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1、 中石油华东 2015 年春季学期大学英语 2在线考试 (适用于 2015 年 6 月份考试 ) 满分答案 一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 30 分。) 1. I m glad you like it. Please drop in any time you like. _ A. Yes, I will. B. I m afraid I won t be free. C. Is it all right? D. That s great. 正确答案: A 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 2. The strike is said _ by the government s negligence

2、of the people s welfare. A. to be caused B. to cause C. being caused D. to have been caused 正确答案: D 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 3. They _ on the program for almost one week before i joined them, nd now we _ on it as no good results have come out so far. A. had been working; are still working B. had worked; were s

3、till working C. have been working; have worked D. have worked; are still working 正确答案: A 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 4. If I _ there tomorrow, I would see you. A. will go B. go C. should go D. can go 正确答案: C 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 5. Sports, _ perhaps you don t like very much, may make you strong. A. that B. it C. which D

4、. what 正确答案: C 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 6. George, I would like to introduce a friend of mine, if I may: Albert Snow. Albert, this is George Smith. _ A. How have you been? B. Pleased to meet you, George. C. Mind if call you George? D. The pleasure s mine. 正确答案: B 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 7. The price of the shares will _

5、 the number of people who want to buy them. A. depend on B. turn on C. put on D. take on 正确答案: A 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 8. Her son promised _ in the bedroom until the baby stopped _. A. staying, to cry B. to stay, crying C. for staying, to cry D. to stay, to cry 正确答案: B 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 9. I d like to take _ of

6、 this opportunity to thank you all for your co-operation. A. profit B. benefit C. advantage D. occasion 正确答案: C 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 10. Mom, I m very sorry for having broken the plate. Oh, boy, _ A. it doesn t matter. B. no problem. C. that s right. D. thank you. 正确答案: A 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 11. “ Excuse me, wha

7、t s the _ of the room per day?” “ Fifty dollars.” A. pay B. change C. income D. charge 正确答案: D 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 12. I m sorry that the postcards you want to buy have been sold out. _ A. Oh, great. B. That sounds boring. C. That s all right! D. Oh, what a pity! 正确答案: D 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 13. The coffee is wo

8、nderful! It doesn t taste like anything I _ before. A. was having B. have C. have ever had D. had ever had 正确答案: C 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 14. _ our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library. A. Due to B. Concerning C. Regardless of D. According to 正确答案: DC 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 16. Y

9、ou ll fail in the driving test _ you have more practice. A. if B. unless C. when D. after 正确答案: B 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 17. If they are determined to strike, they will do so _ what the law says. A. regardless of B. instead of C. in light of D. in face of 正确答案: A 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 18. Do you mind if I smoke here

10、? _ A. Yes, certainly not. B. No, please don t. C. Sorry, it s forbidden here. D. Yes, I mind. 正确答案: C 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 19. It s really nice of you to give me a hand in time! _ A. Thank you. B. No, no. C. With pleasure. D. It s my pleasure. 正确答案: D 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 20. When _ again? When he _, I ll let yo

11、u know. A. he comes, comes B. will he come, will come C. he comes, will come D. will he come, comes 正确答案: D 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 21. The young couple _ their new life to a railway train on a long unknown track. A. imagined B. figured C. compared D. cheered 正确答案: C 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 22. I want to look up a new

12、word. Could you lend me your dictionary? _ A. Yes, I can. B. Here you are. C. Sorry, I don t think so. D. You can take it. 正确答案: B 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 23. Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? _. A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment B. No, you can t C. Sorry, you can t D. I don t know 正确答案: A 满分: 1 分 得分:

13、 1 24. Eating too much sugar can _ health problems. A. result from B. lead to C. connect with D. attribute to 正确答案: B 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 25. If you spare half an hour each day to read an English newspaper, you will surely be able to read _. A. efficiently B. obviously C. actually D. purposefully 正确答案: A

14、满分: 1 分 得分: 1 26. It was an exhibition _ French paintings. A. composing of B. composed C. composed of D. made of 正确答案: C 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 27. We have _ two seats for the 8:30 flight to New York tomorrow. A. bought B. sold C. booked D. ordered 正确答案: C 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 28. I have two brothers, both _ are do

15、ctors. A. of which B. of them C. who D. of whom 正确答案: D 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 29. Do you mind telling me where you re from? _. A. Certainly. I m from London B. Sure. I was born in London C. Not really, you can do it D. Certainly not. I m from London 正确答案: D 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 30. It is difficult to get used _ in

16、 a tent after having soft, comfortable bed to lie on. A. sleep B. to sleeping C. slept D. to sleep 正确答案: B 满分: 1 分 得分: 1 二、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 20 分。) V 1. The young engineer sat down on a rock and rested his head in his hands. He would never get home; it was hopeless. For weeks he had been 1 in the North

17、west Canadian forest. Now there was a terrible pain behind his eyes, and worst of all, he had gone 2 . Suddenly a man appeared out of the woods, an Indian who had been hunting in the area. Seeing the engineer s 3 , he caught a fish in a nearby stream and fed the sick man the 4 of the fish and some f

18、lesh from its head. 5 within a few hours the engineer s pain was gone. A day later he could see again, and the next day he had completely 6 . When he returned home, the engineer told the story to Dr. Price. Not until years later did it become a(n) 7 fact that this was just an everyday lifeguard doin

19、g its work. For what the engineer did, by eating fish eyes, was to take his vitamin (维生素 ). Vitamin A s biggest job is to keep the eyes 8 . Without A, people and animals get night blindness and other eye problems. 9 A, people can even be totally blind. A helps to keep the skin in good shape. A also

20、helps with bones and teeth and has to do with proper 10 of blood cells. 1). A. lose B. lost C. losing D. to lose 满分: 2 分 2). A. blind B. mad C. changed D. separated 满分: 2 分 3). A. starvation B. situation C. trouble D. reality 满分: 2 分 4). A. tail B. skin C. bone D. eyes 满分: 2 分 5). A. Possibly B. Sur

21、prisingly C. Fortunately D. Immediately 满分: 2 分 6). A. covered B. discovered C. recovered D. uncovered 满分: 2 分 7). A. actual B. accepted C. solved D. ordinary 满分: 2 分 8). A. rolling B. moving C. going D. looking 满分: 2 分 9). A. For B. With C. Without D. About 满分: 2 分 10). A. growth B. search C. choic

22、e D. size 满分: 2 分 正确答案: BACDB CBDCA 三、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. People once widely believed that intelligent life existed on Mars. The 19th-century discovery of what appeared to be geometric designs cut across the surface was taken as evidence. The lines were thought to have been a system of canals

23、 that had been built to irrigate the surface. It is now clear that “ canals” perhaps the most spectacular geologic features of Mars are natural valleys where ancient rivers once flowed. Another fragmented idea concerns the planet s seasonal changes in color. Once attributed to the rapid spread of so

24、me life-form, these shifts are now known to develop from the movement of fine dust in the atmosphere. By the close of the 20th century none of the many experiments conducted by spacecraft had ever found persuasive evidence of life. Nevertheless, speculation continued over the existence of some form

25、of life, in either the present or the past. In 1996 scientists discovered organic compounds and minerals in a meteorite(陨石) , consisting of Martian rock, that collided with Earth around 11,000 B.C. These compounds suggest that Mars may have been inhabited by organisms more than three billion years a

26、go. 1). Why did people in the 19th century believe the existence of intelligent life on Mars? A. Because the surface of Mars seemed to be geometric. B. Because the lines were drawn across the surface of the planet. C. Because a system of canals was thought to be there. D. Because it was the Martians

27、 that built the canals. 满分: 3 分 2). The “ canals” on Mars have proved to be _ according to the passage. A. the minor geologic characteristic of Mars B. natural valleys on the surface of Mars C. rivers that have kept flowing since ancient times D. a system that irrigates the whole surface 满分: 3 分 3).

28、 What were the Mars seasonal changes in color believed to be? A. The natural changes on the planet. B. The seasonal cycles. C. The movement of some life form. D. The storm of dust in its atmosphere. 满分: 3 分 4). How is the 1996 discovery related to the possible existence of organisms on Mars? A. The

29、meteorite containing organic compounds is part of Mars. B. A Martian rock struck Earth about 11,000 years ago. C. The organisms came back to life after the collision with Earth. D. The inhabiting organisms appeared more than three billion years ago. 满分: 3 分 5). How many arguments in this passage lea

30、d to the belief of the existence of life on Mars? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 满分: 3 分 正确答案: CBDAB 2. Versailles is the site of the Palace of Versailles, one of the most storied buildings in the history of France. It was originally built as a hunting chateau by King Louis VIII in 1624. In 166

31、9, King Louis XIV began searching for a grand site where he could conduct the affairs of France and control the government. He settled on the hunting palace and expanded it into the world s largest palace. In addition, the King hoped to build a governmental center apart from Paris. The palace took 3

32、6,000 workers fifty years to build. The palace is spread out over 280 acres and can house 20,000 people! The palace features over 700 rooms and 67 staircases. There are dozens of unique rooms, features, gardens, and halls. One of the most renowned rooms of the Palace of Versailles is the Hall of Mir

33、rors. Recently restored, the Hall of Mirrors is the centerpiece of the dazzling building. Originally added to the palace in 1684, the Hall of Mirrors was built to be a dazzling display of the power and wealth of the French Monarchy. The hall, which measures 73 meters in length features 357 gold-coat

34、ed stucco mirrors, ornate paintings, crystal chandeliers, marble fixtures, a parquet floor, and ceilings with colorful murals painted by artist Charles Le Brun. The Hall of Mirrors has also played a prominent role in history. Both the proclamation of the German Empire in 1871 after the Franco-Prussi

35、an War and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles that formally ended World War One were signed here. 1). When was the Palace of Versailles originally built? A. In 1684. B. In 1624. C. In 1669. D. In 1786. 满分: 3 分 2). Why did King Louis XIV want a grand palace? A. So he and his queen could retire c

36、omfortably. B. As a hunting chateau. C. As a place to conduct his nations business. D. He wanted to impress his wife. 满分: 3 分 3). Which of the following is NOT true? A. The Hall of Mirrors has been recently restored. B. The Hall of Mirrors is considered the centerpiece of the Palace of Versailles. C

37、. The Hall of Mirrors features a parquet floor. D. Two major treaties were signed in the Hall of Mirrors. 满分: 3 分 4). Which of the following is not mentioned as a feature of the Hall of Mirrors? A. Bronze moldings. B. Ornate paintings. C. Marble fixtures. D. Crystal chandeliers. 满分: 3 分 5). Which of

38、 the following could be an appropriate title for this passage? A. Louis XIV and the Palace of Versailles. B. The ceilings of the Hall of Mirrors. C. The Amazing Palace of Versailles. D. A History of France. 满分: 3 分 正确答案: BCDAC 四、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。) 1. You ve won the basketball game. Congratulation

39、s! _ A. Oh, not really. B. No one else could do it. C. Thank you. We re really lucky. D. It s good of you to say so. 正确答案: C 满分: 2 分 得分: 2 2. The case _ a lot of things, _ a second-hand watch. A. included; contained B. included; containing C. contained; included D. contained; including 正确答案: D 满分: 2

40、 分 得分: 2 3. I believe we ve met somewhere before. No, _. A. it isn t the same B. it can t be true C. I don t think so D. I d rather not 正确答案: C 满分: 2 分 得分: 2 4. Scientists think that the continents _ always where they _today. A. aren t; are B. aren t; were C. weren t; are D. weren t; were 正确答案: C 满分

41、: 2 分 得分: 2 5. By the time Jane gets home, her aunt _for London to attend a meeting. A. will leave B. leaves C. will have left D. left 正确答案: C 满分: 2 分 得分: 2 6. Drunken driving is often the major _ of traffic accidents. A. reason B. cause C. excuse D. way 正确答案: B 满分: 2 分 得分: 2 7. They tried to _ me _

42、 that step. A. discourage to take B. discourage . from taking C. encourage to take D. encourage taking 正确答案: B 满分: 2 分 得分: 2 8. Waiter! _ I can t eat this. It s too salty. A. Yes, sir? B. What?? C. All right? D. Pardon? 正确答案: A 满分: 2 分 得分: 2 9. As the _ manager of the company, Alan White should be responsible for all the sales of the department. A. chief B. main C. common D. general 正确答案: D 满分: 2 分 得分: 2 10. I m sorry. Bob s not in his office. _ A. Would you like to leave a message? B. Are you sure for that? C. Can you take a message for me? D. Can you phone me? 正确答案: C 满分: 2 分 得分: 2 -END-


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