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1、Gener alf ir starticlet ost rengt heningsaf etym anagement,guar ant eeworker sinpr oduct ionactivit iesint heof personalsecurit yandhealt h, pr event andr educedpr oduct ionaccident, guarant eenationalandinvestorsof asset sf rom loss, accor dingtoPeoplesRepublicof Chinasafetym ethodandot her aboutle

2、gal, andregulations,andpolicy, combinedopenmineofsaf et ywor kf eat ur es,specialver sionsystem ,andpr ovides,asandnationalsuperior pr ovidesphaseconflict bysuperior providesim plem ent at ion. Thesecondsyst em, arequir em ent hat appliestoalopencastpr oductionunit sandauxilar yunit s. Art iclepr od

3、uct ion,iseveryonesr esponsibilt y, par agraphs,sectionsandthest af f,shouldbeint heir r espectivejobs,im plem ent at ionof the“saf et yf ir st, preventionfir st“safet ypolicy. Openpit mineforst af at alevels, unit sinchar geof wor ksaf et yint hebusinessacomprehensiveassessm ent. Wit hint hear eaof

4、r esponsibilt yof thevariousdepar tm entsresponsiblef or thesafetyof .I noutr eachwor kShit ofir staskedsecurit y, andchecksecurit y, tim elyhelpsolutionaboutsecurit yproblem, isresponsiblef or developedisinchar geofbusinessr angewit hinof about secur it ypr ovidesandt heim plementationr ules, andqu

5、alit yst andardandt hem anagementappr oach,im plem ent at iont opeopleandor ganizationcheckur gedandst rict lyim plement ation;act iveact ivetoor ganizat ionregularlyor not regularlyof pr of essionalsecurit ycivilzat ioncheck,ont hispr of essionalsyst embyoccur edof accident or ganizationsur vey,tim

6、 elyt akepreventionmeasures. Fourt hopencastleveladminist rativejobissafetyfir str esponsiblepersonoft heunit , aconscient iously im plem ent he “f our per son“ r equir em ent s, adhere t o “im port ant deploym ent in person, m aj or issues per sonaly im port ant cases, coordinat ion of key links in

7、 per son, personally super vising t he“ par ty mem ber s always et st rict demands on t hem selves, play an exemplar y r ole. Three is t o str engthen t he ser vices f or t he people. Warm r eception all who do t he people, r ef lect ed in r ecor d cr owds in ever y issue, and m ake t he pat ient ex

8、planation, continuously im pr oved service qualit y. Com binat ion of “one vilage, one police of ficer“, and or ganizing t he police caref uly M o Pai all unst able f act or s t hat m ay af f ect st abilt y, r esolve contr adictions and isput es in a t im ely m anner , and civilan police wit h daily

9、 visit s, i suing saf et y inf orm ation leaf lets, colect ion sit e personel, pr om oting communit y harmony. Ther e is insuficient : a r ich br anch t eam of part y af fair s knowledge is not enough, enough f am ilar it y wit h t he pr ocedur al t erms, t o a cer t ain extent , r estrict t he wor

10、k carr ied out . Second, r egular ideological education is not enough, t he police know t im ely and accur ate enough. Thir d, m eticulous m anagem ent level needs t o be im pr oved, r egular izat ion of police awar eness is not st rong enough, daily habit is not conscious. This year yilai, Council

11、s unit s br anch t o “t hr ee strict t hr ee r eal“ t opic education f or m ainline, t o ser vice cent er , and const r uction t eam f or f ocus, insist ed t hought par ty and syst em r ule part y phase com bined, solid im plem ent im plem ent at ion f ul st rictly r ule part y r equir em ent s, par

12、 ty const r uction f ur t her specif icat ion, and m em bers police qualit y const antly upgrade, and part y innovat ion f or ce const ant ly str engt hening, part y service im plement at ion f or ce obviously im pr oved, m ade has signif icant ly r esult s. Debrief ings of t he General Assembly of

13、3 unit s in t he problem s in t he par t y building work in ot her unit s also exist o var ying degr ees and hope t hat other unit s t hrough debr iefing of t he part y, learn f rom experience, t o address t he issue, extr apolate, caref ul analysi of r ect if icat ion, pr omoting t he sust ained an

14、d healt hy development of t he par t y building. Now, t o f ur ther str engt hen t he par ty constr uction wor k of public securit y or gans str essed five points t hr oughout t he Count y. Fir st, ideology, polit ical r esponsibilt y and hist orical m ission of t he par ty since t he 18, XI m ade a

15、 series of im por tant r em ar ks, Gener al Secr et ar y, t he par ty put f or ward many new ideas, new ar gument s and new r equir em ent s, i t he essence of pr om oting gr ass- roots par ty building wor k f ol wed. We have t o f ur t her st udy and under st anding, consciously t ake r esponsibilt

16、 y. One is t o gr asp ar ty building “t hree quest ions“ of new r equir em ents. Lear ni g education pr actice, Gener al Secr et ar y of t he part ys mass line summary pr esent ed par t y building “thr ee questions“. That is: “I f par ty commit t ees and part y comm it tees of various departm ent s

17、( par ty) have concent r at e on grasping part y building? is it Par t y Comm it tee Secretar y of t he Par ty Comm it tee of departm ent s ( par ty) Secr etary becam e Secretar y of st rictly administ er ing t he par ty? is it at all evels of par t y comm it tees of various departm ent s ( par ty)

18、m embers per f orm in char ge of st rictly administ er ing t he par ty in t he f ield?“ Gener al Secr et ar y pr esent ed part y building “t hr ee quest ions“, point ed t o t he key, and enlightening, t hr e-sided mir r or placed befor e you, and let you t ake a phot o, t ake a look at , t hink abou

19、t it , knows t he r esult s; t hr ee paper s befor e us, and clearly j udge us whet her t hey f ulf iled t heir r espective r esponsibilt ies in t he party building. The par ty 从 古到今,从内而外,到处充溢着英雄的身影。英雄们有一个共同的特点,他们是各个行业的佼佼 者,在自己所属的行业为祖国做出了特殊的贡献,为祖国赢得了荣誉 2010 年一级建造师工程项目管理考试 真 题 一、单项选择题(共 70 分,每题 1 分,每

20、题的备选项中,只有 1 个最符合题意) 1建设工程项目管理就是自项目开始到项目完成,通过()使项目目标得以实现。 A项目策划和项目组织 B项目控制和项目协调 C项目组织和项目控制 D项目策划和项目控制 2组织分工反映的是一个组织系统中各子系统或各元素的工作任务分工和() A管理目标分工 B管理职能分工 C管理责任分工 D管理权限分工 3编制项目管理任务分工表时,首先进行项目管理任务的分解,然后() A确定项目管理的各项工作流程 B分析项目管理合同结构模式 C明确项目经理和各主管工作部门或主管人员的工作任务 D分析组织管理方面存在的问题 4业主确定的工程项目设计变更工作流程,属于工作流程组织中的

21、() A管理工作流程 B物质流程 C信息处理工作流程 D设计工作流程 5为明确混凝土工程施工中钢筋制安、混凝土浇筑等工作之间的逻辑关系,施工项目部应当编制() A组织结构图 B任务分工表 C工作流程图 D工作一览表 6在项目的组织工具中,用以反映项目所有工作任务及其层次关系的是( C) A管理职能分工表 B工作任务分工表 C项目结构图 D组织结构图 7建设工程项目实施阶段策划的主要任务是确定( D) A项目建设的总目标 B如何实现项目的目标 C项目建设的指导思想 D如何组织项目的建设 8在施工总承包管理模式下,施工项目总体管理和 目标控制的责任由( C)承担。 A业主 B分包单位 C施工总承包

22、管理单位 D施工总承包单位 9根据建设工程施工合同(示范文本)( GF-99-0201),合同实施过程中工程师同意采用承包人的合理化建议,由此所发生的费用或获得的收益应由( A) A发包人与承包人另行约定分担或分享 B发包人承担或享有 C发包人、承包人和工程师根据约定分担或分享 D承包人承担或享有 10施工生产要素的质量控制中,对模板、脚手架等施工设施 ,除按适用的标准定型选用 外,一般应按( B)要求进行专项设计。 A施工质量 B设计及施工 C施工工艺 D现场安全 11施工项目管理班子成员编制的施工项目成本计划如果达不到目标要求,则应( B),并重新编制成本计划。 A重新分解落实成本目标 B

23、寻找降低成本的途径 C对项目成本进行再分解 D修订企业定额 12可以接受业主方、施工方、供货方或建设项目工程总承包的委托,提供代表委托方利益的项目管理服务的组织是( C) A设计单位 B建设单位 Gener alf ir starticlet ost rengt heningsaf etym anagement,guar ant eeworker sinpr oduct ionactivit iesint heof personalsecurit yandhealt h, pr event andr educedpr oduct ionaccident, guarant eenationala

24、ndinvestorsof asset sf rom loss, accor dingtoPeoplesRepublicof Chinasafetym ethodandot her aboutlegal, andregulations,andpolicy, combinedopenmineofsaf et ywor kf eat ur es,specialver sionsystem ,andpr ovides,asandnationalsuperior pr ovidesphasec onflict bysuperior providesim plem ent at ion. Theseco

25、ndsyst em, arequir em ent hat appliestoalopencastpr oductionunit sandauxilar yunit s. Art iclepr oduct ion,iseveryonesr esponsibilt y, par agraphs,sectionsandthest af f,shouldbeint heir r espectivejobs,im plem ent at ionof the“saf et yf ir st, preventionfir st“safet ypolicy. Openpit mineforst af at

26、alevels, unit sinchar geof wor ksaf et yint hebusinessacomprehensiveassessm ent. Wit hint hear eaofr esponsibilt yof thevariousdepar tm entsresponsiblef or thesafetyof .I noutr eachwor kShit ofir staskedsecurit y, andchecksecurit y, tim elyhelpsolutionaboutsecurit yproblem, isresponsiblef or develop

27、edisinchar geofbusinessr angewit hinof about secur it ypr ovidesandt heim plementationr ules, andqualit yst andardandt hem anagementappr oach,im plem ent at iont opeopleandor ganizationcheckur gedandst rict lyim plement ation;act iveact ivetoor ganizat ionregularlyor not regularlyof pr of essionalse

28、curit ycivilzat ioncheck,ont hispr of essionalsyst embyoccur edof accident or ganizationsur vey,tim elyt akepreventionmeasures. Fourt hopencastleveladminist rativejobissafetyfir str esponsiblepersonoft heunit , aconscient iously im plem ent he “f our per son“ r equir em ent s, adhere t o “im port an

29、t deploym ent in person, m aj or issues per sonaly im port ant cases, coordinat ion of key links in per son, personally super vising t he“ par ty mem ber s always et st rict demands on t hem selves, play an exemplar y r ole. Three is t o str engthen t he ser vices f or t he people. Warm r eception a

30、ll who do t he people, r ef lect ed in r ecor d cr owds in ever y issue, and m ake t he pat ient explanation, continuously im pr oved service qualit y. Com binat ion of “one vilage, one police of ficer“, and or ganizing t he police caref uly M o Pai all unst able f act or s t hat m ay af f ect st ab

31、ilt y, r esolve contr adictions and isput es in a t im ely m anner , and civilan police wit h daily visit s, i suing saf et y inf orm ation leaf lets, colect ion sit e personel, pr om oting communit y harmony. Ther e is insuficient : a r ich br anch t eam of part y af fair s knowledge is not enough,

32、 enough f am ilar it y wit h t he pr ocedur al t erms, t o a cer t ain extent , r estrict t he wor k carr ied out . Second, r egular ideological education is not enough, t he police know t im ely and accur ate enough. Thir d, m eticulous m anagem ent level needs t o be im pr oved, r egular izat ion

33、of police awar eness is not st rong enough, daily habit is not conscious. This year yilai, Council s unit s br anch t o “t hr ee strict t hr ee r eal“ t opic education f or m ainline, t o ser vice cent er , and const r uction t eam f or f ocus, insist ed t hought par ty and syst em r ule part y phas

34、e com bined, solid im plem ent im plem ent at ion f ul st rictly r ule part y r equir em ent s, par ty const r uction f ur t her specif icat ion, and m em bers police qualit y const antly upgrade, and part y innovat ion f or ce const ant ly str engt hening, part y service im plement at ion f or ce o

35、bviously im pr oved, m ade has signif icant ly r esult s. Debrief ings of t he General Assembly of 3 unit s in t he problem s in t he par t y building work in ot her unit s also exist o var ying degr ees and hope t hat other unit s t hrough debr iefing of t he part y, learn f rom experience, t o add

36、ress t he issue, extr apolate, caref ul analysi of r ect if icat ion, pr omoting t he sust ained and healt hy development of t he par t y building. Now, t o f ur ther str engt hen t he par ty constr uction wor k of public securit y or gans str essed five points t hr oughout t he Count y. Fir st, ide

37、ology, polit ical r esponsibilt y and hist orical m ission of t he par ty since t he 18, XI m ade a series of im por tant r em ar ks, Gener al Secr et ar y, t he par ty put f or ward many new ideas, new ar gument s and new r equir em ent s, i t he essence of pr om oting gr ass- roots par ty building

38、 wor k f ol wed. We have t o f ur t her st udy and under st anding, consciously t ake r esponsibilt y. One is t o gr asp ar ty building “t hree quest ions“ of new r equir em ents. Lear ni g education pr actice, Gener al Secr et ar y of t he part ys mass line summary pr esent ed par t y building “thr

39、 e questions“. That is: “I f par ty commit t ees and part y comm it tees of various departm ent s ( par ty) have concent r at e on grasping part y building? is it Par t y Comm it tee Secretar y of t he Par ty Comm it tee of departm ent s ( par ty) Secr etary becam e Secretar y of st rictly administ

40、er ing t he par ty? is it at all evels of par t y comm it tees of various departm ent s ( par ty) m embers per f orm in char ge of st ric tly administ er ing t he par ty in t he f ield?“ Gener al Secr et ar y pr esent ed part y building “t hr ee quest ions“, point ed t o t he key, and enlightening,

41、t hr e-sided mir r or placed befor e you, and let you t ake a phot o, t ake a look at , t hink about it , knows t he r esult s; t hr ee paper s befor e us, and clearly j udge us whet her t hey f ulf iled t heir r espective r esponsibilt ies in t he party building. The par ty 从 古到今,从内而外,到处充溢着英雄的身影。英雄

42、们有一个共同的特点,他们是各个行业的佼佼者,在自己所属的行业为祖国做出了特殊的贡献,为祖国赢得了荣誉 C项目管理咨询企业 D房地产公司 13某工程网络计划中,工作 M 的总时差为 5 天,自由时差为 3 天,在计划执行情况的检查中,发现只有工作 M 的实际进度拖后了 4 天,则关于工作 M 实际进度的说法,正确的是( D) A使总工期延后 1 天,使后续工作最早开始时间延后 1 天 B不影响总工期,也不影响后续工作的正常进行 C使总工期拖后 1 天,但不影响后续工作的正常进行 D不影响总工期,但使后续工作最早开始时间拖后 1 天 14按照工程建设项目物资采购管理程序,物资采购首先应( B) A

43、拟定物资采购合同 B明确采购的要求、采购分工和责任 C选择合格的产品供应或服务单位 D进行采购策划,编制采购计划 15建设工程项目环境管理的目的是通过保护生态环境,使( A) A社会经济的发展与人类生存环境相协调 B环境能够服务于人类经济社会的发展 C环境污染不至于造成人类生存基本条件的破坏 D工程项目施工场界内的污染得到有效防治 16在建筑材料采购合同中委托运输部门运输、送货或代运的产品,其交货期限一般以( C)的日期为准。 A货物送达交货地点 B供方向承运单位提出申 请 C承运单位签发 D需方收获戳记 17 对于采用单价合同的招标工程,如投标书中明显的数字计算错误,业主有权先做修改再评标,

44、当总价和单价的计算结果不一致时,正确的做法是( D) A分别调整单价和总价 B按市场价调整单价 C以总价为准调整单价 D以单价为准调整总价 18 某工程网络计划中,工作 F 的最早开始时间为第 11 天,持续时间为 5 天;工作 F 有三项紧后工作,它们的最早开始时间分别为第 20 天,第 22 天和第 23 天,最迟开始时间分别为第 21 天, 24 天和第 27 天,则工作 F 的总时差和自由时差分别为()天 A 5; 4 B 11; 7 C 5; 5 D 4; 4 19下列项目信息中,属于组织类 信息 的是( B) A工作量控制信息 B编码信息 C前期技术信息 D合同管理信息 20施工企

45、业在工程投标阶段编制的估算成本计划是一种( D)成本计划。 A指导性 B实施性 C作业性 D竞争性 21下列建设工程项目招投标活动中,属于合同要约行为的是( A) A提交 投 标文件 B订立承包合同 C发出中标通知书 D发布招标公告 22下列工程资料中,可以作为承包人向业主索赔依据的是() A合同履行中发包人和承包人洽商形成的协议 B承包人与分包人签订的分包合同 C承包人安全交底会议纪要 D承包人技术交底纪要 23根据建设工程项目管理规范( GB/T 50326-2006),项目管理实施规划应包括() A项目管理目标规划 B项目采购与资源管理规划 C项目招标和发包工作程序 D职 业健康安全和环

46、境管理 规 划 24业主向中标人授标前,要求中标人对施工方案进行修改,由此引起的费用增加由()承担。 Gener alf ir st ar ticletostr engtheningsafet ymanagement ,guaranteewor kersinproductionact ivitesintheofper sonalsecur it yandhealt h,preventandreducedproductionaccident ,guar anteenat ionalandinvest or sofassetsfr omloss,accor dingt oPeoplesRepubl

47、icofChinasaf et ymet hodandother aboutlegal, andr egulations, andpolicy,combinedopenmineof safetyworkfeat ures, specialversionsyst em, andpr ovides, asandnat ionalsuper iorprovidesphaseconf lictbysuper iorpr ovidesimplementation.Thesecondsystem,ar equirementhatappliest oallopencast pr oductionunit sandauxilar yunit s.Ar ticleproduction, isever yonesr esponsibilt y,paragr aphs, sect ionsandt hestaff ,shouldbeint heir respect ivej obs,implementationoft he“safetyfir st,pr event


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