词作时间状语。答案的根据是对句子的分析:动词短语(cross) _ the street 由连词 while 引导作时间状语,说明主句动作发生的时间。因此,正确答案为crossing。作时间状语的动词短语往往是现在分词,表示主语正在进行另一动作。【译文】正过马路时,我看见有人向我招手。32. The secretary is so efficient that his boss thinks (high) _ of him.【答案】highly【解析】 该题是词性转换题。考点是形容词 high 的副词形式。答案的根据是 think (m

32、uch) highly of sb.是固定搭配,其意思是“高度评价某人” 。因此,形容词 high 加副词后缀-ly 构成 highly。【译文】这位秘书的工作效率如此之高以至于老板对他评价很高。33. The little child dare not (walk) _ in the forest alone.【答案】walk 【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是动词 dare。答案的根据是 dare not,这说明 dare 是个情态动词,后接动词原形。因此,正确答案为 walk。dare 既可作情态动词,又可作实义动词。作情态动词时,后接动词原形,否定句在 dare 后面直接加 not;作实

33、义动词时,后接动词不定式,否定句在 dare 之前加 do not。【译文】这个小孩不敢独自走进森林。34. I wondered why the boy often avoided (talk) _ with his classmates.【答案】talking【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是动词 avoid。答案的根据是动词 avoid 后接 V-ing 作宾语。因此,正确答案为 talking。英语中有些动词后面即可接不定式也可接动名词作宾语,意思相同;有些即可接不定式也可接动名词作宾语,但意思不同;有些就只能接不定式,有些却只能接动名词。这都是由动词本身的属性决定的,不可用词义去推断。

34、只能接 V-ing 短语作宾语的动词:admit, avoid, advise, consider, cant help, delay, deny, dislike, endure, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, imagine, keep, leave off, mind, miss, pardon, postpone, practice, put off, require , resent, resist, risk, suggest 等。【译文】我奇怪这个男孩为什么常常回避与同学说话。35. In these five years, the

35、foundation (基金会) (collect) _ a large amount of money.【答案】has collected【解析】 该题是语法结构题。考点是谓语动词的时态。答案的根据是时间状语 in these five years 提示谓语用现在完成时。因此,正确答案为 has collected。【译文】五年来这个基金会收集了很多募捐款。Part III Reading ComprehensionTask 1 An application letter-the letter you write to apply for a job-will probably be the

36、 most important kind of letter you will ever write. Very likely, it is a letter that you will write several times, as most people change employers several times during their business careers. Your first job, as well as each of those that follow, is almost certain to involve some writing-and most emp

37、loyers look upon an application letter as an excellent indicator(标志) of an applicants(应聘者) writing and other communication skills.The purpose of your application letter, which should go together with your resume, is to get you an in-person interview with the employer. If the letter is a good one, it

38、 most likely will achieve its objective.高等学校英语应用能力考试 B 级真题超精解2003 年 6 月实考试题参考答案第 8 页The general plan of an application letter closely matches that of a sales letter. For an application letter, the “product” you are selling consists of your knowledge, your skills, your personality(个性)-everything abou

39、t you that will enable you to perform the job to the satisfaction of the employer. As a result, you must understand the employers needs, know the specific requirements of the job you are seeking, and know what you have to “sell”.36. The word “those”(sentence 3,Para .1) refers to_.【定位解读】本题是逻辑判断题。问文中第

40、三句代词“those”的含义。第三句句中“your first job”与“as well as each of those that follow”中的“those”构成并列主语,因此“those”指后来从事的工作,故,A) The jobs(工作)是正确答案。【错误解读】B) The letters(信件) ,C) The times(次数) ,D) The employers (雇主) ,均不符合题意。37. Obviously, after you have presented your application letter, you will _.【定位解读】本题是逻辑判断题。问递交

41、求职申请书后会如何。第二段第一句说明提交求职申请书的目的,就是得到与雇主进行面试机会。故,B) Expect an in-person interview(希望能面试)是正确答案。【错误解读】A) Hand in a copy of your resume(递交份简历) ,C) Achieve your objective(达成目标) ,D) Work for the employer(为雇主打工) ,均不符题意。38. According to the passage, your application letter is important because _.【定位解读】本题是逻辑判断题

42、。问求职申请书为什么很重要的原因。根据第一段最后部分most employers look upon an application letter as an excellent indicator(标志) of an applicants(应聘者) writing and other communication skills(雇主视申请书为一个应聘者写作能力和其它交际能力的重要标志) ,C) It shows how well you can communicate(表示应聘者的交际能力如何)是正确答案。【错误解读】A) It means how experienced you are(求职者

43、的经验如何) ,B) It indicates how hard you can work(求职者工作的努力程度) ,D) It tells how successful the interview will be(面试将会怎样成功)均不符题意。39. The writer of this passage compares an application letter to _.【定位解读】本题是细节题。问文章作者把求职信比作什么。根据第三段第一句The general plan of an application letter closely matches that of a sales l

44、etter(求职信就好比是销售信) ,D) A sales letter(销售信)是正确答案。【错误解读】A) A strong personality(很强的个性) ,B) A satisfactory skill(满意的技能) ,C) A new product(新产品) ,均不符题意。40. To ensure that the letter can satisfy the employer, you must _.【定位解读】本题是细节题。问要想保证求职信让雇主满意,你必须干什么。根据文章结尾处As a result, you must understand the employers

45、 needs, know the specific requirements of the job you are seeking, and know what you have to “sell”(必须了解雇主的需求,工作岗位的具体要求以及你所“出售”的是什么) ,A) Know his needs(知道雇主的需求)是正确答案。【错误解读】B) Tell your requirements(告诉你的要求) ,C) Show you knowledge(展示你的知识)D) Get familiar with his product(熟悉他的产品) ,均不符题意。高等学校英语应用能力考试 B 级

46、真题超精解2003 年 6 月实考试题参考答案第 9 页Task 2 The London Underground (usually called “the tube”) is the biggest subway system in the world. It is also the fastest way to travel in the city. The network consists of nine major routes (路线), called “lines”.You can buy tickets at any underground station, at a ticke

47、t office, or from a ticket machine. Some of the ticket machines require exact money. All of the machines display “Change given” or “Exact money only” signs. The price of the ticket depends on the length of the trip. The longer the trip, the higher the cost of the ticket.Trains stop at all stations. On some trains, passengers need to press a button to open doors. Every underground train car has maps that show all the stations on line you are traveling on. There is a map of the whole underground system in every station. Smoking is not allowed on underground trains or in stations.41. Accord


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